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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $20,936.72553 Poland
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25/11/2015 12:24
There are no good options here. Both leaving the limit as is, or removing it are wrong in current situation.

The greatest pro for removing the limit is that people who really want to leave right now will leave with less money = less cashouts = better for company.

After the limit is removed, price will fluctuate at around 5-10% of the new bottom for quite some time, and daytraders will keep it there untill everyone wanting to leave will cashout every penny.
But it was like that after all swaps, and I was here for every single one of them, and I'm still here.

So, despite I bought lots of shares for $0.01, I think we should vote yes.
It won't make revenues as all are saying and it won't make the market magically move either, but it's better in the long run.
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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25/11/2015 12:25
I can't believe that, the majority means 50%+1 votes. Wtf is that 80% or 99%. If you really don't want to remove it you should simply don't need to do this stupid thing with votes of 80% to be done. Mark since you are leading people say '' we want this'' and you say '' we do what is good for all'' but this bussiness is at its bottom of all time....... Why we are here if we don't count on our opinion, only to invest and again invest money, you do a swap and we invest again. The question is one simple: YOU CARE OF NOT ABOUT US???
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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25/11/2015 12:28
if limit will not be removed, we should have another voting. this time for new limit of 10$. all should accept it, since all will be very (hypothetical) rich. but noone will be able to sell a single share.
thay people will realise why is 1c limit still to high.

i understand that we lost 1/10 of our money with swap, and if limit will be removed we could yet again lose 1/10 of our money. and that scare people. but if limit is not removed mtv will have hard time to survive, and what good is than for you to have higher limit, mtv will be gone?
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
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25/11/2015 12:29
Yes votes * 100 / Sum of yes and no votes = %

Am I right?
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
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25/11/2015 12:29
CristiU - and your logic please?

I run a successful business...  success does not come in investing 100% to get 1% ROI, you need profit, not loss!
Traffic Value: $844.91851 Romania
4 like this post 4 people
25/11/2015 12:38
I'm done posting here, there are members like you who simply can't help it. My logic is that people have their reason for voting yes, and they don't give a damn about your ROI as long as they are in profit as in this business everyone wants to make profit for HIMSELF. I don't care about what a success business you run if you want to make profit go to page 13 of this topic and read my comment instead of whining how everyone is an idiot because you will lose money if they vote yes, what a cruel world, we should all be voting no so you can keep those 10%ROI forever. Good luck with that!
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
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25/11/2015 12:38
Hey DAngel1991, I don't care about Brainy/Brainless at all, but it is supposed to be a trusted source of info within the PTC industry and advising people to lose money is something he should not be doing.

Where is the logic in investing even just $1 to get a $0.01 (or less) ROI? No-one in there right mind would do this, yet thousands of PV/MTV members are suffering because some (who probably haven't invested) keep RP prices down on a constant basis.

PV/MTV needs investors to survive - those who can't understand that can simply stay here at withdraw their peanut amounts every couple of years or so.

If you agree with this then thank you, if you don't then you know what I think of you!
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
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25/11/2015 12:40
CristiU You raise a good point...  these members don't give a damn about others, that is the core of the problem that is slowly destroying PV/MTV.
Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
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25/11/2015 12:54
MJWpro, come on.

If you leave now, of course, you will lose. If you wait patiently you CAN make money. What do you think I'm waiting for?
I put in some money and haven't cashed out not a single dollar! Why? Cause I wait.
And I'm calculating the risk that i will lose everything I invested. It's not much but it's money.

Every admin keeps saying that if you came here to make 1000% ROI in two weeks - leave.
If you are long term player - wait.

If you want to leave - wait for limit to be removed. 
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
0 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 13:01
Instead of quarrelling over the RP's limit... Remove the BAP Market.
Paidverts must provide more ADVERTISING products.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
17 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 13:03
I vote YES (Like) to remove!

Let the market be free. Let day traders play with it. Who has the long term vision, will keep RP`s (or buy more cheaper). If you don`t want to lose money, simply don`t sell for such low values.

RP Market creates ZERO debt to MTV, and brings revenues with fees. Let it be free.

