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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - 3-4 Explainer Videos: $4500-$6000

3-4 Explainer Videos: $4500-$6000

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Traffic Value: $407.70605 Romania
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30/10/2014 20:08
Well i tried what i could do, but the professionals will obviously do a much better video than mine. Thanks the opportunity smile ( hope you will have luck and get those videos soon ).
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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30/10/2014 21:02
@Jo: Maybe try Fiverr? There are people offering their services for professional whiteboard / animation videos, though you'll have to search for the right person if you have the time. I did find a couple of people, but I would need a better budget to pay them to create a 60-90 second video with a voice-over.
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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30/10/2014 21:32
Yes Fiverr would be a nice to look at, there are some amazing voice actors, like this guy.
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
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30/10/2014 22:10
Jo .... I have spoken to and handed your outline to a professional voice over/video editor/advertiser friend of mine to see if he has time to put something together for us. Keep you posted
Traffic Value: $915.64947 Bangladesh
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30/10/2014 22:15
I can make this kind of video if anybody can guide me
Script, text font, text color etc etc...

I will post a demo tomorrow with professionals looks
Traffic Value: $257,977.06905 United States
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30/10/2014 22:50
I remember you were looking for this when MTV first started too. I thought you contracted some really reputable video company to do them?
Traffic Value: $101,199.99303 Malaysia
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30/10/2014 23:25
at least to be something like this

but even with this one i feel ashamed to participate lolxtongue
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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30/10/2014 23:29
Yea, we used Revolution Productions last time... but I don't like that company. They are ridiculously expensive, and I feel like they rushed our last video through. They could have done a lot better.

There are lots of companies out there... just need to get one to invest in understanding how MTV/PV works; to the point that they can explain it really well.

A good script/storyboard is the hardest part. Animators are a dime a dozen.... But what to say & how to show it. That's real tough.
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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01/11/2014 19:53
@freebd: Hope to see your video soon!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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03/11/2014 13:00
If I get the time I might dive into improving the last script of mine plus write more of them that follow the structure of the diagrams I made. And same for MTV. But I don't expect to be able to do all of that until tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.

I don't think the animation company will be able to understand the basic concept and know how to present it in a payment processor safe manner at the same time, without devoting a lot of time and corresponding with you, which will definitely add a hefty cost. So I'll try to come up with as good scripts as I can, then they can just keep the same "safe wording" that presents our model and change/add any parts that they're experts in -> small details that make things interesting for the person watching
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