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3rd May - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $40.15844 Afghanistan
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03/05/2015 14:15
Could you please tell us, When is bank wire transfer gonna be available? I really want to fund my account.
Traffic Value: $109.1754 France
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03/05/2015 14:15
hi, my wife created an account on paidverts like me but on paidverts ' term of service it's says that there could only be one account per household, she earned money by doing task offers and survey; can she transfer her cash balance to MTV and stop paidverts or not ?
Traffic Value: $894.23418 India
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03/05/2015 14:16
@Brucybabe --

I read in this Forum about some hacker who played games and enjoyed himself in the casino with the BAPs which were available in the hacked account. So, consider your 97k plus BAPs as a possible target from hackers. Even the shares were sold!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/05/2015 14:16
Install 2FA and you will NOT be hacked
I can´t stress this enough... to protect your account, INSTALL 2FA
Traffic Value: $83.6905 Cyprus
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03/05/2015 14:33
I am sorry but this  A "selfie" to confirm the ID card with - currently just a selfie is required, but later users will also have to hold a printed PV/MTV card shown on the selfie
Is actually pretty stupid.My ID was generated when I was 14 years old and had long hair and now I'm 17.How can he prove that its him then?
Traffic Value: $107.51787 Germany
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03/05/2015 14:33
@ sanjeevsandh:
You are right - I will get a "Two Factor Authentication Token" soon.
But I am just a very small fish in the ocean of PV wink
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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03/05/2015 15:14
Hey Druth8x,

"Big Problem. I don't have any bills. The only one I could scrounge up is my Car Insurance. Would that work?"

Inquiring mind wants to know how you do that in the USA... Are you living in a cave with a car parked next to a tree ? you must be living very close to the library to be able to use the computer alot LOL
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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03/05/2015 15:20

It's not so much that the person in the photo is recognizable, but that the ID in question is in the possession of the person submitting the selfie. Why this is being required is that hacked/stolen IDs can never be verified by this method as they only exist as numbers. 

Sure someone who looks close to you could steal your ID and hold it up next to their face and it would probably pass. But what are the chances of that? The hacking going on here seems to centrally located and being carried out remotely. For that this type of security is great. Plus think of the multi account users that could be forced to verify dozens of accounts. The burden is now on them to provide unique identities for each account, and if they can't it's immediate TOS violation and accounts are suspended. It's gonna be great!
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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03/05/2015 15:20
reading about selfie with id card this is what comes to my mind (and I think such measure is overkill):
Traffic Value: $14,436.60075 Turkey
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03/05/2015 15:24
Unfortunately the banks in the USA want to know all of this information when attempting to do a wire transfer. I am not sure if its the same in other countries.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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03/05/2015 15:30
non of my banks and forex brokers wanted selfie with id card grin
Traffic Value: $1,474.89742 Malaysia
0 like this post 1 people
03/05/2015 15:58
STP does.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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03/05/2015 16:04
I had to do it for PayPal a couple weeks ago. Along with 3 Paystubs, utility bill, and front/back of license.
Traffic Value: $39.03419 Algeria
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03/05/2015 16:55
good evening to all

sorry ... !

but are all these changes and updates are
obligatory or optional ?

Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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03/05/2015 17:00
read what slosumo wrote, and it will all be clear smile
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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03/05/2015 17:06
Its not mandatory,you do it only if you want.
Traffic Value: $11,069.20771 Germany
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03/05/2015 17:55
Could someone explain how is that possible?

03-05-2015 17:46:53 Tur3k sold 3,729 shares to Tur3k generating $0.00 in monetization revenues!
Traffic Value: $11,069.20771 Germany
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03/05/2015 18:05
Thanks. It was a manually changing by admin
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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03/05/2015 19:23

The selfie is a measure meant to help ensure that someone cannot pretend to be you simply by sending in a photo of your id, which I am not sure (other than family) how they would get, but is obviously possible. We submit our id's to people all the time.

I am actually happy. MTV is finally moving from being some dot com domain to an actual company. Validating all it's users as 'REAL' will make the company a lot more respectable to the World, as a whole.
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
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03/05/2015 19:34
That's true, and we already had enough members that got hacked, it's time to end this, one way or the other.
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