You can only lose if you sell low. So, don`t sell!
Traffic Value: $770.93652 Ukraine
2 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 13:04

I completely agree with you!
Traffic Value: $1,538.07362 Sri Lanka
2 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 13:04
Too much talking,
Summary is

1.who wants Bap swap-vote for no
2.others vote yes
removing the limit wl bring new investments,revenue..there are small chance to survive from death
now company value doesnt matter,now we want survive first,
last 5 days there are no daily ads,members started to ads take 1-2 to survive until???
note-Mark still not cleary confirm about bap swap matter.
Traffic Value: $4,069.99578 Germany
4 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 13:04
Right now MTV has these options:

1) Remove the share market limit

2) BAP swap

3) Wait for a miracle (the only one I can see is the paypal account being returned to us)

4) Run out of funds to pay site hosting, programmers, lawyers ------- 404 page not found

Pick your poison. This is my last post on this matter, reading this entire thread has officially given me a brain aneurysm.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
7 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 13:06
Let me make some of you a little smarter in marketplace trading...

You are afraid that if you sell your swap Rp, you will lose your money, right?
Let's say you have 1000 swap RP.
Let's say you sell them at $0.009.
You now have $9.00... BIG loss, right?
[ignoring fees for this example]
Now let's say you use that to buy 3000 RP at $0.003.
You now have 1000 swap RP plus 2000 more RP at $0.003.
You have lost nothing.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
15 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 13:09
I have changed my vote from NO to YES. I have been convinced.
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
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25/11/2015 13:14
I vote for removing the BAP Market. RP limit don't matter much... there will always be a bottom price, no matter how lower it goes. But removing the BAP Market, is a better option.
No more RPs for BAPs and vice versa, since BAPs are worth really nothing (imaginary value). 
Where else can you see a shares marketplace where you can exchange "shares" with "bonus points"?
Traffic Value: $386.99446 United Kingdom
4 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 13:22
Bartosh16 - The problem is 'waiting' when there are many sites out there giving great and quick returns, PV/MTV is already struggling to compete with this, and increasing the wait will only make things worse.

I earned good money from PV/MTV before, but now the high returning investments are gone, and the debt swap destroyed returns that many investors were hoping for, because immediately members started selling RPs at 1/10th of the investment value.

Go away from the Internet for a minute, and look at real life. Two banks offer 2% interest on savings, one is 2% a year, the other is 2% a month... where would you invest?

I like PV/MTV but I can't simply wait for it to get going again, and my money is working well elsewhere. The problem is many think the same as me, and if the 'elsewhere' keeps improving while PV/MTV trickles along, it won't be long before the 'many' will look back on PV/MTV as a bad memory and forget it all together.

Before the debt swap, I suggested a slow, steady increase to the minimum selling price of RPs that would have meant RP value would double in 10 months. The debt swap destroyed that idea, and immediately people needed an RP price of $0.10 just to break even.

If the minimum limit is removed, RPs will never reach $0.10 because some members will simply keep buying RPs at low price, and try to sell for slightly higher, while doing so others members will continue to lower the price. It is a catch 22 situation, no-one really wins.

I will not mention my other sites by name, but I have 10 sites I consider to be my best earners... one has earned me more in a month, than PV/MTV has earned me in the last year (or so). All of those 10 sites are returning more the PV/MTV as this time.

Of course, I am buying RPs at $0.01 or for low BAP price hoping the value will go up, but it needs to happen sooner rather than later. I decided 6 months is enough time to monitor the situation, if RPs are increasing then I'll consider staying, if they are still at $0.01 (or lower) then that will be it.

I agree with PV/MTV admin that everything was 'too good' at first and sustainability is an issue, so measures had to be put in place, but turning member's potential profit into mass losses is not the right way for sustainability either.

We need a solution for PV/MTV now... if not there will be no sustainability and that will be it.
Traffic Value: $1,779.68609 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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25/11/2015 13:24
Who cares about share limit? Get to the core of the problem. Give people reason to invest/buy shares Rolling around money from crowd, opening all sorts of gambling games, administrative corrections won't do any good. Years are passing by but we still don't see actual ''products'' which can accumulate earnings in both ways, to firm and crowd. Here's few ideas to bring this to life, what about implementing small jobs like on clickworker (optimize them to be available and solvable to most users), bring web/graphic design contests like on 99designs, something like that, and so on...there are tons of ways to get things forward.
Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
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25/11/2015 13:34

How many of these 10 sites had scammy admin, like us? How many were hit by Jo and pulled down?
Do not compare us to other sites, which had good ownership since very long time.

Let's get to your banks.
One bank offers you 2% in a month, and the other one struggles because it's former CEO was stealing as much as possible. You have some assets in the other one and you can get rid off them for no money or wait till it's worth something.

You stick to your thoughts: "I need a profit now". Now you won't, I'm sorry. Blame Jo.
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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