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Traffic Value: $61.88939 Bulgaria
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18/10/2014 10:32
I am willing to make a animated video.And here it is my Script/Storyboard.It will be on white background.
Scene 1
A little introduction of Paidverts basically:
Hello welcome to Paidverts.This is a platform that you can earn a lot of money on it.I am talking about an extraordinary ptc site with great development and progress.There is ads from 0.0005 to 1000 $.All of your earning based on your BaP.
The animation will be a man who is sitting on computer and watch Paidverts ads.And showing his BaP.
Scene 2
Explaining how to earn Bonus Ad Points:
There are 3 ways of earning BaP.You can play games and have a great chance of earning jackpot.(Animation how you are in Paidverts games panel.)Secondly you have 16x25 BaP ads of watching 10 days.When this 10 days over you will get 8x25 BaP ads.Third way and most effective is to buy an campaign.It costs 1$ and you get 3100 BaP that equals to 1.55$.All in all more BaP equals to big ads.
Animation will be how you buy a campaign.
Scene 3
Showing all BaP groups.
These are the BaP groups.If you are in higher BaP groups you will earn more and more.Always aim and have inspiration to go in the highest BaP group.
Simply will show the BaP groups.

Thanks for looking this.All of this will be animated with HD quality and with voice cover reading this smile.It will be easy,fun,not boring and enjoyable . Contact me if you choose me.Good luck and take care.
King regards,
Martin Stoqnov
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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18/10/2014 10:39
Hello Martin, you can use my text if you want, I think it's a little bit better written (no offence mine are just stylish sentences) 

Also everyone else that find the text good, feel free to use it!
I havent included few features tho (refferal system) but if someone wants I can add that too.
Best wishes smile
Traffic Value: $61.88939 Bulgaria
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18/10/2014 10:47
Hello Kenchi95,
It will be my honest to use it if Jo accept it.Anyway if Jo accepted it i will use it in a animated video how I say in my post.
Looking forward for Jo answers smile

King regars,
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/10/2014 11:51
With the text... no formalities. You're not talking to your grandmother... Just dive right into the conversation: "Paidverts is...."

Slosumos is a good attempt; you should build on that / refine that.

And I think we need two videos for PaidVerts... one user video, and another advertiser video.


Advertisers Video;
Talk about targeting and what not. Explain the different ad options.

(But wait until Targeted Ads is ready for that)


User Video...

1) Slosumos first paragraph - other PTC's are dumb / blind. Pay nobody anything. Have no valuable traffic. No advertisers are interested in that. Everybody loses.

2) PaidVerts lets users prove value to earn more! And advertisers will pay dollars (not fractions of a cent) to communicate with specifically valuable users. Like this, there are users like Mike, that have received $1500+ in paid ads on a single good day!

3) Accumulate BAP;

- Method 1: View your daily bap ads!
Takes 30seconds, and you can earn money from nothing! No deposit required. Cashout as soon as you earn $1+

- Method 2: View your daily bap ads, and use the free BAP to play our BAP games! To try and jackpot your way to huge BAP! Costs you nothing; and you can win tens of thousands in paid ads delivered to your account!

- Method 3: Buy Advertising with us; every $1 you spend buying Bulk Ads will deliver 50 visits to your website, give you some free banner ads, and 3100 BAP (this will ultimately deliver $1.55 worth of paid ads to your account, and all that money will be yours if you interact with the ads).

ps. Buying advertising tells advertisers, that you're also an advertiser! That you use a given payment processor to buy your ads with. This is all targeting data that makes you even more appealing to other advertisers! And will result in more and more paid ads specifically targeting your account.

What is BAP?
Bonus Ad Points are basically your earning potential withing PaidVerts. Every 100 BAP you have tells our system to deliver $0.05 worth of paid ads to your account as soon as they're available to be issued.

Every paid ad you receive will consume the corresponding amount of BAP irrelevant of whether you interact with it or not. You'll keep receiving ads of all sizes until all your BAP is consumed. Top it up to earn more! Buy our ad filter to stop low value ads from wasting your time / consuming your BAP.

4) Is this an investment? NO!
You don't require any deposit / ads purchase to earn and cashout with PaidVerts. You just need to interact with the paid ads that target your account.

Buying ads won't make you a single penny by itself - unless you promote something that makes you a lot of money! ... The only way to earn anything at PaidVerts is via interacting with the paid ads that target your account.

But at the same time, demonstrating value is a good investment. Like buying a suit for a job interview. If you want advertisers to invest in your potential; PaidVerts will help you show them what you have to offer!


Something like that... but I think what i've written is way to long. You need to cut it way down if you're going to fit that into a 1minute video.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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18/10/2014 12:55
Yeh we definitely need a separate video for users and advertisers. But just one thing - where do you plan to put the video for the user - on the home page or members area?

