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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
11 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 11:05
For example if we 100 investors invest $100/person... That is $10000, but Brainy has the capacity to invest $50000 alone.... I am not underestimating anyone... 

Brainy won't invest a penny... 
Also, whatever they set the minimum value at, shares will hit rock bottom... 
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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25/11/2015 11:09
Either way,my thought is we could clear the queue much faster with the lower price.
Traffic Value: $1,973.06526 Cyprus
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25/11/2015 11:18
Removing the limit doesn't mean we must let the RP price get down to zero. Of course there should be some limits put in the market maybe as a fixed low price or as a percentage (let's say the price can't go up or down more than 10% a day) or as a daily volume ( no selling of more than a given RP volume per day or per person). These are ways to stabilize and regulate the market and at the same time allowing traders and everyone else make some profit and keep the market moving. The total absolute character of the regulations implemented killed the market. Imagine what would happen to any stock exchange market in the world if someone told traders there that they cannot cancel a buy order or a sell order for 24 hrs once put. I don't think it's ever been done but I think it would mean panic and instant stall of everything. Markets must in their very essence be volatile.Otherwise they die. Of course they get manipulated by big fishes to some extent, of course they are affected by false or innacurate news and the general trend, of course people can lose money but no one said they are risk free. If you don't take the time of understanding how they work and don't want to do it then keep your money to a saving account and don't bother yourself with all that stuff. That being sent I believe the only viable solution right now is to vote yes and also remove the 24hr rule once and for all. After that Marc and the whole team can search for the right formula to regulate the market and let it self adjust in the near future.
Traffic Value: $10,957.9443 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 11:18
Frankly, remove limit isn't going to help MTV revenue but make big losses to shareholders. The problem isn't about the price. I wouldn't invest into MTV because I know the price will never rise again and only at the bottom, millions of sellers are waiting to undercut at whatever price and no one can stop them, some people who voted yes are just because they can't sell at 0.01 now, they just want someone clear the roadblocks to let them leave here.
Traffic Value: $2,077.7771 Bangladesh
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25/11/2015 11:22

Why should  he invest,,, to wait for years for the return of his investment.... Introduce such a flexible platform  where he can be sure that his $50000 is secure and can be returned within a minimal period of time...

If u are in place of Brainy you would say the same... If u don't want to sell below $0.01 than don't but those who want   Let them...
It must be a free market where demand and supply will determine the price you better know about equilibrium price....
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
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25/11/2015 11:22
percentage calculator
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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25/11/2015 11:31
A few months ago all of us took part in screaming ``market manipulation`` ...

All of us made suggestions to do ``this or that`` to stop/restrain it ...

All of us ``made`` this 0.01. was OK then...but it`s not anymore? So now we believe there won`t be any more manipulation? Yeah right...

No limit or removing limit can change people`s minds...and that is the real problem here.
People`s perception changed with time and is no more oriented in the best interest of this company.
Too many have lost too much and too many think they are yet too lose ... so whatever the price is ATM or will be.... many will try to flee...and we`ll get the same selling queue as we have now, only the numbers will maybe be different.
Traffic Value: $182,371.42148 Macedonia
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25/11/2015 11:42
I'm sure somebody mentioned it (too much to read these days). Most of the people think if the market is open the shares would fall to 0.001 or 0.0001. Than why don't do a reverse share split? 500000000 shares would become 50000000 or 5000000. Less shares in circulation, less manipulation in the market and a lot of other less. We can leave the market without a floor. When I think for a second time maybe it will be without an effect. I'm not sure. Somebody else already thinking in this direction? Would it have more positive or negative effect for MTV?
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
6 like this post 24 people
25/11/2015 11:46

RPs need to be a minimum of $0.10, so those who lost out on investments during debt swap can simply break even.

If removal of limit is granted, PV/MTV will only suffer... Investors will go elsewhere (in fact they probably already are), and you'll be left with members simply exchanging RPs for less than peanuts!! Of course, with no investors you have no new money coming in... PV/MTV will be DEAD in months!!! I would not even put $1 more in PV/MTV if the limit is removed, and if the RPs haven't reached $0.10 in the next 6 months, I'll cut my losses and leave PV/MTV and invest my withdrawals in sites where I am currently getting returns of 10% or more in a few weeks. PV/MTV needs to complete with this, removal of the limit will take PV/MTV even further away from their competition.

I trust if the RP limit is removed, you will lower withdrawal limits too, so that these members can withdraw the microcents they'll be earning!!  Did you even think of that!!

The only solution is INCREASE the RP limit to $0.10 - that will definitely get PV/MTV back on track, investors will stay and then it simply needs all members to understand the basics of making money rather than losing it through low priced RP trading. Anything other than this... be ready for the end of PV/MTV!!  (and it will be the fault of the members asking for limit removal, their brain-dead way of looking for a fast fix will destroy the future of PV/MTV).
Traffic Value: $1,732.99833 Sri Lanka
7 like this post 6 people
25/11/2015 11:47
I voted No..

Market value of the company depends on the company perception of the individual. IMO.

