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SUPER effective PaidVerts splash page

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/05/2014 09:56
Yeh that's a neat idea! Might give it a try later today. Just wish some sort of referral tracking would be on PaidVerts so you could tell what sort of advertising is working and which is not.

Any ETA on that Jo perhaps? I know there's tons of other bits to finish first, but askign nonetheless smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/05/2014 10:06
It shouldn't be long; its got high priority and right at the top of the ToDo list for the programmers. In fact, its already assigned to Paul.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/05/2014 10:15
Sounds awesome! That will surely help us at least double the effectiveness of our advertising.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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14/05/2014 14:35
Now that we have ref tracking I'm starting to track my results more closely.

First observation:
The splash on ProBux doesn't seem to work that good anymore. "Only" received 37 refs/10k views, compared to 56 refs the first time I used it. So I'm switching now to other PTCs. is getting pretty decent result with the 20$ 7 days fixed ad, which is about 30% on sale right now. The Third day has passed, with an average of and it's had ~16k views so far, meaning that per dollar I'm getting about 1.8k views, compared to Probux's 770views/1$.

Although my first conversion at Probux was 180views/ref compared to the current ~ 400views/ref at Scarletclixks, I'm getting 4.5refs/1$ compared to Probux's  4.3refs/1$ (today's 10k result was 2.8ref/1$) . So I'd definitely suggest using the Scarletclix 7 day fixed ad for 20$ as it should get you 50-80 refs.

Worthy of mention is also Lynkar, where 1$ AdGRid for 7 days is netting about 200-300 views/day. Buy 5 of these and you could be looking at 10-20 refs in 7 days for 5$. A decent bargain. It's 1day fixed ad for 4$ got me about 6k hits, which is pretty much the same compared to AdGrid.

Good results also from 88bux, where 4.99$ Adgrid for 30 days should be netting at least 20k views. So I definitely suggest this one. I'll be buying a few more ad grid spots here as it's super cheap!

I'm testing a few more as we speak, some are bringing results, others not. The ref tracking on PV helps a lot, problems is that you pretty much need to create a separate splash for tracking each PTC.

Anyway, some PTCs I don't suggest advertising at:
Clixten - fixed ad for 5$, only netted about 4k views
Ptcsolution - fixed ad 3$/days, looking like it will bring less than 3k views

Finally also starting to test new PTCs, with 10-40k members. They might be effective, but I only suggest buying credits, not fixed ads as they have low traffic. A 5k view campaign can last for weeks on these, but if you buy them on tens of such sites it could be pretty effective.

If anyone has any other results, please share them!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/05/2014 15:29
You might want to try banner advertising. PTCsolution has always been pretty good for banner advertising for different offers. i'm not sure which PV banner works best but i have been going with the black one.

Another place to find good PTC sites to advertise on is over at Adhitz. They also do separate tracking so you can trust the page view numbers
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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14/05/2014 15:53
Was also thinking about banners but usually I didn't have good results with them. You having any decent results with PV?

I think banners are more useful for creating brand awareness, which in it's own is awesome, but as an individual who's aim is to get referrals and commissions I'm not sure it pays back for itself. But I might try it anyway, I'm seeing tons of cheap offers at PTCs.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/05/2014 17:00
I'm getting referrals but they aren't very active.

As for banners, they can bring great results as long as they don't just show to in house members. If the site promotes them on outside pages were anyone can see them and not just members, then they can be quite effective. If they are only showing to the same group of members, even if there are thousands, then your click through rate will steadily decline.

If you can get the right slogan or sales pitch, banners can be very effective both as a first stage qualifying filter and also as a way to reach large audiences relatively cheaply

Both banners and text links are underrated IMO
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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14/05/2014 17:36
We'll send out a mass email to try and re-activate dormant users in the next few days; once we sort out the ad view bugs & get the micro ads button back in business.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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14/05/2014 18:16
Maybe it would be nice to do a onetime extra for those members, by sending out 10 activation ads for everyone on that specific day of you sending that mass email. So they have a nice incentive to check Paidverts again! One day after, the activation ads are just back to 5 a day..
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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14/05/2014 19:26
I'm trying to avoid putting any additional strain on the programmers... they've got more than enough to do.

But that's an idea for later perhaps. Run promotional days and what not.

But for now; i'm just trying to invest a bit of energy doing simple things to push people to help move this business forwards... As we're very close to being able to massively scale this business; bringing on board all sorts of people to really focus on various areas (support, marketing, communication, programming, development, management etc)

Just need to fire the right catalyst to spark the unlimited dev funding; and this business gets enourmous.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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16/05/2014 00:37
Does anyone know an easy blog website where you can use HTML codes? Or is it even possible to adjust the emoneyspace link with HTML codes?
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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18/05/2014 01:35
Here's an introduction video for you all to use.

