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3-4 Explainer Videos: $4500-$6000

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Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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19/10/2014 14:23

From what I read, shareholders will invest a certain percentage of their shares and give them to the active investors. While the current market prices of the shares may be e.g. $0.30 per share, the price of the share will actually be higher than $0.30 when the actual debt swap occurs.

Thanks polo26.
Traffic Value: $101,199.99303 Malaysia
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19/10/2014 14:24
can we have a video that talk less & more animation? I'm sure some people might have difficulty to understand your professional speaking English...and sometime a picture/animation is far better than 1000 words.

and how about multi-languge video?
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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19/10/2014 14:27
Thanks for the try, but that does not make it much clearer for me. sad
Guess I`ll have to keep reading!
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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19/10/2014 14:29

Well, like I said before (and also Jo), it's a crowd effort, so if you don't like what I have said, please feel free to change my words, reduce the content, etc. I don't mind if my words are changed.

I did say my words should be combined with animation or a drawing as the presenter explains my words.

If you have video skills, then please also take the initiative and present your idea here.

@paloma_u: Read here (Value Swapping):
Traffic Value: $101,199.99303 Malaysia
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19/10/2014 14:33

I didn't say anything about your fact i don't even gone through it at all.
I just saying I prefer a video that talk less but more focus animation, this is my word to all participant.

and don't challenge me, i've video skill & i could make a video in chinese & malay & english tongue
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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19/10/2014 14:35

Okay, no problem.
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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25/10/2014 12:09
of  news on this project? 
 I hope that we will have  othesevideos  Intuitive and educative whether by a member or a pro, because it will be very useful for our promotions 
Traffic Value: $101,199.99303 Malaysia
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25/10/2014 12:12
I thought Poker is working on it? 
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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25/10/2014 12:17
ha ok thank you hyipmoneywink
well I wish him good luck
, it should not be easy to make a good video we will see in the days to come his work I hoped
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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25/10/2014 16:17
This is a a crowd effort, so I thought somebody would review my script and make some changes? There are no corrections to be made?? There's no feedback about my script? Jo, is it good enough, or must it be changed??

I did say I did not have any video skills. hyipmoney, why don't you make a video of my script since you know how to make videos? Then Jo will award you some cash.

Alternatively, I will have to hire someone to make a video for me. I will need to find some money to hire someone, but that could take a while. Or maybe Jo could hire someone to make the video?

This topic is dead. Nobody is interested in this topic. Who's gonna make a script for MTV? I'm not really an MTV user, so perhaps an MTV user should write a script as they have more experience/knowledge about how MTV works?
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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25/10/2014 16:45
Great ideas here!

Just a few more ideas to help (may be).

-  We must hire an English speaking professional narrator for verbal part, unless some members, professionals in this area, could do this job.
-  Videos must be translated in a few languages as lot of members dont have English as their native language and spoken English is more difficult to understand than written English. 
-  Animation must be most part of the video with as few sentences as possible to explain what it is and how it works.
-  Sound should not be too agressive as it can be bothering.

Jo is totally right, we need professional videos for everyone, neutral, no matter country, age, gender, etc.

Finally, videos must be consistent with PV/MTV branding.

As many members never read forums, Jo could send an e-mail to all members to let them know about this project, deadline, how to submit proposals... Maybe just send them to the relevant forum link.
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
3 like this post 0 people
25/10/2014 23:02
Okay, I have revised my script as I think it was too formal. I think the script is now better suited for animation / whiteboard creation. Guys, please provide some input as to whether any improvements should be made to my script!


Meet Jo. He has invested $100 into our 250% Fast Track Plan. When his investment matures, he will receive his initial investment back of $100 plus $150 profit. In rare situations, Jo may not receive his money back. But Jo shouldn't be alarmed because MyTrafficValue has a backup plan...A debt swap!

Just what exactly is a debt swap?
A debt swap occurs when there is not enough money flowing into the system to pay our users. The growth of MyTrafficValue and/or PaidVerts has stalled combined with a huge debt to pay off members.

So what would happen if a debt swap occurred at MyTrafficValue?

Let's go back to Jo. Jo was supposed to receive $250, but MyTrafficValue is unable to pay him. During a debt swap, Jo's expected payout of $250 is converted into shares which have the same monetary value. For example, if the share price was $0.50 during the debt swap, that would mean Jo would receive 500 shares totalling $250.

So what should Jo do during a debt swap
Well, first of all, Jo should not panic!
The share price will drop right after a debt swap. The low share price will attract investors and money will start rolling into MyTrafficValue. While Jo waits for the share price to rise back to the original share price of $0.50, he will receive dividend payouts from his shares. Each and every share that Jo owns will earn him some money. This is an added bonus while Jo waits to sell his shares!
When the share price finally rises back to $0.50, Jo can sell his shares and get his original investment back with profit! In the end, Jo does not lose out!

What are the benefits a debt swap?

  • It jump-starts a new growth spurt for MyTrafficValue and Paidverts, and clears all debt owed to members. A debt swap provides a clean fresh slate allowing new investors and PaidVerts members to be paid much more quickly.
  • The share prices drop during a debt swap thus creating a very attractive and incredible opportunity for new investors to invest into MyTrafficValue resulting a snowball effect; cash rapidly flows into the system and share prices start to rise again.
  • With new investments, it creates more capital to develop our business portfolio into a more stable sustainable system.

In conclusion, a debt swap is a rare situation, but if it does occur there is no reason to panic. A debt swap is only used as a last resort! MyTrafficValue always endeavours to pay its members.
Traffic Value: $101,199.99303 Malaysia
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25/10/2014 23:19
oops sorry Poker i didn't read through this thread & i thought person whom submit the script should also working on the video.

i can make the video but im not professional in this field, i expect (and believe) there are some expert video makers in the forum.

I wonder why no one submit his/her work so far, I need a MTV video for my blog. 
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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26/10/2014 12:27
Thanks Mentysis.
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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26/10/2014 13:06
Poker, great work. Are you able to create the video?
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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26/10/2014 13:23
@Domen97 and @polo26: Thanks.
@mentysis: No, I don't have any video skills. If someone here has video skills, then they can create the video. Otherwise Jo or I will have to hire someone. At the moment, I don't have any cash to hire someone.
Traffic Value: $407.70605 Romania
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28/10/2014 16:41
Hi. I saw this thread and i thought that i will create a video ( not with the best animation skills but i will try to do my best ). I will post the link where you can find the video when i finish. Also it will be a prototype so any advices will be great. smile
Traffic Value: $407.70605 Romania
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30/10/2014 19:43

Here you can find the video that i made. Please watch it and give advices if there are something wrong with it.

The video is almost 2minutes long sorry for that, but i wanted to shrank every important information in this video. Hope it's good smile
Jo if you have time watch it and share your opinion.
( The video is unlisted because i don't want to give paidverts a bad reputation if the video isn't proper. )
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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30/10/2014 19:56
We're looking for something more professional. I don't want it to appear like a DIY video.

I'm going to contact a few video companies.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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30/10/2014 20:03 - i've sent these guys an email. If they don't get back to me tomorrow; i'll email another random company.
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