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SUPER effective PaidVerts splash page

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/05/2014 08:56
Yesterday I was testing out some advertisement on one of the biggest PTCs, Probux. I bought 10000 5 second views
and first sent the viewers to

The result: 8 referrals

Pretty much what you'd expect from such cheap spammy traffic. So while the homepage as a ref link does not work that bad, I also wanted to do the same by creating a splash page and try that one out on the same campaign.

I created and used the following splash:

As you can see it's pretty simple and thought it should capture a PTCers glance in a few seconds. So I expected it to do at least a bit better than the paidverts home page.

But when I started the campaign, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My inbox was flooded with referral notifications, and at the end I have received a total of 56 referrals from the same campaign I had also used on the home page link!

Conversion rate with the splash - 7x times of what the home page converted!

That's under 200 spammy 5 second views/referral! From info I gathered on forum, people usually consider 1000 5sec views/ref a great success when advertising on PTCs.

I'm telling you, if you are advertising PV on PTCs try this splash out, I'm confident it should 3-5x fold your conversion rates!

I wasn't putting that much attention when creating the splash, but looking at it now it really does contain the elements it has to, such as:
- "Forces" the clicker to stop in the first second
- Points out the huge earning potential of PV, and how it is bigger than on any other PTCs
- Adds credibility to the website as being MTV's subsidiary
- and finally, what most PTCers want, some payment proofs

You can download the splash image here:

You can create and host a splash like this on many websites, I used emoneyspace and had absolutely no downtime, even though the 10k clicks were delivered in less than 2 hours.

Simply put the image in a link with your ref link to paidverts.

Try it out, I'm sure you'll be happy with the results!
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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04/05/2014 09:06
Thanks a lot for sharing this Slosumo, lets see if I can get also some refs from another PTC.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/05/2014 09:57
You're welcome smile

Some relevant info from these refs so far:
40 are active and have viewed all of their activation ads so far. Some of them have already clicked
on Paid ads, but yesterday was a day with little ads so I hope that didn't discourage many. Hoping for a decent ad day today.

In either case, if it's PTCers you're referring make sure to send them some basic info about PV ASAP after the register. Then earnings tips on the next day etc. Let them know they won't get their ads instantly.

Personally, I'll be sending them emails every time bulk ads are sent out for the next few days in case they don't check themselves.

 @dan let me know what results you get. I'm currently out of advertising $$ so can't retest this on other PTCs as well
Traffic Value: $13,962.16825 Australia
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04/05/2014 10:23
Don't forget the .05 cents upgrade for recycled ads. Even I forgot about that one...!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
0 like this post 1 people
04/05/2014 10:24
I'll chase the programmers up about the micro ads button; that's long overdue.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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04/05/2014 10:24
Hi Slosumo, can you also send me those tips?
Like 40% of my refs are inactive. Those how are active, I think around 70% clicked the activation ads but didn't view an paid ad.
I also send a pdf file to them that has a tutorial made by me and a detailed explanation, but still they don’t get it how it works, I think.
I am also out of cash, only have 2$ to advertise which will give 500 views.
Did you put a filter to the country?. Because if I don't put it, 80-90% of the views are watched by Russian and Ukrainians.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/05/2014 10:37
Nope I didn't put any filter. In a way the 'eastern folks' perhaps don't understand as much, but I think they're usually the most avid clickers tongue

I can send you the mails I am usually sending out if you wish. Send me a PM on MMG with your email.

Right now ads were distributed so I'll send them a mail about this, see how it works.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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04/05/2014 11:19
I still didn't reach the 25 post limit to be able to send you a PM,

I'll leave it right here. My email is

Thaks a lot slosumo
Traffic Value: $161.87766 United States
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04/05/2014 14:22
Thank you for the image and you can add it to a free blogger blog but just put in click here to your affiliate website.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
04/05/2014 14:39
That is very generous of you but now that you have shared it with everyone, the results might drop a bit. On the positive side, PV referral rates should boom even higher so we will all benefit anyway. You have done a great TEAM move even if your own results will suffer a bit. Maybe Jo will buy the page from you in order to compensate you for your great gift to PV affiliates angel

Thanks again for this gift wink
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/05/2014 18:26
Sent you the mail dan wink

@dguy The first thing I did was send Jo a ticket - of course I gave it a try to cash in on this when I was hyped about the results :p
I suggested him a PV/MTV hosted splash for every user(like with banners) but he made a good point about why that might not be that good - If every splash our leads would see looks like then the splash looks like company made and you don't want that from a splash - it should be unique, personal.

Then a few other reasons I could think of:
- With splashes hosted on different sites(such as emoney space) you have one huge benefit, of NOT wasting any PV's server resources! Say I put the splash on NeoBux with a fixed ad, and received 200-400k views in a day. That could cause huge connectivity problems. But with some other site hosting, you don't have this problem - only the people really interested(who click) will go to PV
- My splash says Free members earn(without can) 0.25$/day. While this is true if you do it right (viewing activation ads, pro recycle upgrade), if PaidVerts hosted the splashes and "claimed" that then you can have a problem with unhappy users who wouldn't know, or have the patience of a few days to get to those kind of earnings
- And the payment proofs on the splash would lose their value, because they wouldn't be as "personal"

If I had a big enough advertising budget to keep using this splash all the time alone I probably wouldn't be posting this topic yet :p But I don't, so where's the point in keeping it to myself? The bigger PV grows, the stronger it will get and the more we all will be earning, including me.

Plus I can't imagine following, and taking care of all the thousand refs I'd be getting all on my own grin

Even if 100s of us use this, I doubt it should hinder it's results much. Sure after a month or so of repeated use we could see a drop in results, but there's millions of PTCers and probably only a few of us buying advertising there. And if they do drop, then I'll try to adapt and make a new one!

Just test it out, share your results an I'll be happy to have helped. Of course you can always promote my link with your ad campaigns if you'll be getting too good results with it tongue
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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04/05/2014 18:29
Love the splash page.

I'm posting it up on our facebook page tomorrow evening.

Thank you Slosumo.

You're helping to get the viewers. Now we need someone to look for a few advertisers.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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04/05/2014 19:47
I see more than one person promoting this splash page on facebook; let's see if it works!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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05/05/2014 10:21
Another MTV user has had great results using this one as well, 45 refs out of 10000 clicks!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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05/05/2014 15:36
.My results aren't superman type like you guys are getting but they are still pretty good. 4 referrals on 1700 page views. That is well above what I usually get for PTC signups but I haven't done a very large sample
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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05/05/2014 15:51
Glad you find it useful!

What website did you advertise on though?
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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05/05/2014 21:38
So far only on you get profits because I have a ton of ad credits there. The ad seems to work well with the PV 125 banners that link to the splash page but I'm also using paid to click ads
Traffic Value: $5,649.9588 Philippines
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05/05/2014 23:48
Hi guys,

just a few days ago I created my own splash page as well as I do with all of my programs,
have advertised it for testing at my own PTC only and thus far got 5 refs in 3 days smile

You can see the splash page here: PV Splash
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
1 like this post 0 people
07/05/2014 08:21
profitshare, petty epic banner. 

The lights will definately create a mood. 
Traffic Value: $5,649.9588 Philippines
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07/05/2014 08:28
Ok, Referral count update:
Since posting the splash page on 5 major TE's,
had 12 refs thus far, I am more than happy with that considering server changeover!
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