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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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30/04/2015 20:25
I see that there is a roadblock from 2 big guys Marc and Passive, so there will not be an upswing.

So, I canceled my 2 bids.

Yes buying once Marc, Passive etc are done, and is willing to let the price go up a bit, is good.

Just if I could have gotten on that first wave bought at 4.55 and sold quickly at 4.75, I could have had a bit more revenue in which to buy at the end of this.
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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30/04/2015 20:26
wanted to help Passivetools and he bought my shares lol 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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30/04/2015 20:27
Not be an upswing?

Well, uhm not true, here it is now.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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30/04/2015 20:31
The Massive 250K Roadblock is slightly less than what my current shares were bought for (in an effort to sell them for just over 5c and mitigate some loss if it failed to go down to under 3.92).\

So, selling those shares is already a very difficult proposition.

ESP without Marc & Passive here to say they are pretty sure they are going to be successful to drive it down.
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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30/04/2015 20:31
its over?
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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30/04/2015 20:33
that was the 1st attempt xD ... Soon 2nd Attempt .... people are crazy buying shares now ZzZzZ 
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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30/04/2015 20:34
I don't think so fantasma02.
Traffic Value: $879.8953 Morocco
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30/04/2015 20:35
soo should we now sell them and wait for the fall ? .--. 
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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30/04/2015 20:38
Good question khoya ;D ... Mark and passivetools are testing some new strategies xD 
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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30/04/2015 20:40
druth8x: maybe, from ftq investments stats i can see that people are increasingly running out of balance cash (as its difficult to flip investments now and they are stuck) to get cash they could sell shares. and less cash in balances means less buying pressure from smaller investors.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/04/2015 20:46
The few share I have was a lot of work and invest to get them. I m not risking them for a few pennies of possible gains. This is all nonsense. The shares need to get up to 30 Cent, or else I lost a lot of money. Till yet there is really nothing in MTV that really creates any serious real profits. 
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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30/04/2015 20:57
@Steffen: To get to 30c, most people must stop selling them. and as long as there are many shares with relatively high price among members, the price rises can't be sustainable. First, the amount of shares held by people ready to them sell at any few cents rise must reduce...
the way for the market to achieve this could be price crashing down and causing selling panic in times when most people don't have much cash in balance to buy cheap shares
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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30/04/2015 20:57
Am not complaining ;D this is buisness man ... they didn't say we work together lol 
Traffic Value: $3,717.06732 Spain
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30/04/2015 21:10
¡MarcdeKoning has removed the three 250.000 shares roadblocks he had placed!
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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30/04/2015 21:15
It was rather expected.wink
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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30/04/2015 21:15
 fun is over xD
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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30/04/2015 21:16
So he was probably testing the waters and the waters said, nope too much of a headwind to be sailing right now.
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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30/04/2015 21:21
passivetools is doing strage moves ... selling and buying at the same price and there is some indecision felt lol ... i think they will trade between 0.0499 and 0.045 making profits ^^ ... next move will be drop down the price once more .. lets see how they do (Marc and PassiveT)
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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30/04/2015 21:22
Well it's fun seeing Marc placing a bid to buy 1 share!!!!!!!!!!!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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30/04/2015 21:24
Now that bid for 1 share was a test.. And it really proved something to me..
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