You can embed on your own website. the code is listed under the video on youtube.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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19/05/2014 11:26
Still awesome results with this splash - an average of 298views/ref the past week.
And 38% of them have clicked at least on a few paid ads. And the micro ads button seems to be helping out quite a bit, as the refs from the last few days are much more active in clicking as they can get some ads now immediately after joining.

I'm just letting the current ad campaigns finish, and I'll start new ones once the activation ads get reduce to reflect that in a new splash, and focus on convincing people with some money to join, rather than free users.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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19/05/2014 12:45
The activation ad reduction only has minimal impact on NEW users. It's still 20cents per day; rather than 25... It's just that that setup doesn't last forever anymore.

But that shouldn't be a huge issue...
New users come, they get to grips with the program, see how it works; learn that more BAP = higher value ads. Then they'll chase that. And that's when the activation ads will reduce; highlighting the other options.

So this might be good for promoters; as it should result in more commissions on ad pack purchases. Rather than free loaders giving you 5% commission on micro-clicks.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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20/06/2014 17:41

Updated the splash with NEWER payment proofs and earning potential.

You can get the image here:

Anyone still using this - what are the results?

I've had my last ad campaigns run out 1 week ago and it was STILL getting me a ref every 250-300 views, amazing!
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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20/06/2014 19:17
I started a few campaigns with some different sources I will see how it works out. 

I used your image Slosumo but I did use different background.
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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20/06/2014 20:02
I used it too, thank you. angel
I made more of them (I mean as a host) to see where the refs are coming from.

117 referrals, 61 currently active

I'm content how refs are coming in, considering I don't have much money to advertise.
Maybe I should sell some of my shares. I still have to think about this... of them:
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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20/06/2014 20:08
Glad to know it's helping you guys out. I'll be starting a huge campaign in a few weeks too probably and will try to think of a new, clearer and more effective splash. I think this one is losing effectiveness, especially on ProBux as it was mentioned as an example here and I think a lot of people used it there lol.

I think I'll restrain myself from giving further example/advice on what PTCs to promote on in the future, as I think it's bringing all of us worse results in the long term. Better keep that up to the individual to decide/experiment on. Not to mention I'll try to make a few variations of the splash so it looks like more people are promoting PV.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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27/06/2014 16:47
Just wanted to share a bit of statistics on how worth the promotion was for me on PTC sites as my last significant advertisements ended on 1st June. I have spent a total of 134.9$ for these advertisements. I have gained about 480 referrals (which is ~ 0.28$spent/ref) out of which about 140 are still active(that is 30% sustained activity, clicking every day). I have earned a total of ~80$ in commissions in these 55days, with a total profit of 72$ if I subtract the RCBs I offer.

So in 55 days I have recovered 53% of my advertising costs and am noticing an increased commissions as the BAP compounding is starting to take effect and several of these refs are starting to slowly add a buck or two every while of fresh funds.

To conclude:
I am satisfied with the outcome and expect to have all advertising costs returned by the end of July. That means that it takes around 2-3 months to recover advertising costs and expect the referral commissions to compound even further with passing months! But it's not just that I'm getting my budget back, these referrals have also added a significant advertising value to paidverts, as they have viewed a total of  ~90000 ads between them(That is at least 100-300$ traffic value based on the average cost/view) ! Not to mention that some have also referred some members to PV, which adds additional value to it.

Another, somewhat strange benefit for me, is that these referrals are hardly responding to my emails, which helps reduce my workload and pretty much 90% of the commissions I receive are pure profit for me despite offer the return of 100% on bigger purchases and 50% lifetime commissions. So in a way, these are "perfect" refs haha!

Also, if I were keeping more contact with my refs the pat 4 weeks I'm sure the numbers would be even more impressive ( not to mention if PayPal was working as it should would definitely also help).

So despite original doubts and experimenting with this, I think that advertising on PTCs has HUGE value and potential ROI over a period of 3+ months. Thereby I can safely suggest to everyone that advertising on PTCs is worth it if you're willing to put some work into it and wait a couple of months. I can't wait to prepare for a huge campaign towards the end of the month, I might even come up with a good co-op idea with another member so we can all chip in and help explode PaidVerts!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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07/08/2014 09:46
@slosumo I read your entire topic and will start using the splash page as recommended... since I am relatively new and still learning, could you give me some advice as to the best PTC sites to put the page in right now? I don´t have a lot of budget to advertise, so I gotta make a smart decision there!
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