Because if it's on the home page then I'd strip more from your response - like how BAP works or that you'll stop receiving ads when you've got no more BAP - nobody gives a damn about that on their first view, before joining. But if it's the members' area then things like that should be included as it explains  things to someone who already joined - and is obviously interested in the model.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/10/2014 13:20
Yea could do... Just do the summary + 3 accumulation methods.

* But Im trying to be careful as to how we pitch it... You want to say 155% return on ad pack purchases. But we don't want to come across as an investment.

slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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18/10/2014 13:23
I'll try to think of something safe smile

Also, just came to my mind that mentioning games might be problematic for PayPal will it? Or as long as it's in the context of "view ads for free then try out your luck with our games to increase your earning capacity" should that be safe?
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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18/10/2014 13:23
How about for every $1 ad package purchase you also receive 3100 Bulk Ad Points as bonus and that can be converted in $1,55 with hard work and some time..(clicking some ads).

That way it's not investment it's just ad purchase and you just receive some bonus with it, for people that put some effort in it.
Traffic Value: $236.73065 India
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18/10/2014 13:25
We can also add about MyTrafficValue and make it as short like:- Here you can check out the news and other awesome things like:- shares, portfolio etc. and also some proofs (users like that alot!)
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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18/10/2014 15:22
Maybe add a mention super fast that if you like to invest, MTV has very exciting options for you or something like that.
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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18/10/2014 15:42
That will be mentioned in a MTV video, these 2 are only for Paidverts I think smile
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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18/10/2014 16:01
Um, yes, just noting that it should be a good idea to mention it early to PV new users too.
In my case took me 2 months to discover MTV was there and a couple more to understand how you can take advantage of it.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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18/10/2014 16:24
Updated User version 80-90 sec

I've tried to subliminally hide the "investment of 1$ ad pack -> 1.55$ of paid ads" here, and added an analogy right after it to try to conceal it additionally. There's surely still things that can be better worded, but I think the general concept is pretty good.

There's also a few "he"'s in the analogy, perhaps it would be better to reword it a bit more to make it gender neutral?

Parts in italic can/should be removed perhaps?


The traditional Paid-To-Click model doesn't reward active or valuable users. Everyone basically has the same earning capability.
And at PaidVerts we wanted to change that … so we came up with the unique Bonus Ad Points system, where users can prove their value to earn more.  Advertisers are more willing to interact with users who have proven their value - the more Bonus Ad points you gather the more you can earn for viewing advertisements! Once you've accumulated enough Bonus Ad Points advertisers will literally be paying dollars to interact with you!

There's several ways how you can increase your  Bonus Ad Points and prove your value.
You can get started for free by viewing ads that give you Bonus Ad Points which will allow you to start receiving paid ads. And you can do this day after day after day, for unlimited earning potential!
Or you can also use the free Bonus Ad Points you click for to play some of our games and get a chance at winning jackpots to skyrocket your Bonus Ad Points and unlock the potential to have thousands of dollars in ads delivered to your account! Prove your value and have fun doing it!

You can also purchase our 1$ advertising packs which does two things:
-          a) you'll get some quality traffic to your website
-          b) increases your value and Bonus Ad Points to unlock enough of additional earning potential that will allow you to receive paid ads worth more than 1.5x the cost of the advertising you've just purchased!

Think of it this way – would a shoe seller rather interact with someone who's used to walking bare foot or someone who's bought 5 new pair of shoes in the last year? …*slight pause* … Of course he'd choose the person who keeps buying new shoes and more importantly the shoe seller would be willing to pay a lot more to interact with him(them/ or her).

And that's exactly what happens at PaidVerts – users who've proven their value are getting paid a lot to view advertisements – our most proven users are each targeted with hundreds of dollars worth of ads daily!

Advertisers are prepared to pay a lot to companies that get the right people looking at their ads –we've taken that middle man out at PaidVerts so you get the whole piece!

So what are you waiting for – prove your value and start earning dollars, not cents, to view advertisements – get started for free!
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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18/10/2014 16:42
Hmm yeah it's nicely written, but I'm thinking that sentences like these would be better, let me show you how for example the start could be : "Are you tired of empty promises? Tired of getting your head filled with meaningless words?
I'm here to change that, so tune in !
I will reveal the whole new concept of PTC which basically makes you earn dollars, not cents!"
This just came out of my head in 2 secs so it's nothing special but it's more interactive oriented , when you interact like that with people,they would get more impressed I think. Also your first attempt was better cause it was story based, but dunno that's just my opinion smile
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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18/10/2014 16:58
This one will be story based as well, but first let's get the text right, then I can work on that(story/animations are the easiest part).

