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SUPER effective PaidVerts splash page

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Traffic Value: $84.14216 Poland
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29/08/2014 23:07
Yeah, i used the same splash as did slosumo:

Great splash, conversion rate is higher than with other stuff.

I used my campaign on ADHitProfits:

Result? 4 ref , i hope they will be active tho, if anyone want to use my ref link to AHP, there it is:

cheers. slo.
Traffic Value: $127.10928 Morocco
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09/09/2014 22:03
Hi slosumo,

Thanks for providing such a great splash page. Though it's outdated, I can confirm that it still bring results at least for me.

Long story short, I downloaded your splash image, cropped your payment proofs out of that image and use my own payment proofs instead (outside of it), and added a little effect to it. Then based on the edited image, I created a new splash on EasyHits4U. You can take a look at my PAIDVERTS splash page version here:

Few days ago, I run an ad campaign using Rotate4All service and ordered a 3 days ad campaign for $12.99. As for the results: I got 11 referrals, 8 of them are active.

I've created a blog about this titled "Promoting PAIDVERTS - Case Study #1". in case someone's interested in more details and stats wink

Thanks once again @slosumo, waiting for your new PAIDVERTS splash v2 grin


Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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09/09/2014 22:54
I made this one:

If anyone wants to use it--just delete my ugly mug and have at it!

It's been working pretty good--

Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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09/09/2014 23:36
I made one in portuguese... it´s been a good result in brazilian ptc so far
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
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09/09/2014 23:55
thats really nice catt, I dont understand portugese but I like your page
Traffic Value: $127.10928 Morocco
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10/09/2014 01:00
Yup, nice one @Catt .. the green theme really blends well.
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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10/09/2014 01:56
I just made for you a Splash Page. I hope it can help many of you and i hope you like it.

Click here to View it.

Click here to Download it.

If someone wants the Page translated, please write down your Translated text and i will change it ASAP.
Traffic Value: $127.10928 Morocco
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10/09/2014 02:10
Great nice looking one, @Mentysis. I loved it and downloaded it right away, hehe. Thanks so much!

Let's see it in action ... am gonna run a new ad campaign for it. Any ideas for great places to advertise? Hopefully the ones that charge reasonable prices and great results :wink:

Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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10/09/2014 02:21

I am sorry but i do not know. I usually do not do advertising. I just created this page to help you all. 

ps: if you want me to add something to it let me know and let me know how it goes!

You are welcome!
Traffic Value: $120.62272 Costa Rica
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10/09/2014 02:38
Someone had try neobux? I want to public my splash in neobux i wait for capture any refer tongue
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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10/09/2014 02:41
Neobux has too many pv ads
and txs to the ones who liked my page ^^
Traffic Value: $127.10928 Morocco
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10/09/2014 02:49
@Mentysis, never mind it ... your splash image alone is already a great contribution for us all. At the moment, I'm going to stick with your original image and see how it goes. Will share the results as soon as my next ad campaign's expired.

@Aldae, reading few pages back I believe there are some members who've tried promoting PV on Neo. Me, for some reasons never tried it yet though.

Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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10/09/2014 08:45
Hey Mentysis!
Thanks for your splash! I just implemented it, and we'll see.
I'm just advertising on a small PTC site, which is therefore really cheap and I get few hundred visits per day.

I think it is very important to change the splash regularly, anybody gets known to the ads and won't give attention anymore smile
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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10/09/2014 12:26
You are welcome, please let me know how it goes smile
Traffic Value: $1,735.89358 Philippines
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11/09/2014 12:36
nooo! new registrations are disabled at emoneyspace right now. btw how much does it cost to have a page like that on emoneyspace? 

also mentysis, i can't seem to view/download the page you made.

Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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11/09/2014 12:53
Check "Marketing Materials" Topic
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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22/09/2014 15:49
My internet was down in the morning so I finally took a few hours and got started on the new splash pages. I think I'm really onto something as it's a "new concept" and have some great ideas for the future, but that will take time&money; to setup & program as I'll have to host it. So that's a long way down if I ever get to it, but I should get a few new splash pages done this week if my net goes hopefully again lol. 

Anyway, I'll get to testing in October and if it all goes well I just might provide you all with the splashes and all the follow up material/strategy I'm planning to use with it sometime mid-end October. But I'm not sure yet, as these new splashes might revolve around my special offers for refs, however I might have an idea of making them work even without the personalized stuff.

I'll keep you updated once I get things done, but unfortunately no previews yet as I first want to dominate the markets for a week or two on my own before sharing the cake with you guys :p
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 13:14
Alright I'm done with the first part of testing some splashes. First thing - with ProBux gone I'm having a hard time of finding a reliable "test PTC" for 10k credits or so. With Probux's active membership that was great for testing ( a bit expensive but it gave good results) and now I can't seem to find a site that yields comparable results with 10k credits. ClixSense is crap, I knew that already but still went ahead and wasted some $$ for tests on it.

On all the sites I tested my splashes on the conversion rate was horrible compared to a few months ago. Probably this is because a lot of PTCers have already joined PV, or that these new splashes are crap compared to the old one. For this reason I will be making a few more tests with a replica of the old splash and a minorly updated/hopefully improved version of it. Just have to decide on what PTC I'll do the test on.

Yesterday I bought 3x 1day fixed ads for 7$ on LegacyClix, and the delivery was awful(3k views each), for the amount of members they have. Seems like TimTech is just about selling their brand these days at non-deserved prices and has little quality left. So don't buy fixed ads at them wink

In a way it's money down the drain as credits are way more expensive compared to grid/fixed ads/packs advertising, but it's the only way to test the splashes in the same conditions. But I have to pick one or two that perform the best before I start buying extended advertisements in bulk.

Anyway here are the splashes I tested so far(average signups only 1/1000 views, but like I said it seems that a lot of members already joined PV or that the test sites are just crap):
This is the "new concept" I mentioned - a splash at the top with all the basic/hookup info and what you usually don't see in a typical splash - info to backup the above claims/PV model. Idea being that anyone interested can just scroll down and find the info a PTC usually seeks - payment proofs, what's different about the PTC, is it a scam/who owns it etc. This one performed the best on the first test. Due to tons of info on this splash I might try making a targeted test(which usually didn't bring any better results) for it, where I'll send it to only English speaking countries.
This is mentysis' splash page and it came slightly behind my splash
This one is a simplified version that performed about 50% worse than the other two. It's not good for PTCs, but might work better on Traffic Exchanges.

I have one or two other concepts that could work (one mainly focused at TrafficExchange members, the other would probably work best on safe lists/advertising networks), but with emoneyspace limiting new signups I can't make as many concurrent tests as I'd like to. 

Anyway I'll keep digging when I can and hopefully I'll have some decent results to show in 1-2weeks time. But it certainly seems to be harder/more expensive to get refs now than it was a few months ago!
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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12/10/2014 13:31
good job I like your splashpage there is lots of info inside 
after it is true that PV is now more and more popular found downlines is more complicated
but in a few weeks I'll probably do another promotional campaigns  on neobux (the PTC or I had a better result)
we'll see
Traffic Value: $1,779.68609 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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12/10/2014 13:49
I have different approach, i dont advertise nothing directly...just chatting with people on facebook, online chats etc....and in that way i ''get'' few people with which i'm in contact further on, i gain their trust, they invest and earn...i earn too and we're all happy wink
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