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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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30/04/2015 21:45
Till today i thought i understand hoe Share Markets work grin
Traffic Value: $329.49811 United Kingdom
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30/04/2015 21:47
Can the record low be beaten under 0.038? 
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
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30/04/2015 21:47
Darkness block expired like ...

Who did buy it? :p
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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30/04/2015 21:48
i just don't get why people put such high bids when they see the market is so volatile..
They're ruining their own profits (And mine)

21:41 TheDarkness calobeni $0.048 13,034 $1.56408
aseal37 $0.048 30,000 $3.60

Whatever I do, Calobeni does the opposite the past few days..
Traffic Value: $13,281.88295 Pakistan
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30/04/2015 21:48
I also didnot Found it
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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30/04/2015 21:52
the data shows above lol.
Traffic Value: $3,227.40257 Poland
0 like this post 4 people
30/04/2015 21:54
MarcdeKoning you can sell you all shares 0.04-0.05 but you never rebuy lower, deal with it
Traffic Value: $329.49811 United Kingdom
0 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 21:54
i think 10k roadblocks work the best Marc
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
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30/04/2015 21:54
Me? You're wrong for sure! tongue
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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30/04/2015 21:54
One of the 2 buyers is asking who bought it?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
4 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 21:56
If you are active, and see a trend/wave, go with it, don't go against it.

You will be much better off, I promise.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
6 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 21:57
MarcdeKoning you can sell you all shares 0.04-0.05 but you never rebuy lower, deal with it

Watch me wink I've been in this business longer then you probably.
Traffic Value: $377.17722 Turkey
0 like this post 12 people
30/04/2015 21:57
think that, a few smart guys wanna make shares cheap then they wanna buy lots of worthless shares then they hope share price will go up then they will get profit, but they missing one thing, when they make share price is lower, investors' and lots of members of money are being spent to all these worthless shares, then i ask you who will buy these shares at 0.30? nobody! a long time we will wait that, be smart pls dont do that make shares high not lower!

[edit by mod team: removed excessive formatting]
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
2 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 21:58
Today's Daily Reveue => 4726.11724$  whistling

Give me a reason to buy Expensive shares plaease ???
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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30/04/2015 21:59
In Marc we trust tongue
Also nice seeing a little talk about a small guy like me for a change grin
Traffic Value: $422.7589 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 22:00
it's time to drop the price until go up...believe
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
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30/04/2015 22:00
Here you are a mini block!

Damn brainy bought it, so it's not my fault, blame brainy :p
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
1 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 22:02
Brainy is Buying grin hhhhh
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
0 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 22:03
The Darkness, with nearly 50K shares, you aren't little.

I think that's the "lower middle class".

I haven't actually analyzed ShareHolders/Cash Holders, but that seems to be my impression.

I think I'm upper lower class.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
0 like this post 0 people
30/04/2015 22:05
Of course, if you are like Brainy, you can go against all you want.
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