The rhetorical questions approach like "Are you tired of empty promises?" smell like scam/ are overused. People don't fall to that anymore as they used to. Well at least to me and based on advertising results' I've had - people like straight to the point more these days as using words like "super/duper/unique/sustainable/completely new" in opening stages/titles just ticks people of as they're bombarded with that kind of stuff in every ad.

I appreciate the feedback, but just giving you mine now tongue
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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18/10/2014 17:28
Yy you're right, it's fine grin . Well I've read that text for like 4-5 times and really don't know what else to add but not to go in details.. Maybe its worth mentioning the highest ad received or you'll add the picture? And what about BAP groups?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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18/10/2014 17:52
I've had that in mind as a part of animation/ad view process, unneeded to specifically point it out.
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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18/10/2014 18:00
Yeah I've already got these BAP groups presented as a building or something like that being built up from bottom to top presenting the groups one by one grin . Well dunno really lets wait for Jo now.
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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19/10/2014 13:29
I've never been through a debt swap. I did not know what a debt swap is, so I thought I would research it and make a script for it in the process. And I did not know it would also affect PaidVerts's users as well...
I don't have any video skills, so the video presentation is up to someone else.
Since this is a crowd effort, please feel free to correct any errors, change, remove or add anything extra wink


  1. I did not say anything about the Experimental Fund, but I assume any principal that is left over, it will also be converted into shares.
  2. Basically I envision someone talking in the background, and then you have a screen where the person draws an explanation or there is animation helping to explain a debt swap, especially the parts where I have headlined Diagram.
  3. I think my script is too long, so it may need to be shaved off a bit?


What is a debt swap?
Investors of the 186% Power Plan and 250% Fast Track Plan, and PaidVerts Members will have their investments and BAP swapped to shares. In other words you will receive shares which have the same monetary value as your Return of Investment and BAP (1 BAP = $0.0005).


  • Share price at time of debt swap = $0.50
  • Original investment into 250% Fast Track Plan = $100
  • Total shares = $250/$0.50 = 500 shares

Why is a debt swap necessary?
This occurs when there is not enough liquidity or money to pay MTV and PV members. The growth of MTV and/or PaidVerts has stalled combined with a huge debt to pay off.

How likely is a debt swap?
The last debt swap was on 28 January 2014. Prior to that there were 2 debts swaps when MTV started back in 2011. But since the incorporation of PaidVerts into the MTV business portfolio, MTV has remained stable and growth has reached new unprecedented heights. A debt swap is now a rare situation, but if it does occur there is no reason to panic. A debt swap is only used as a last resort.

What to do in a debt swap?
First of all: Don't panic!
Just be patient. The share price will drop right after a debt swap. The low share price will attract investors and money will start rolling in. While you wait for the share price to rise to the original share price at the time the debt swap occurred, you will receive dividends from the shares as new investors start ploughing money into MTV. This is an added bonus while you wait to sell your shares.
When the share price rises back to the original share price at the time the debt swap occurred, sell your shares and you will get your full return of investment with profit!


  • Share price at time of debt swap = $0.50
  • Invested in 250% Fast Track Plan = $100
  • Share price at time of debt swap ($0.50) => Share price drops to $0.30 => Wait and receive dividends from new investments => Share price rises to $0.50 again => Sell shares at $0.50 => Get $100 investment back and $150 profit

Alternatively, if you want to just sell your shares to break even or get your original investment/purchase back:

  • 186% Power Plan: Sell your shares at 54% of the share price
  • 250% Fast Track Plan: Sell your shares at 40% of the share price
  • PaidVerts users: Sell your shares at 65% of the share price


  • Share price at time of debt swap = $0.50
  • Original investment = $100
  • 186% Power Plan => Sell shares at 54% of $0.50 = $0.27 to get $100 dollars back
  • 250% Fast Track Plan => Sell shares at 40% of $0.50 = $0.20 to get $100 dollars back
  • 310,000 BAP ($1.00 advertising gives 3,100 BAP) => Sell shares at 65% of $0.50 = $0.325 to get $100 dollars back

What are the benefits a debt swap?

  1. It clears all previous debt owed
  2. It jump-starts a new growth spurt for MTV and PV. Before the debt swap, it would of taken long to pay off all the old debt. With a debt swap, it is a clean fresh slate and therefore new investors will now be paid much more quickly and possibly within a week. Growth is no longer stalled
  3. When a debt swap occurs, the share prices drop thus creating a very attractive and incredible opportunity for new investors to invest into MTV resulting a snowball effect; cash rapidly flows into the system and the share price will start to rise again. Dividend payouts will also increase
  4. With new investments, it creates more capital to develop the business portfolio into a more stable sustainable system where is previously failed before the debt swap occurred
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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19/10/2014 13:57
So if there's ever the need to swap, all investment plans will be swapped at the maturity amount?
I somehow had the idea they would be swapped at whatever level they were at. Interesting!
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