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3-4 Explainer Videos: $4500-$6000

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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15/10/2014 18:57
I am interested in getting a few professional videos made for PaidVerts, and another for MyTrafficValue... to explain the concept. And get new users started.

- Each should be 60-90seconds long.
- Either whiteboard based
- Or full on animation
No boring screenshot / headshot videos please; plenty of those already.

I'm willing to pay up to $1500 per video.

If you're interested in pursuing this project; or reselling it for a profit. Please submit a script / storyboard. And if we like what we see; we'll give you the go-ahead with a promise to buy, provided the quality is up to standard. With 100% of payment on delivery.

In terms of what to say, that's the hard part! Please pitch your proposals here; and the crowd will feedback.

Video 1) MTV... Transparency, communal portfolio, fast track queue + 2 plans, and shares.
I really want to focus on how everything gels together & works as one fluid machine, with infinite possibilities, and using the crowd to save time. - this is our old video, but its outdated. And it doesn't really show how everything interlinks all that well.

Video 2) PaidVerts...
-Accumulate BAP to earn more!
-Accumulate BAP free via daily BAP Ads... Win it in our free BAP Games... And mention that BAP can be attained via purchasing advertising with us. (BE REALLY CAREFUL WITH YOUR WORD CHOICES... we need to be delicate, in terms of not pissing off/confusing the payment processors with such a concise summation)
- Talk about Value targeting
- And paying in dollars! Show high value ads. Perhaps show the ad view process in a speedy way. Not real time! - take a look at the video for solvemedia; perhaps a similar format just focusing on value targeting.

Video 3) Debt Swaps ... A video to visually demonstrate how debt swaps work & WHY they work might be interesting. That would be worth $1500 if we can really communicate that effectively. We won't need it anytime soon; but communication is the biggest issue with debt swaps.... And debt swaps should be a reason to invest; as they're your biggest safety net.

So a video racing through that could be very useful.

Video 4) ... If you have a suggestion for a video about any other element of MTV/PV... Pitch it to me. If it's good information / communication, then we'll be interested.
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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15/10/2014 19:04
That will surely be nice feature for PV/MTV i wonder if someone will do it anytime soon, i am thinking about mentysis wink?  Anyway whoever is think about making one good luck and best wishes from me, i am going to stay out of it as making animated video isn't my thing.

Looking forward to debt swap video i understand what it means but i would surely be happy to watch a video explaing it and maybe teach me something new.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
16 like this post 0 people
15/10/2014 21:15
The shareholder control panel is now officially under construction... once we get that up to speed to the point that we can get more people helping us out with support tickets.

Then my next transparency job will be to bring our programming queue on-site. And start accepting user submissions; and having shareholders "promote" submissions to join our actual programming queue.

* And maybe we can do something about voting on the priority of various things in the programming queue.

... Anyway, as we do that; I also want to build a careers type page. Where we can post general info about the programmers and game developers we're always looking for. And also random freelance jobs like this one.

As there's a lot that can be improved with MTV/PV ... but it's really hard to explain what we want. It'd be a whole lot better if people think of the ideas for themselves; build it - and then we buy the ideas of them if they're good.

eg. Users can create their own banners; and offer them up to MTV for purchase. Create marketing materials / splash pages; and literally offer to sell them to MTV. As we're interested in buying.

But I really want to crowd source these sorts of things, and almost make MTV an open-source project. But not entirely; as that'd likely be a security vulnerability.

Anyway, let's see how we go.
I think in the next 6-12months, MTV is really going to become its own "independent crowd operated machine". I want to remove this whole idea of "admin"... I want users to own & operate the machine.
Traffic Value: $3,386.23128 Turkey
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15/10/2014 21:37
I have already made 2 videos about paidverts in my language to refer users. first one is general use of paidverts and the second one is about how to invest in paidverts.  if it is useful I would be happy. I know it is not English but it was for Turkey users smile and if you want i can share the links in forum also.
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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15/10/2014 21:44
Anyway, let's see how we go.
I think in the next 6-12months, MTV is really going to become its own "independent crowd operated machine". I want to remove this whole idea of "admin"... I want users to own & operate the machine.

