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SUPER effective PaidVerts splash page

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Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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27/08/2014 08:54
Could be that somebody who advertises paidverts themselfs reported your campaign ans the support had a bad day so they just accepted the report.
Otherwise it could be some people complaining about not getting their payout or support after just 2-3 days of waiting and when they get it they dont respond saying they got it.
I would be happy if i got some free advertising on a huge site tongue.

Btw. after advertising on different sites who offer a little advertising credit on sign up (took me 1 hour to sign up for pretty much all sites i could find) i got 3 refs and i think some campaigns are still running
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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27/08/2014 09:12
I actually wouldn't be surprised if they stopped allowing PaidVerts to be advertised on their sites. Some refs of mine tried to buy NeoBux 1 day fixed ad a while ago and it was refused for "inappropriate content" or something like that. They're starting to see we're becoming competition. A lot of people have promoted on ProBux/ClixSense so they're definitely trying to keep their member base. Also, ProBux's apparently gone scam. I've heard it from several people that they don't pay any significant sums anymore.

Just stick to advertising on small and new PTCs. They won't decline you plus it's usually better conversion.
Traffic Value: $153.2372 Italy
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27/08/2014 09:17
Gosh slosumo! 

You could work for PV
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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27/08/2014 09:24
Probux IS a SCAM. I never invested there but i have just read the forum and i realized that many people are complaining. So what i did... I just copied within every topic my paidverts ref link and... I got 5 new referals! And they are active and even bought adpacks!
Finally, yeah... Paidverts is becoming BIG and KNOWN!
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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27/08/2014 09:40
LOL, if any is scam is clixsense because with their earning a PTC user won't cashout they will abandon the site, i tested that a long time ago and all i see is a BAD site and never looked back...

and ProBux is doing some internal work if you can read and we will see 28 aug what happens, best is being a free user in other places...
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
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27/08/2014 11:46
I dont have probux but have had a few successful campaigns on neobux ... however I put that Paidverts was the best PTC and they edited out "the best".
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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27/08/2014 11:50
Wonder if NeoBux will attack PaidVerts same as they did to Probux.. Hmmm, i guess they scared of site (PV) that dosent use bots as referrals and actually pays big money to all users whit out scaming anyone wink
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/08/2014 13:56
I advertise PV in ClixSense ALL THE TIME and never got suspended... always have at least 1 campaign with PV on. Maybe the place where you hosted your splash is the problem.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/08/2014 13:58
@slosumo I think we should have our own showdown in here... I created a splash page for PV in portuguese and it is quite alluring, I wish I could show you all.... I am kinda proud of it grin
Traffic Value: $399.08836 United States
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27/08/2014 14:00
The funny thing is, I KNOW THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF THAT SPLASH SCREEN, next time create your own splash screen... seriously, stealing someone elses splash screen...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/08/2014 14:02
@kingkong9812 I hope you are not referring to mine, which I just mentioned
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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27/08/2014 14:05
@kingkong9812 I dont know who you reffer to but you look at it totally the wrong way, the way i see it even if you use someone else splash page he wont lose much and by using it and if it's good PV just got 50 new active members, so you should really look at it more positive and by that i mean what's good for PV and not what is only good for you.
Traffic Value: $399.08836 United States
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27/08/2014 14:10
@Catt No im talking about the OP's post, his spash image is stolen from another user on another forum i go to. The Original image maker made a PV post on another forum and had that image, he made that image and about 5 other PAID aka someone paid to have this image to be made for them, i can even find the exact post where he made them for people on that other forum and it is the exact same image, all this guy did was add another papyal deposit on his image.. like wtf
Traffic Value: $4,587.78003 Serbia
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28/08/2014 14:49
I am hosting my splash page at AIOP. Does anybody has some experiences with it?
By the way, thanks to evrybody who participaded.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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28/08/2014 15:00
@kingkong9812 I am the original creator of that splash. I've shared it  with tons of people and tons of my refs are using it. If you're referring to the background image that is just one of E-moneyspace's background options, but the whole splash image is my own creation and probably others have copied it(with which I have no problem at all).

Could you refer me to the forum where this "original creator" has posted and at what time? just check at the dates and you'll know your answer. who's the original creator.
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
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28/08/2014 22:13
@Slosumo, your page is the best luck I have when I advertise. I try a few different pages, but yours always returns me the most active members. I also use it on emoneyspace page. 

I wouldnt have half the referrals without it. 
Traffic Value: $81.72943 Macedonia
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29/08/2014 03:43
Thanks for this. I will use it, and i will tell you what result i will have with this.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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29/08/2014 05:18
You're welcome, glad it's helping you all out smile But frankly it's outdated and I have a few ideas to make it better. I said I'd make a new one a while ago and it's now overdue. But just so many things keep sneaking up on me... Perhaps finally this/next week I'll catch up and be able to make some adjustments.
Traffic Value: $5,796.79644 Canada
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29/08/2014 20:24
Thank you for sharing this awesome splash page. It's worked wonders with me. it got me an amount of referrals in a day that i would normally get in a week! one thing though, e-moneyspace is not accepting new members now, so I have the splash set up on another host, although there are ads and it is kind of slow. I always buy 3 sec ads in PTCs and my splash takes about 4 or more seconds to load.
anyway, glad to hear that you're going to update it soon.
thanks again.
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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29/08/2014 20:42
I have had good results with this splashpagewink also mainly on neobux
and I would try the new splashpage without problem, I currently have $ 10 for an ad campaign on neobux ,

otherwise I've never had a problem for announced PV on neobux / probux / fusebux but for probux I made my campaign there are more than 60 days, it can be changed in the meantime

if probux falls, it will have a positive effect on PV i think , maybe some members Probux will see the potential of PV
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