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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 17:17
pythagoras: hmm Im thinking about your 2k shares for fun trading idea. maybe i can try to gamble with 2k as well, but preferrably high above 0.05 grin I think there is much bigger risk for big players pushing price up now than down. Also didnt Jo wrote somewhere that paidverts will be buying shares?
Traffic Value: $10,338.2076 United Kingdom
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02/05/2015 17:22
Paidverts already bought several hundred thousand shares gradually .
we just never noticed :d
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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02/05/2015 17:24
Noone overbid right now...let me buy as much of my shares back.

I'm already buying 1c higher than I sold for, just let it happen.

I want to take my loss, get some dividends, and try again when I see a wave.

And, yes, overall I would/will be losing 3000 shares.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 17:26
druth8x: ok ok, I can wait with my remaining 3 dollars grin

aaah dividends, almost forgot. looks like this weeks will be last with higher amount,
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 17:35

I was wondering why some people buy and sell same amount almost at the same time. now I think im starting to understand a bit
Traffic Value: $1,130.42206 United States
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02/05/2015 17:37
Justin....Great! Now can you explain it to me??rolleyes
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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02/05/2015 17:40
Same amount makes no sense, I think, unless they think it's going to go the other way,

I sold once and rebought 2 points higher b/c it was about to go up a full penny or more.

Just cause you Bought X shares 2 points or more lower does not matter, they all go to the same pool.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 17:42
i think it may be just aid to force market to move faster, under certain conditions.
Can't work all the time, but sometimes it can be useful. (I may be wrong of course)
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 17:45
druth8x:I saw someone did this with 1000 shares, so I tried small test as well grin  sold 2k to you and bougt 2k right away 2 pips higher.

lost some 60 cents in the proccess though.  tongue rolleye
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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02/05/2015 17:48
I think you would have made "60c" if you did that in reverse.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 17:58
yes, but someone would have to buy/sell to fill my orders on both sides...

anyway, can you imagine I could clear all 0.0497 orders now, up to first 0.0498, while bid would still be at 0.0494? smile
while i would still have the same amount of shares, only lost some dollar on fee and the difference
Traffic Value: $422.7589 Portugal
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02/05/2015 18:02
good topic for learn more for trading our shares

Traffic Value: $911.04588 Pakistan
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02/05/2015 18:09
Look @t today's revenue ....very encouraging uptill now...roulette proving out to be "lawrence of arabia" for MTV :p
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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02/05/2015 18:10
38 away from 10K....

Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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02/05/2015 18:17
Passive is back in the
Traffic Value: $1,179.88472 Italy
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02/05/2015 18:18
waiting for paidverts/big sharolder that will buy over 0.05 in the next daysangel
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 18:19
raja79: at least i can say i have positively contributed by some $0.25 share transfer fee grin teenbeme won big in roulette again... but I saw she bought some shares as well.

Monday will be good revenue day, because of dividends (cant wait, I have some FTQs to mature on mondaycool smile ) will likely buy more shares
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
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02/05/2015 18:21
It's teenbeme grin What do you expect?
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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02/05/2015 18:34
@druth8x and other members grin

I have placed bid at 0.0491 of my ALL  24 k shares. What do you suggest me? Should I wait more to low the price or should catch the wave??
Traffic Value: $2,351.73368 Slovenia
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02/05/2015 18:35
If someone could just lover the price on 0.045 I'd be so glas smile
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