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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $249.68549 South Africa
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25/11/2015 06:40
Nobody can tell you what will happen if the limit is removed, not even Marc. Everything you have seen here in this post is speculation. 

Some of them might end up being right, some wrong. The only way to know is to do it and see what happens. 
Traffic Value: $16,445.93893 India
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25/11/2015 07:16
YES  593
593÷740% = 80.13%

No   147
147÷740 = 19.87%
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
7 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 07:36
If the limit is lowered you lose nothing.

You only LOSE if you SELL your shares.

No difference, than when the market was .05 or even .15, you lose nothing, unless you sell.

If you do not want to LOSE, then do not SELL, simple.

Whether the price falls to .0001 doesn't matter, as you do not plan to sell now, so why would you sell at an even lower price.
Traffic Value: $770.93652 Ukraine
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25/11/2015 07:36
I think your calculation is incorrect:
Now Like -596 and disagree - 148


So Like - 75% (3/4 of all votes) and disagree - 25% (1/4 of all votes)

Or maybe my calculation is wrong?grin
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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25/11/2015 07:38
count the total votes then divide the yes vote by it


596+148=744 total votes

596/744=80.1 percent for yes

148/744=19.9 percent for no
Traffic Value: $51.05571 United States
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25/11/2015 07:46
Brainy is right!
For as long as limit is 0.01$ , there is no circulating of RP ,as you see it everything has stopped
Every seller decide for himself how cheaper should sell his RP.
So, voting for YES for''Remove the 0.01$ on the market''!
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
11 like this post 4 people
25/11/2015 07:48
Scenario After $0.01 Limit is Removed:

Lets assume the new "limit" is assigned as $0.001 by Marc since 80% votes were for Yes.

I am looking at this purely from a Buyers perspective, not a Seller or a Daytrader: As a Buyer I deposit fresh $10 to buy RPs, and the price is around $0.005, so I can buy 2000 RPs at that price. But then I wonder what if the price goes even lower to say $0.001, then I can buy 10000 RPs!! Wow!
... So, I hope and pray that the price keeps going lower to the absolute bottom. OK, after a few days the price has reached the "lowest limit" of $0.001, so I buy the 10000 RPs. Yay!
... Now I want to profit from these RPs, and after a bit of calculations I put a sell bid of $0.002, this way I can "double" my amount (as MichaelKline likes to put it!). But then someone undercuts me and puts a price of $0.0019, and then someone undercuts that guy and puts a price of $0.0018, this goes on and on for a few weeks till all that's left is the "stagnant" price of $0.001.

After a few weeks of the price being stuck at $0.001, someone like Brainy comes and says "Do you guys really think this Company's worth is $500k !!" ..."Just look at the hundreds of pages selling at $0.001. This is an artificial "low limit" and the market should be "FREE", so remove the lower limit and make it $0.0001 !!"

The cycle then repeats and again after a few weeks the price will get stuck on the "lower limit" whatever it is! .... By June 2016 the Total worth of 500 Million RPs becomes $500, and then everyone realises "Oh! so this is the true actual worth of this company! Ughhh!" sick
Traffic Value: $770.93652 Ukraine
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25/11/2015 07:50
peanutdude and Dildar Singh
Yes, now I understand you are right and my calculation was wrong. But this is bad news for me because I voted "Disagree" cwy.
Traffic Value: $51.05571 United States
0 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 08:02
It won't be happened because the price won't go as lower as you thing because nobody is a stupid to
Sell his RP 0.001 meanwhile has bought them for 0.02 because it will be very devastating for him.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 08:03
I haven't voted yet and probably won't because I don't care either way. What shares I have I probably won't sell though I might buy some if the price hits its floor again. I predicted that would happen last time and it will drop low again. I don't know if it will hit the floor but the traders will value the net worth of the company lower for sure.

That said, here are two things you should think about.

Daytraders make their money from taking advantage of others. There is no magic money coming from anywhere, they are the bigger share holders who are smashing their tanks through your windows and taking your things. If that is what you want then viva democracy.

Point two is this:

Everyone thought the French Revolution was a good idea at the time too grin

Have fun!
Traffic Value: $770.93652 Ukraine
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25/11/2015 08:06
Removing $0.01 limit will not save the situation. The RP market will rise up when Paidverts will be working fine because many users use money earned on PV to buy RPs. So first of all we must to develop PV as quickly as possible. More investments to PV means more RPs bought on the market and more-less quickly disappearing of "roadblocks". That's my opinion.
Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
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25/11/2015 08:07
So limit on BAP of 30 will be removed as well i assume?
Traffic Value: $10,957.9443 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 08:08
Everyone know the rp price will never rise again, remove the limit just forcing more royal shareholder become undercutter, the people who still holding shares long term after removing limit is a idiot, ten of millions shares flooding the market again and the daytrader and undercutter will cash out their profits from shares immediately, no one gonna care about what the bottom price will be, no one gonna rise the price, they just trade and cashout
Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
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25/11/2015 08:16
I just hope there will be an announcement about this change if it happens.. BEFORE it happens.   Not the hour after it was put in place like we seem to usually get haha
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 08:20
@Tony125s yes BAP limit will be removed too

cheap Rp will attract more people to buy but need money from outside..right now most of member don't have money in their im predict, the price will go down...and PV or Portfolio your job to buy back cheap share for future purposes.
Traffic Value: $223.51592 Slovenia
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25/11/2015 08:24
Unfortunately it is hopeless situation - eitherway..everythink is going down! "God help us all"! mad
Traffic Value: $51.05571 United States
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25/11/2015 08:34
 You will never know if rp will rise or not probaly it will be 0.025 again if limit is removed because a true market trades will never sell in a low price sow if limit wont be removed everything Will be frozen but if there is no limit everything will circulate and ''THE TRUE TRADER WILL REMAIN TO ADVANCE THE SHAREHOLDER'' only them.
Traffic Value: $27.19508 Philippines
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25/11/2015 08:39
" The Big money is not in the buying and the selling, but in the waiting " 
                                                                                                 - Charlie Munger
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 08:42
@Hirenbhai what u said is totally true...we will go to the lowest limit again...if more selling than buying...same situation as 0.01...actually no different if we remove or not...the price will go down for sure....unless all member here stand together..remove their lists...but who want buy RP for higher price.... the only way to increase RP is by removing unknown adding RP during Jo era..he adding 120M RP with nowhere source during last swap on April...if u aware of it...that why total RP is 500M...before is 380M...120M Rp is no value
Traffic Value: $51.05571 United States
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25/11/2015 08:50
Until now!!!!

632 votes for yes which mean 79.9%

159 votes for no which mean 20.1%
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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