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SUPER effective PaidVerts splash page

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Traffic Value: $13,962.16825 Australia
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07/05/2014 11:20
I did a quick youtube video and share it on Google+

Instant 3 refs. Please share:
Traffic Value: $66.56325 Spain
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07/05/2014 16:51
Thanks so much for sharing your splash page. I just put in a couple of ptc sites and got referrals. What a team player...kudos !
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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07/05/2014 17:04
Glad to help out smile I'll be making a few more tests in the following days and maybe I come up with an even better version.

Either way this one seems to still be converting like a charm. A 12$ ad grid I bought for 1 month, is getting me 3-7 refs/day on its own!
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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07/05/2014 17:20

I just put your video on our Facebook page. 
Traffic Value: $23,403.51 Portugal
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08/05/2014 19:45
Thanks slosumo!

Many THANKS to you.

I used your splash page and the result was:

440 new ref.

It was amazing! I'm in 2º in Top Referrers!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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08/05/2014 23:18
Glad to see it worked out so great for you smile Hope they are active and bring you tons of commissions smile

I am aiming for the #2 spot though in a few days tongue

Would you be willing to at least share how many views/credits you bought to receive this many, perhaps on even which site you advertised on?
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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09/05/2014 00:13
When some of my 250FTP investments will cycle, I'll try this awesome splashpage.

Thank you for sharing slosumo grin
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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09/05/2014 06:34
Glad to see it's encouraging people to promote PV smile Let's get that daily new users number to a steady 1k+/day! Would you believe that the age old, crappy PTC, Neobux is still getting 8000 users/day ?? Everyone should spend at least a few bucks on advertising at random PTCs and we can easily beat those numbers !
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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09/05/2014 12:42
Yeah rui99, where and how many ads have you bought?
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/05/2014 13:15

But if he tells you that then he will lose his advertising advantage,
and it is obviously working very well for him.

He found advertising - converting goldmine.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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09/05/2014 13:20
I dont want to spend money on advertising for referrals, I have my own way, which is working quit good, so I stick to that. Just curious!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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09/05/2014 13:51
Would be good to at least know the amount of ads bought as I'm also trying to keep an eye on it's effectiveness overall smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/05/2014 13:55 - from Alexa, it seems Probux and Neobux are the two biggest sources of traffic overall.

* Perhaps smaller PTC's are the place to try with small ad campaigns; as if people are willing to try something new (beyond the big maintstream PTC's) ; that might be the market you're after.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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09/05/2014 17:08
So I got 45 referrals using this splash.
I'm trying to stimulate them to remain active/buy ad packs.
But it's very hard to convince people that are used to click ads for 1/10th of a penny to seriously invest money into a ptc.
So imo my referrals aren't really valuable as they've made me 8 cents in a week :p
But still I feel the urge to try it again as I really enjoyed all the sign-ups.
It's pretty exciting to see a load of emails saying "You've got a new referral!"
And then quickly send them a welcome email and basic instructions.
And you just always hope to find that one user that makes you $100s of dollars(Like my upline found me haha)

I suggest you guys try it out if you got like $100 spare cash.
It's fun!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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09/05/2014 17:16
I'm not expecting the refs that come from PTCs to invest anything more than a few bucks. My goal is to convince and show them that they can earn much more here than on any other PTC, even for free! If I can make them click on most ads, then compound once they earn at least 1$ then I'll be very happy with them. And when they'll get to the point where they have 10-20k BAP and realize they're making much more than on other PTCs I think that many of them will start "pouring" in a few bucks they've made on other PTCs.

Even if they give up because they don't understand PV, then I think many of them might come back later when they realize that PV's reputation is growing, and they'll still be under my ref link. So I'm taking this as a long term opportunity.

I doubt you can get any serious investors from advertising on PTCs. PErhaps, if lucky grin
Traffic Value: $23,403.51 Portugal
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09/05/2014 22:47
I bought ads in Neobux.

One fixed Ad for  one day!
Traffic Value: $114,601.66988 Spain
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10/05/2014 00:17
Neobux is crap...only ref bot and memberships that are worthless. Just because you recover the investment, I leave that webshit years ago
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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11/05/2014 12:27
Yeh I was thinking about buying an ad at Neobux too, but then realized 1 day ad is 100$(not 60$) so will probably pass it. Still, hope you've got some avid clickers with it!

I'm testing out some smaller PTCs now, see how that goes.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/05/2014 09:05
Not so happy with the results of advertising at random smaller PTCs so far. I'm not sure if the redirect is repelling some or if the splash needs to be changed a bit. But I've mostly bought long-exposure campaigns, so while I'm getting a bit worse view/signup ratio, I am getting more views for my $$.

I've got another trick to test in the next few weeks to get active referrals and encourage them to buy ad packs. I'm not revealing this one yet, but will in a few weeks if it works tongue
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/05/2014 09:49
Maybe a splash page focusing on playing our free games, to win real money might do something...

1) View 5 activation ads, to get 500 BAP for free.
2) Win 100,000 BAP or more, in our games!
3) Receive $50+ worth of paid ads ASAP.
* And with 100,000+ BAP, you'll receive ads of $0.25-$0.50 or so very frequently.
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