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3rd May - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $39.03419 Algeria
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03/05/2015 20:03
really great steps & very good, only we hope to improve the ads value in PV $$$!

Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/05/2015 20:03
Its fun that people 'demand' that PV/MTV take more measures against hacking and when they want to boost safety people will come and cry that they have to provide id confirmation - aside from never bothering to install 2FA.....

Sooooo MTV/PV have to protect your account but you don´t have to do anything about it - just watch
Very convenient.

I just wish people would stop complaining about something that is not even compulsory right now and thanked the efforts that are being made to protect them and their money.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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03/05/2015 20:10
Just watermark your documents and they can never be used by others. Problem solved!
Traffic Value: $990.82825 India
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03/05/2015 20:16
wow, so much for user protection. i thought only evil people run business., maybe they haven't turned evil yet.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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03/05/2015 20:16
Yeah, but won't the ink run? tongue wink
Traffic Value: $378.81928 Ukraine
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03/05/2015 21:26
Admin Today I noticed the mistake when I threw on my account $ 260 , they did not come to me until now !!! . Solve this problem please !!
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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03/05/2015 22:49
Gizmo, I live with others, bills etc are in their names.
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
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03/05/2015 23:28
Well, I did "watermark" my passport nicely just a while ago... spilled a whole bottle of water in my bag ermm
Traffic Value: $202.90588 Bangladesh
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04/05/2015 00:07
dear admin or senior member now a day i getting some problem when add-fund from the perfect money account  now if i add fund and and not add fund to my paidverts balance instantly  and need to trike then few munits or few days dollar add to balance. so dear how to add fund directly from the perfect money?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/05/2015 00:42
Can You please explain a bit more, I need to know so I know if I should continue to buy Max Bulk Ads Daily/ sell my FTQ that will not mature June 9th, even sell shares to continue buying Max Bulk Ads.

Going from 360K to 720K takes us at least 24 days, so we will have about a week of 1 more higher Group then if limits for Bulk Ads are big enough, I may have been able to get a better share price for my Bulk Ad Purchases, or for BAP Market. If they aren't high enough, I will be so far behind if I had chosen not to buy in the meantime.

Decisions Decisions. Speculation About Share Price is one thing. Post June 9th should have at least a general idea of what's what, b/c of this 24+ day lag.

That said, buying Bulk Ads, does help the site oevrall and pump up ad issues. So, when in doubt, I guess it would be better to continue.

" slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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29/04/2015 07:00
We'll see how things will be. But likely they won't be removed completely, as it seems to better have some sort of limits for a wider growth and better control."
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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04/05/2015 03:19
so time has come to declare by admin what limits will b lifted axactly on 9 june so that members manage accordinglygrin
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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04/05/2015 03:27
there is no hope for bap market as members already in scarcity of bap then who will sell so dont expect to purchase bap by ur sharesshocked
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/05/2015 03:32
I'll sell my BAP, if I can sell it very expensively...I think.

And, If I were a game player I'd sell my BAP, even closer to Ad Pack Rate, b/c I'm in it for the games, so the ad issues are too small and too much work...hehe.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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04/05/2015 03:51
yes i know how u good in share market recently 3-4k loss ha ha hagrin
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/05/2015 03:58
I would have gained if Marc didn't stop, right then.

I really thought he was going to push it to 3.5c or more and keep it under 4c...he didn't, he was still begging for help when I did it.

Oh well lesson learned.

I also lost like 5000 (more than that if I also sold at 9c/bought at 6c, sold at 7.9c, bought at 4c) potential b/c of share market rising first hours of swap, not dropping.

Another few thousand not knowing just how BitCoin worked due to all the fees/volatile price.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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04/05/2015 04:03
so u r overall in profit thats nice keep it upgrin
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/05/2015 04:18
My Total outside money is $1000 (before fees etc, that counts)...and yes, if I were to sell my BAP/Shares/FTQ and cashout, I'd be well into Profit.

As far as since Monday...or whatever day it was that I avg sold all my shares for 3.92c, no I'm still at a loss of about 3000 shares.

But, I'll take the hit and move on. There are plenty more day trading opportunities.
I had already decided that I was going to be a bit more "reckless" anyways, to try and get all that potential.  I just need to be a bit more careful that selling at 3.92, when he was having trouble and the price was hard to knock down, for example. It's also very doubtful I will be 0 shares again. That was too reckless, most times.
Traffic Value: $66.17558 South Africa
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04/05/2015 04:25
Why the hell is revenue suddenly so slow? The FTQ is not even crawling along. Before swap longest period to mature was like 90 somethin days. Now over 100 and rapidly stretchin.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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04/05/2015 04:28
do you even know what it takes for a FTQ to mature?
The FTQs are paid via site results.... meaning, the more the site earns, the faster they are paid. 
Now, we have limited ad packs a day plus limited amounts of investing on the FTQs... how would more money enter the system? Only the games aren´t limited at this moment.
So obviously less money gets in the system.. and the times get longer.
By june 9th some of the limitations will be lifted - not all, it seems - and we should see an increase in earnings and therefore smaller estimated revenue times.
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