I like this idea
So for example, in a few months if a group of members want 100% financed a project (games or other ) for the MTV network in exchange for a percentage of the profits, it would be great for everyone
-for MTV as the project will be financed by funds outside of society
-for members who finance the project if they receive a percentage of profits

Finally I'm wrong completely, but if it does it will be quite revolutionary 
well ,the crownfunding exist already, but generally it For funded a project with no return financial


if not good luck for those who will want to create videos, yet a additional step for improvement of the network MTV wink
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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16/10/2014 12:08
I'm willing to make a good concept for a video, as I'm not a good video designer neither I have programs and stuff to make a good one, but I've got some ideas to make a good text concept which can be translated into video via voice or just a text, however Jo wants. So if anyone is willing to team up we can share skype/fb or smth. smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 14:55
Just post the script / storyboard...
That might help someone else build the video; and if they use your script - we'll give you credit.

The script is the hardest part...
Video production is relatively easy; there are a few online websites that have lots of people offering to make videos real cheap.
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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16/10/2014 15:17
Alright Jo will try to do so when I find some spare time!
Best wishes smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 18:39
* Please dont try and contact me in private about this... post on the forum.
Traffic Value: $1,161.79087 Sweden
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16/10/2014 19:25
I´m gonna see what I can do this weekend. Sounds fun.
Traffic Value: $61.88939 Bulgaria
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17/10/2014 11:24
Hello dear Jo and all members of Paidverts and Mytrafficvalue.
I have 2 years exp in making and editing HD videos.I am willing to make a explanation video about Paidverts.It will be something like tutorial for the beginers.I will make that because when I start it was hard for me to understand completely how to work and earn in this awesome site.My script/storyboard will be unique but very simple to understand by the beginers.I will describe it here:
First of all I will be a spokerperson for maximum of 2,50 minutes.
Secondly I will explain everything with my own speech(words) how Paidverts basically works.This will cover all of your criterias about Paidverts explanation video.Including how to earn BaP,how to earning free BaP's while playing games and how to earning BaP's while investing.Althogh I will explain shortly how to click ads that system generate.Other that I will explain will be a BaP groups and how to go into a higher group and to earn more DOLLARS.Last I will show one or two daily statistic written by Jo.
This is at all.The video will be full HD with good,well dressed English speaker(me).The background will be completely white.
Choosing me will boost the traffic of Paidverts and help understanding all about Paidverts by beginers.
Best regards,
Martin Stoqnov smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 11:28
Ok... but you might be well advised to submit your actual script before making the entire video. Then you can get the wording just write; and keep it to an absolute minimum.

We're looking for a high quality, and real professional video. Not just some youtube talking head and a screenshot.

I'm looking for something like this:
or like our old YouTube video.

High quality, straight to the point. And really short. Not long and boring.
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
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17/10/2014 11:32
and a zeppelin man lolgrin
Traffic Value: $61.88939 Bulgaria
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17/10/2014 12:04
Okay Jo i am willing to make that kind of video like(solvemedia).I will post my script/words later smile
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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17/10/2014 12:51
Hey Jo, I've made a textual concept (it's not done yet tho), I just don't feel like it's professional the way you want (but meh maybe it is) , and I really don't prefer sharing it here (not because someone could use it, but cause it's not finished yet and I'd like your own opinion about this), so can I get in touch with you somehow please, just want you to review the part I've done and say if I shall continue..
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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17/10/2014 17:10
Here's a rough idea/text of what I had in mind for PaidVerts:

White board based, est. time 80-90 seconds.
Text within ** is the screenplay

SCREEN 1.) * click on paidVerts logo*
The traditional Paid-To-Click model doesn't reward active or valuable users. Everyone basically has the same earning capabiltiy.
*– opens up a ton of »different value users« (some look asleep, some look like kids, some businessmen etc.)  who all are getting the same amount of cash (either money directed from an advertisers in the center or they form a line behind a counter)*
With the Bonus Ad Points system at PaidVerts users can prove their value to advertisers – the more Bonus Ad Points they gather the more likely the advertisers will want to reach them and the more they can earn from viewing ads!
*Bonus Ad Points pop up somewhere and the advertiser suddenly gives more cash to valuable users*
SCREEN 2.) *the above fades out  and a simple sort of text->arrow instructions show up. Like »START for free -> register -> view a few ads -> get paid«  . Also a  »BAP meter« could be shown and the more clicks are dons the higher it goes. Or some sort of game is played and the BAP increases*
You can start for free – view a few ads daily that give you Bonus Ad Points  so you can then start receiving paid ads. You can also play many of our games and try to win more BAP!  Prove your value and have fun doing it!
SCREEN 3.) *The text fades out  and some advertisers appear, and initially only one send out a nad to the users(who would be somewhere at the bottom, or the advertisers could simply point at the BAP meter. *
Advertisers want to reach out to people who have cash or are otherwise valuable to them – And at paidverts users can shoot their BAP sky high by purchasing some advertising and prove their  value by doing so!
* Then users buy some advertising which increases the BAP meter and suddenly all the other advertisers want to communicate as well*
There's a ton of other targeting options advertisers can use to hand pick their audience! There's over a dozen possible targeting filters to fit every advertiser's needs.
*suddenly some ad filtering options start appearing(age, sex, country, BAP, etc.) and the »users crowd« gets smaller until the advertisers target only a few users left*
SCREEN 4.)* Briefly show the ad viewing process – very briefly. On the »cha ching« a money sound is played and a bag of money appears in he users hands*
And our ad viewing process is effective in its own –users have to copy three key of your selling points and only then proceed to your website . This method ensures that the user already knows something about you before viewing your ad – increasing conversion a whole lot! And after users prove they're human *cha ching* they instantly get paid! A win win process for both the user and the advertiser!
* There could also be a »conversion graph« somewhere comparing other PTC results. On the »cha ching« a money sound is played and a bag of money appears in he users hands*
SCREEN 5.) *Starts of as a a sceptic user, who then click on a few huge ads and becomes happy. Also some other huge random ads could be shown on the screen – with a clock ticking quickly and adding cash to the user*
Now PaidVerts seems like a dream to advertisers, but what's so special in it for you, the user? By proving your value you can view advertisements and be paid in dollars, not cents! Our biggest users are clicking on huge ads just for 30 seconds of their time.

 It's all possible due to our Bonus Ad Points system, which makes sure that the valuable users receive the big piece of the cake! *An animation that cuts the cake into several pieces and gives the big one to one user, and the small one to a bunch of users*
Also, our system ensures that the ads are viewed by only active members – if a user doesn't click on an ad within 18 hours, it gets recycled and sent to users who are prepared to view more ads, giving them the chance to earn even more! *could show a user sleeping, missing his ad, then the ad gets sent to another user who views it *
So what are you waiting for, prove your value and start getting paid in dollars – get started below!
*Just the final screen, telling the user to register under the video*

Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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17/10/2014 17:57
Yeah Slosumo that's a pretty idea I must say. I've almost finished my textual concept for Paidverts, and combined with these animations it could be a nice video if someone already wants to make it .
Also you've missed out the refferals system and mini/mega upgrades, I'm sure you can make something for that too wink
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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17/10/2014 18:13
Have thought about adding that but that's unneeded details for an introductory video. IMO just the concept should be explained in it - a "guide" video should be a different one for new users on the My account area perhaps and not on the homepage.

The referral part I wanted to add somewhere near the targeting options but I just didn't think it'd fit. Perhaps just something at the end about it, but the overall video should be 80-90 seconds by my measure so it's pretty much max length already.
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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17/10/2014 18:33
Hmm yeah fine then, lets wait for the Jo opinion about this, if u agree I could edit my text to be written the way your scenes are (only if you're not going to make ur own one). About refferals you could add scene where people get connected, hangout together, or just a scene where there's a single guy and then somehow (u need good imagination grin) a lot of people join him or something like that.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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17/10/2014 18:37
Sure I don't mind you using anything that I've written. It's crowd-brainstorming so feel free!
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