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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
3 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 08:58
There is way too many dumb people in here. The price would maybe hit the floor again but this company is worth more than 500 dollars and who will sell their shares at that price when they know the company is worth more. 

Just one dividend and you have 10 times the money used to buy your shares. How will be stupid enough to sell that low if we have dividend every week or even just one times a month. And if no one wants to sell at that price no one can buy and therefor the price will raise.

Read about supply and demand people, you may get smarter on how our would works!  
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
10 like this post 8 people
25/11/2015 09:04

"And I gave it all out to try to help MTV survive."

If you want to help MTV to survive just deposit 30k and buy all RPs all the way to $0.10. That'll be enough for gaming volume and ad issues pick up and put the business working. Not with words or selling RPs. You're just helping yourself. Everybody sees that.

Without limit users will undercut themselves all the way to the minimum. Volume may go up x10 but the amount in $ took for dev funds or daily results will be the same. Maybe a little increase in the beginning as people will want to buy at lower price but then people wont deposit more.
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
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25/11/2015 09:16
Axiantor: 30k LOL

maybe you should stop dreaming befor you give advise, that's where we are standing:

RPs on $0.01: 17,917,778 (-229,842)   ($181,476.21(-$2,298.42)
RPs to  $0.10: 24,466,396 (+308,493)  ($538,785.79) (+$26,325.97)

that's just a little bit more than 30k don't you think so?

and by the way you are always talking about people who invested and vote yes want out. That's not true I invested more than 2 years of living expenses in MTV could you say the same?
I don't want out but we need the comissions from a free market why don't you get that? If we don't get some earnings soon a BAP swap will be next, but that's what you also want right?
Traffic Value: $27.19508 Philippines
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25/11/2015 09:24
" Faber Est Quisque Fortunae Suae "
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
2 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 09:41
mio2815: I cannot understand what does the price of RPs Brainy would buy with those 30k has to do with his attitude?

And also i never talked about you LOL But check my cashouts and check yours ermm You are over 20% of your deposits and i'm lower than 1%. I guess you're the smart guy now.

As far as fees concerned just do your math. Those fees worth nothing. Maybe in the beginning it will go to $50 tops but then it will just go back to $5-$10 a day.
Traffic Value: $10,957.9443 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 09:42
Remove limit to earn trading fee and save MTV from the situation now, haha no surprised after the management ruined everything of MTV and pv, next target will be crash the rp. Without limitation and pv's purchasing, the buyers soon become sellers, undercutters rule the market, money are drying by cash out, the rp stick and dead again. the price drops to the bottom
Traffic Value: $3,060.93782 Spain
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25/11/2015 09:44
79,73% yes, so the limit don't removed right now
Traffic Value: $16,217.70026 Hong Kong
5 like this post 5 people
25/11/2015 09:46

before FTQ swap =  lost time but can earn money
after FTQ swap  =  lost time and lost 90% money($0.01)
future Remove the $0.01 limit = lost time and lost 99% money($0.001)

Don't say after remove limit , price will rise in future.

PS: We can see the PV market still have many trade every day in $0.01
     Now We just need time. not need to remove the limit. 
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
2 like this post 4 people
25/11/2015 09:59
Axinator: I was talking about this:

I think the picture is clear. 

The ones that vote yes, are whales and daytraders and their mindless followers. They don't want to invest more, just got more money from users and cashout/quit with all they can.

Isn't that what you wrote????

And about my cashouts I always make cashouts before I decide to invest again, just to be sure there is a chance to get my money back.

And about beeing smart, no, looks I'm not if else I wouldn't have invested another 7k when Marc became CEO.

On the commissions of Sharemarket they have been around $300 befor this stupid limit was raised.
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
6 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 10:01
Well, as several users mentioned already.. Why not, instead of removing the $0.01, to just allow buyers to put their most desirable dream of buy bids below $0.01? So people who wants to sell their RPs below the $0.01 current limit will just accept (their acceptable selling price) those buy bids? 

A solution to both voters for "like" and "disagree" (I did not vote)... The limit at $0.01 do not have to be removed, but the buy bidders will be allowed to put their desired buy bids below $0.01 (you know like portfolio once did by bidding at $0.009)... and the sellers will just accept the buy bids at the acceptable selling price they are willing to sell their RPs. 

Also, what Paidverts really need is paypal back. Paypal still has the power to increase ad purchases in Paidverts. Whether anyone likes it or not, more users use paypal as their most preferred online payment processor, especially in a PTC site (although hybrid) like Paidverts. 

(I admit, I would like to buy more ads - the ones without BAPs - in Paidverts, but because I only have outside funds in paypal, I cannot do it. Exchanging paypal to bitcoin includes very high fees... so I just buy ads at other sites that have paypal...)

Will removing the BAP Market get paypal back? Or maybe, it is more complicated than that... 
Traffic Value: $10,957.9443 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 10:05
The big guys are somewhat active now,and they knew the price is going to much lower than they sold before. It's the second round to quick earn and out again, and they should appreciate to the people who supported them
Traffic Value: $9,606.72522 Portugal
4 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 10:13

Sorry to disappoint your dream but, if nobody invest in FTQ there's no dividend!!!!

Did you received dividends the last 3 week's??? ahh yea nobody did....

