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Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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02/05/2015 15:47
Passivetools is pushing the price upwards.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 15:50
jagondiac: hehe, maybe if they were cryptoshares and transferable out of MTV grin like bitcoin
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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02/05/2015 15:59
I think a loss of 4K shares, if my buy bids get filled.

We do have some buyers and sellers atm, I think the price has a better chance of going overall up first.
Traffic Value: $216.27719 Indonesia
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02/05/2015 16:01
keep going passivetools.i need you....angel
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 16:06
brainy buying w00t

arslan75 sold 10,000 shares to Brainy generating
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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02/05/2015 16:07
Brainy is also buying ok Marco give in.

now, I want my buy bids filled, maybe I should up them 3 increments, so I can buy high, sell higher.
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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02/05/2015 16:26

Food for thought
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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02/05/2015 16:26
Really. Roof is 0.0499, Bottom is 0,049.  That is an exiting amount of money I can make or loose with my 2 k shares trading... Yawn. 
I have more chances on coinflip making two dollars, then entering that canyontrail with a lot of echo.  
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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02/05/2015 16:29
I think roof is really 5.2X, maybe even higher, floor might not even be 4.94, b4 it hits 5.2X.

BTW, that's $ each time it swings 1 way.
Traffic Value: $422.7589 Portugal
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02/05/2015 16:30
@Passivetools control the market, for now if he and Mark decides to put the price high or down, but for small investor it's not so east to make some profit in high values
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 16:35
pythagoras 0499 is roof only until someone decides to take out Marc's 65k shares.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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02/05/2015 16:38
Well, then take this for Food for Thought:

1 Million Shares began with zero.
How you span the difference is up to you.
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
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02/05/2015 16:41
To be honest is belchior who pushed up share's price with his 120000 bid :p
Traffic Value: $422.7589 Portugal
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02/05/2015 16:45
yes Belchior put higher the price but if you check yesterday passivetools was in every walls to control the market. very smart decision, belchior check that and put higher the value of the shares.

but lower shares protection are small and easy to pass for 2 or 3 big stakeholders like you
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 16:47
any fellow stalkers know, how many shares  Brainy had after swap? smile
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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02/05/2015 16:48
Justin, it ain't be me smile

I bought 20K in december for 600.  
Made ROI and profit with 10K. 
Now I have 10K left + 2000K for
funtrading and I am selling that 10K 
not for less then 0.06-0.07 before I go to zero again. 
And then I buy 20K low again, because
since December there is always a low,
because a one trick pony just knows one trick
and when debt gets high, shares get low. 
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 16:57
I would need to triple my shares amount to get back where I was in january smile so I would  be happy if it went to 0.15 or higher and than back to 0.05 grin meantime I will buy more when some  of my ftq matures. As I consider current price low enough for buying.
Of course 0.035 or 0.045 would be much better, but Im not sure if it can get there now

i have no chance to move the price with my 12k shares, so i have to follow whatever market does
Traffic Value: $10,338.2076 United Kingdom
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02/05/2015 17:08
He had roughly about 10m shares.

Now he sold some, that makes me want to think the prices might drop.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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02/05/2015 17:09
Ah, well, it is good enough to pick up bits and pieces for me. 
I didn't enter Marks big parade, but the other day I made
a 100 shares extra and 10 cent profit.

So if I enter the wormhole, it is just for free shares, the big guys eat the cake anyhow,
so you have to be creative with crumbs. 
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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02/05/2015 17:13
arnoldinho1: actualy I think he bought several tens of thousands since yesterday. if he had around 10mio before, he may be close to his desired amount and without reason to sell more here.
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