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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $1,130.42206 United States
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05/05/2015 20:58
What I'm getting at is if all the members that can afford to put 100 shares up for sale would that drive the price of shares down?
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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05/05/2015 21:01
"tjtan0929" has placed around 1200k many roadblocks from 0.0447 to 0.0475, He's very smart, If he lowers all blocks to 0.045, price will be dumped under 4ctongue
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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05/05/2015 21:01
jeffz63 brainy would buy them all probably grin
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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05/05/2015 21:04
he has not cash for 1,2 m shares grin
Traffic Value: $1,130.42206 United States
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05/05/2015 21:10
Where do you see these roadblocks? I here about them all the time but I never see them.
Sorry for the stupid questions but I am getting frustrated trying to watch and learnunsure
Traffic Value: $52,751.70929 Egypt
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05/05/2015 21:16
click on "view all" button and you will see all the roadblocks
Traffic Value: $1,130.42206 United States
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05/05/2015 21:21
Thanks. I figured that was where to see the roadblocks. When I looked I didnt see the roadblocks that someone was mentioning...I guess its because they were removed.
Thanks again.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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05/05/2015 21:23
go on page 4 smile
Traffic Value: $1,130.42206 United States
3 like this post 0 people
05/05/2015 21:32
There he is! Thanks roidz
Traffic Value: $687.21138 Portugal
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05/05/2015 21:46
Because of that roadblocks The share market is death
Traffic Value: $9,606.72522 Portugal
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06/05/2015 00:12
Don't let this topic die!!! smile
Traffic Value: $152.1677 United Kingdom
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06/05/2015 00:19
I've not been able to keep as keen of an eye on the share prices as I'd have liked recently, because it's exam time and my girlfriend has been visiting for the last 4 days. I love the madness as much as the next guy, I've reached the 2k share mark from 1.8k shares, so I've certainly benefitted..

But could we please just hold off for a month? ;P I want to get my exams out of the way so I can benefit from this more! Haha
Traffic Value: $9,606.72522 Portugal
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06/05/2015 00:22
It's simple, sell some shares and place a bid to buy, if it gets there you dont need to be here wink
Traffic Value: $2,575.64792 Slovenia
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06/05/2015 07:07
I hope on another monsoon todaycwy
Traffic Value: $2,575.64792 Slovenia
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06/05/2015 08:55
I think lowering share price is really good strategy. Jo in other big boys is going to buy cheap shares and accumulating on theirs accounts. Which means less shares in circulation and in fact higher future price. Nice strategy guys. Do it more often, I like it.
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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06/05/2015 09:41
Jo is selling smile
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
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06/05/2015 09:47
Jo accept bids again
but don't sell shares
no one know which time he is going to buy shares
Traffic Value: $861.47812 Pakistan
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06/05/2015 10:48
roadblock on 0.0401 smile
Traffic Value: $861.47812 Pakistan
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06/05/2015 10:49
price going down rapidly tongue
Traffic Value: $1,179.88472 Italy
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06/05/2015 11:07
Help Marc to go down 0.04smile
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