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Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $1,156.6562 Venezuela
14 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 03:55
I totally agree that the limit of 0.01 is deleted as this would make a purification of the company , many will sell and go and they do not need in this business , but many others remain so bringing new money to the business and people who really want to see the company prosper . It would be a good step for the recovery of the company.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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25/11/2015 04:04
I almost want to vote yes, just so in a few weeks all you ppl will see the low volume of trading and fees again. It seems childish, but "I told you so" is almost assuredly going to occur yet again when we find the buyers run out of money and the sellers still wanting to sell.

1c is CHEAP.
It just boggles my mind that many of you think this is too high.

A way out is a solid reason to allow for a lower bid, that way ppl feel safe they can get out somehow, if they feel the need.

But the answer does not lay in removing the limit.

I would really like Marc or Brainy or anyone who votes yes, as to what their take on leaving the limit, but allowing longer term users to make buy bids under.

How about, instead, we do a reverse share split. RP instantly "become" 10c, and now we still have that 1c floor, but ppl can sell right? It's not going to crash all the way to 1c again, right?
Traffic Value: $176.69082 Argentina
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25/11/2015 04:15
whats the difference between a reverse share split and removing the limit then? in one you get less cash in the other less RPs.
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 04:18
current yes = 80% , no=20% ..look like RP limit will be removed
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
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25/11/2015 04:30
voted and if a lot of reasons I see more positive than negative, the limit is a double-edged sword and gun depend any use that is given, other ideas and seen very good is to put more low tenders limit but especially so if we would have to consider it is that any changes can be reversible, and if for any reason removing the limit at some point things get worse, you can always rectify (rectify is wise), do not have to be something written in stone, as Marc said the company is something that no one has created before and even so no one knows exactly how it will work, it is best to be aware of the change and be in favor of change, and if something goes wrong change, and if it does not change till that works like Thomas Alva Edison failed 1,000 times before making the light worked, and as he said "were not so many failed attempts, was an invention of a thousand steps" if something like that again I miss him as a success because no copying and think the same way?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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25/11/2015 04:33
The stats prove that it is too high at the moment. Except for less than a half a dozen days around the swap and such, all the rest of the days combined for the last two months don't add up to the fees earned on the 12th. Prior to October 1st, we never have a one digit revenue and most were three digits with some four digits mixed in. Revenues requires bi-directional movement. Without it... it's just a souvenir stand selling collectables.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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25/11/2015 04:34
There is no difference. That's the point.
It's not the 1c limit nor the amount of RP....some would say the "Value of the Company".
It's the overall interest in the whole site/ability to cashout at anytime, even for a loss, that needs to change.

Which is a major factor in many ppl decisions to saying yes.

They feel that without a 1c limit which is too high, that ppl will be willing to invest throughout the site and buy at $0.001 even if they know that it could very well be $0.0005 when they get fed up with the huge roadblock of sells at $0.0006. Granted, I don't know the actual price, but fact is 1c is cheap. If we don't have the interest to buy 1c now, how will removing the limit get interest in buying 1c then? Remember, even if you don't daytrade, buying at $0.001 and selling at $0.01 is just too much profit not to sell. Which will lead to many to block the way up there, and even stronger this time.

For those of you who want let those who want to leave faster, I remind you of 2 things.
1. We should care about them. Who will buy RP in mass to keep the momentum going up above 1c. Many of them will be those who are safeguarding their assets now. The more they have, the more chance they leave happy enough and with enough money to help us.
2. Quite a few probably do not want to sell at much under 1c. Thus, they are more likely to keep the blockade going, just at various paths to 1c, starting at about what the buyers want to buy at, and then run out of cash.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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25/11/2015 04:39
Not sure when the last 'less than 1 cent' period was, but if it was prior to october 1st, we were making a lot more money than we are now.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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25/11/2015 04:48
Here's another salient point...
The site needs at least $3K in Dev Funds a day to operate.
That's easiest if we work to find ways to consistently push revenues over $3K a day, as people will be fine with investing in the FTQ if they see it is moving at a decent pace.

A open marketplace can help reach that goal with increased trading fees collected.
Traffic Value: $81.59236 United States
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25/11/2015 04:49
Awsome Debt swap now all are stuck at .01 per share this is called improvement, admino must increase the limit to .05 this will push the market to 1 $  instead of  again .01$ grintongue
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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25/11/2015 04:53
And, so was the whole site.

And, the increased fees/activity throughout the site just can't get even the min $20K in dev funds. Not with the state of the membership/site as they are now.

Not trying to being a debbie downer, but whatever we get won't last long enough to jumpstart the whole site.

