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Traffic Value: $115.47321 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 11:29

Dont worry send support ticket and you will get your BAp
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/01/2015 11:33
@nyags, your BAP history shows that you received it:

30-01-2015 11:27:02 -18 Ad issue: BA-1837344 / 396876808 207935
30-01-2015 11:18:00 +3100 Bulk Ads purchase: BA-1947706 207953
Traffic Value: $33.41599 Turkey
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30/01/2015 11:35
thanks jo
Traffic Value: $282.37103 Kenya
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30/01/2015 11:37
Thanks guys. normally the BAP log updates instantly. It did not. Yes, I have just checked, and all is fine.
Traffic Value: $1,035.72304 Netherlands
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30/01/2015 11:41
Why is not possible to deposit money via Neteller ?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/01/2015 11:44
@broiler, you can only use it to buy ads directly similar to Paypal and Payza.
Traffic Value: $160.46453 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 11:52
Can u tell about whn to buy shares and when to sell. ? The share price fell rapidly from 0.088 to 0.06 in last couple of days. When is the chance of rising the price of shares/
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
10 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 11:59
@qqaazz12, there's really no specific time when to buy shares. As long as you sell it at a higher price than when you originally bought it, then you're in profit. That being said, if you notice that the price dips down, that's an opportunity to buy it at a lower price and then just wait for the price to bounce back up again.
Traffic Value: $160.46453 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 12:07
After the BAP swap,  I sold my shares when price went to 0.09.  then price slightly rose up to 0.10, I thought that the price will rise further . But it fell down to 0.092,  So I again bought shares at 0.092. and has been waiting to rise again. bout ot dropped to as low as 0.06. Why paidverts is selling huge shares at 0.06
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/01/2015 12:25
@qqaazz12, you might want to read Jo's update in the Jan 29th News thread.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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30/01/2015 12:47
Well I am off everyone until later. Have tons of stuff to buy today for the new coops then start working on them. I thought about buying another recycle ad pack but I think I will wait until Saturday night or Sunday morning for that. Everyone have fun clicking today and thanks again Jo for the ads yesterday.

I did buy some more ad packs this morning, then got my shares up to 195. So I am getting closer to my goal of 250 shares. Now for me to go get a new coffee maker my old one crapped the bed a few days ago and instant just isn't doing itLOL  Now for me to put my ad filter down for any small ads that might come in. Things are looking up.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
16 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 12:53
So, we crossed the 6.000 shares now, and I an' buy more. I have cashed everything I could, sold my grandmother, my hamster, my goldfish, and even my used toothbrush ... angelJust kidding, I have nothing of that, but I would like to buy more shares, somehow I like doing it. So Jo, if you are in a good mood, and have nothing big to do, can you send a few more ads, so we can buy more shares?

Buying shares is kind of fun grin
Traffic Value: $6,326.35424 Italy
12 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 12:58

ever heard of the saying " never put all your eggs in one basket" ?

Don't get me wrong, I do believe firmly in MTV/PV  (look at  my investments) but I will never put all my savings in an online company that can disappear tomorrow.

Just my 50 BAPs worth of advise
Traffic Value: $249.68549 South Africa
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30/01/2015 13:14
Hey pflip

It's actually your 40 BAP, not 50! grin
Traffic Value: $825.93326 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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30/01/2015 13:17
Does anyone know anything about user "future"? Only Jo has more shares than him. Is it some Jo's account made for some future investments?
Traffic Value: $238.19507 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 13:18
Good Luck Jo..
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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30/01/2015 13:21

There are no guarantees whether the share price is going to go down or not. Or if it's going to start rising at a specific time. We are all in the same situation, we don't know. Your gamble on the shares is as good as anybody else's. 
You are not the only one who bought shares above $0.09, many people did. 
Traffic Value: $249.68549 South Africa
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30/01/2015 13:25

I might be wrong but I think "future" is Carlos.
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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30/01/2015 13:30
It's not Carlos as Jo is listed as the referrer of future...given it's investing in the 250 plan, I imagine it's the developmental fund etc with a sole purpose of building up cash revenues for future use (or something like that anyway)
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 13:31
@pflip -Thx, I know this, but there is not really anything else out there, at least not that I know of. This was more a bit of a joke. Fact is, we just do no have much, but we want to change that.  
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