RPs going down to lets say $0.001 (Which is possible) will mean that MTV's Value will go down to $500,000. We have spent much more than that for coding this website and its revenue streams.

People just want to make a quick buck, and I dont see any help this can bring in MTV in the long run..

I think its quite safe to state that whatever the products we have made in MTV including PV is crap.. Otherwise we wouldn't be in this scenario now would we. I hope the Admin realizes this and move on to building real products and services utilizing the resources we have.. Although hopes are high for the PM and Bitcoin Casino, The end product looks nothing I was excited about. There is nothing in that site that makes it different to other Casinos.

I hope they take enough time and develop some real products, that is easy to sell that will bring a continuous stream of income in the future.

If the limits are lifted and the value goes down, I hope real investors will pitch and buy those RPs and stop them going to traders and short term profiteers..
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
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25/11/2015 11:54
@arj84 - just one problem, the real investors have either already left or will see the removal of the limit as their reason to go. You'll only be left with the 'fast buck muppets' exchanging RPs for next to nothing, hoping one day they'll have enough to cash out!!
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
5 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 12:05
I didn't say anything about the limit, you were the one mentioning brainy's investing capacity. I honestly couldn't care less where the limit is, MTV is somewhere on the bottom of my priority list right now. I am just pointing out that whatever 90% of the people say here, it's biased to what works best for them, not for the benefit of the company or whatever. If you think Brainy is telling it's better to drop the limit because he cares for you to buy cheap shares... well, good for you, keep that attitude. Eventually it doesn't matter what the limit is, $0.01 or $0.0000000001, share price will grow over $0.01 when the company proves it's value. And daytraders, we've seen them burned many times when people trusted the company and refused to sell lower.
Whatever they set the minimum price at, it will move mostly +- a point, and people will not all of a sudden become holders just because they managed to get their RPs at a bargain, or will it be a bargain? Is buying something without any worth for a cheap price a bargain? As RPs are hardly worth anything right now. The minimum price will not change anything. Overall, I guess you should be happy you have the chance to sell your RPs for an overvalued price... one day..
Traffic Value: $1,212.78032 Egypt
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25/11/2015 12:07
Why do you make Swap, and made people lose their money, do you think this way will compensate people for their loss , Price will not be up to 0.10, not even after months , I know that my words this will not admire a lot of people here because they did not lose very much like the rest of the other people who have lost their money and lose more and more .
Traffic Value: $298.31433 Estonia
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25/11/2015 12:11
almost 21% of no votes, so far looks good wink (also voted no)
Traffic Value: $6.4857 Switzerland
5 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 12:13
Marc, marc ! Put the limit at 1000$/RP and we will become rich ! 
And who is going to buy all these shares, nobody... It is too expensive, right ?
It is the same thing with the 0,01 limit. It is way too much ! This business is nothing worth at the moment... Look at the results, you will see why ! The only way to save this is to vote yes.

Another question, isn't a democraty 50%+1 ?? So why is Marc asking 80% of the votes ? Why don't ask 99,99999%... It will not pass... We are at 79-21... Congratulation you have destroyed forever MTV...
Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
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25/11/2015 12:17
Are you kidding MJWpro?

Listen, I know that some or most of FTQ and balances were swapped, ok. 0.1$, it's high and in short period of time it won't reach that level, especially if the company will earn little money and not grow bigger and stronger.

Only hope for you swapped people is to wait for good price and the way to reach it is to let the company grow and improve. With 0.01 limit is is stuck and will not go any higher. Do you expect people to spend hundreds of thousands dollars to climb up to 0.1$ per RP? I don't think this will ever happen.

Of course, Marc could set the limit on 0.1, 0.15 or even 1$ for RP but who would buy them? Answer me this one question - who is going to buy them?

Wait until they will be worth 0.1 and I think one day they will be.

For now - invest and try to get the most out of the company's potential. 
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
1 like this post 7 people
25/11/2015 12:21
Just wondering when Brainy will rename himself to Brainless? Can't believe he actually agrees with losing money for thousands of investors!!

He has quickly gone from someone I trusted with their PTC advice to a nobody in the industry.
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
2 like this post 4 people
25/11/2015 12:23
No Bartosh16 - I am not kidding, I came here to make money, not lose it!!!

It is members destroying PV/MTV - it only needs one brain cell to post your RPs for sell at $0.10.. those who don't are ruining the chance for everyone else. The debt swap was done to solve the problem, no sooner done the muppets started selling at $0.01 again!!
Traffic Value: $844.91851 Romania
6 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 12:24
@MJWPro so every member who voted yes is an idiot just because you had your money swapped and now you will get 1% ROI? Great logic, do you even have an idea about how this business is ran, at least how it should be? As a crowdfunded project the crowd should have a word to say, and this poll is already unfair, in democracy 50% of the votes + 1 is enough to make a change, not 80%.
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
9 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 12:24
Just wondering when Brainy will rename himself to Brainless? Can't believe he actually agrees with losing money for thousands of investors!!

Why should he care about you? He is seeing an opportunity to make something best for himself, and he is doing it. 
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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