@Axiantor and most of you

Stop accusing Brainy of killing MTV, if you had invested a huge amount of money and you knew that money is not safe anymore, wouldn't you cashout???

You're saying you cashout 1% of deposits, ofc you did because like Brainy said, Jo manipulated people mind, he created a huge vision on MTV fooling everyone around (you, me and everyone).

Those that believed him are full of RP's worth nothing, those that opened their eyes are in huge profit.

I remember when Jo was around to see an INVESTMENT ON FTQ OF 100K$ (25% cut to RP holders=25k$ enough for 1 week dividends)  . Who was that guy??? Yea that one that you're all blaming of killing MTV, Brainy.
Brainy just started to cashout when JO started to give up on his dreams, whale trading, saying negative stuff about MTV and much more. That's when Brainy and Mike started to cashout, cause they lost that "vision" that Jo had back then.

Blaming 1 single member for MTV failure is being a selfish **** (no need to edit) and you're looking for someone to point fingers...

My 2 cents
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 10:17
Let me correct your sentence:

"On the commissions of Sharemarket they have been around $300 before this stupid price of 1 cent".

As soon was at the bottom the number of buyers decreased. And as soon as it reach the new minimum it will decrease again.
Traffic Value: $844.91851 Romania
9 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 10:18
The only people who are voting for no are the ones scared that their shares will devalue to the ground, but clearly they can't see the bigger picture. Some of them bought shares hoping they never go under 1c some of them got them from the swap, but that limit being vanished would be the best thing for them, why? Because, as mio said in another post some time ago, in order to recover your loss if you got swapped you would need a rate of 0.1$/share. Let's say you had 100$ in ftq which got swapped for 1000RPs. Now you would either need to wait until the market it's 0.1$/RP again (some won't even live long enough to see that) or do some smart trading. If that limit is vanished and the price drops to let's say 0.001$/RP and you invest another 100$ you get 100.000RPs so now you would have 101.000RPs for 200$ and you would need a price of 0.00198$ per share in order to break even. See the difference?

Before you needed the price to go up 10x, now you would need to go up less than 2x in order to break even. But some people are simply too blind to see that or they want to leave as soon as they got their money back, but trust me that 0.1$ won't be reached too soon. So instead of whining all day about this limit being vanished, vote yes, prepare to invest some money again (this way you help the company and yourself) and let's get the things going.
Traffic Value: $10,957.9443 Malaysia
1 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 10:22
I can predict that remove the limitation the price will drop to 0.001-0.003 immediately if there's a new limit at 0.001. the buyers will buy lower than 0.003 and will block the price going above 0.003, they will constantly repeat this trading and cash out the profit
Traffic Value: $844.91851 Romania
2 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 10:28
And more exactly how would that hurt you or the company? If you do what I've said you get your loses back (considering you have loses) or make a profit, and the company gets fees over fees. At some point there won't be people selling at 0.001$ or nobody will buy at 0.003$ so this would have to stop and the market will take its direction as it always did before this stupid limit.
Traffic Value: $7.87393 Sierra Leone
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25/11/2015 10:41
I've missed this kind of interaction in the forum. I wish the forum would stay open to everyone. MTV forum has always been a place for me to come and just spend time, it's that exciting! Which is why I'm voting "yes", lift the limit of $0.01 if that's what it takes to get the business going again and put more life into the forum again. Dearly wished this would continue! So exciting! Never saw @Brainy so mad before! smile
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
3 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 10:47
Axiantor: without a bottom limit there will always be movement in a market at least as long as the company is not closed. Some will try to raise, some to lower the price but there will be movement (commissions earned).

CristiU: thanks and you are right, but some won't get it ever. And if they can't find an argument they get personal.

I'm done with this discussion, good luck to all of us.
Traffic Value: $770.93652 Ukraine
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25/11/2015 10:49
Hello, Mark!
I have a question to you. 
Now the number of users which made their vote is approximately 850-900. Even if during next two days this number will rise to 4-5 thousands it will be only 2-3% of all active MTV members. Do you think it is enough to make so serious decision as rejecting the Market limitations? In my opinion at least 50-60% of users must make their vote for that.
Maybe it will be fine to place an announcement on each user home page (like you did with new FTQ plan and referral contest)?
Waiting for your answer and sorry if my English is not very good.
Traffic Value: $2,077.7771 Bangladesh
5 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 10:54
You all have the perfect right to press "Like" or "Dislike" option... in this vote...

I want to ask those investors who are choosing "Dislike" button - Can you give 5 reasons for your choice...

I can mention more than 10 benefits of removing RP limit...

You may agree or not it is unquestionable that big investors like Brainy, Oetek, Eduadoart has significant contributions here and there are so many investors who are holding majority amount of shares... If they wait months after months to turn there shares into cash do you think they will invest Thousands of dollars here...
There are some simple calculations that you need to understand... Don't press "No " blindly...

For example if we 100 investors invest $100/person... That is $10000, but Brainy has the capacity to invest $50000 alone.... I am not underestimating anyone...

Few months ago I deposited $200 to trade RP and to take some profits from here... But now I have no interest in RP Market place.... Neither the company is gaining anything nor a single cent for us....

So who want to wait 1 year to sell 1000 RPs, the deduction of daily revenue,, Abstraining others to invest in RP Market place overall the development of PV/MTV then feel free to press "No" - decision is yours....
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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