We can't even convince many investors to get 30% in roughly 100 days ($500 daily avg/ $50K debt ahead).

How do we expect anyone to buy at $0.005 if they know it could be $0.0005?

We will probably get a nice amount of deposits, and then sitting and waiting to see what the low is. Daytraders will make pretend lows.

The fees we get from depositing/cashing out and even 3% at a 10mil turnover is not enough dev funds/add to the FTQ payments, to move the meter too much.

If we opened a window instead of the barn door, we can still solve most of the issues as well as we could if we did (ppl can't cashout, noone is depositing, FTQ isn't moving) w/o actually letting the wind take the door off it's hinges.
Traffic Value: $190.53735 India
5 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 05:00
Instead of removing the limit, you should allow to "place a buy bid".

Currently, we are able to "place a sell bid" but the minimum and maximum limit to "place to buy bid" is set in such a manner that no one is able to place a buy bid.

Please comment if that makes sense...
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
1 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 05:08

Not that I believe it will help as much as a reverse sharesplit,
but it is worth the experiment since everybody is so reluctant to have real reset
to zero -  the best remedy. 

The other remedy is people cutting the crap they want to believe.
You cannot turn a holy mackerel into a holy cow.
It is like trying to get water from a dry well.   

This site was hyip. Hyip is a game with debt.
PV is hybrid MTV is Hyip and they worked together as cycler. 
All cyclers  stall at a given moment and need a reset. 
The site goes either 404 or you can have a swap and play again, 
with an admin that pays if he can.
There is no other option in the menu.

The swap is your risk. If you want no swap, you want no risk.
You want HYIP risk free. You want HYIP without losers. 
You want money that grows on trees. 
Neither Jo could deliver that and Marc can't deliver that as well.  
It is not the name of the game. 

Just because the hyip elements are all disabled now, doesn't make the site legit or better,it just makes it dead. 
If you have accepted such a HYIP inheritance, you can only try to iron the flaws from the old system for the next round.  And that is it. 
It is not going to be something else in essence, just because one makes a magical wish.
If you want something else, you will need to build it. 
But since you haven't: 
This is as good as it gets. 
Use it or don't, but the last option is a lost cause. 
Even if people want to play: They can't, because you have no game running.   
Right now PV needs also  another reset. Just heaps of BAP sitting there waiting to slurp up every fresh invest, will not work. 
The FTQ needs to be like it was before  FTQ deposits
needs to be in the revenue again and the stupid FTQ buy and sell option  should be removed,
Like anything that can lead to another fast compounding disaster should be avoided.
The game needs to be fast enough, but not so fast it implodes like the last two swaps. 
So do the math, think about the cyclers again, and make rules accordingly, so it lasts at least 6 months with a fair money distribution,  before you have another swap. 
With a bit of luck and good math, you can make it to a year.   

If you don't, you go down for sure, because to get some game-addons running, while you have no maingame  is not exactly a solution to anything.  
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
3 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 05:15
For the record... I'm not thinking this site will ever go back to HYIP status, but it CAN become self sufficient, if we provide it with the Dev Funds it needs and the Time it needs to complete a few of the major components.

I believe this will, at least, provide fresh deposits, some revenues, and consequently, even some FTQ investments.
Traffic Value: $176.69082 Argentina
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25/11/2015 05:17
i agree, but i think that with the balance swap the demand of external cash to buy RPs at that price is too high to mantain this RP price flowing any time soon,  and few peoples investing, so market blocked, traders boring, less revenue, less money flowing, not short/medium term profit, people leaving.
the RP need to fall because was valued at a virtual fake price,not respladed by real money.
but the price cant fall forever if ppl want to make profit from market, and a market need price fluctuations.
i see more pros than contras.
and dont understand why some say less revenues from fees when price fall.
sometimes the market is boring, less revenues, and sometimes is volatile, more revenues and oportunities.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
0 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 05:20
I wouldn't mind seeing an HYIP product though. One that runs for 6 month stretches and then scraps and relaunches. As long as users know this is the rule, I don't think it would be too grievous of a product to users when it scraps for relaunch.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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25/11/2015 05:22
@ Micheal 

I don't care. Do what thou wilt and so on. smile 
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
3 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 05:27
I do agree, though, that the FTQ Marketplace was a disastrous idea.
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
0 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 06:08
A topic created by admin should be in red too.
Traffic Value: $615.09793 Saudi Arabia
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25/11/2015 06:37
I know there are many people here including me who are not 100% sure whether to vote yes or no.After reading many comments i have vote yes but iam still not sure and i really dont want mtv to die so can Marc or anyone very good at this stuff tell us all which one is the best option for mtv and for us
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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