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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
5 like this post 0 people
31/01/2015 04:28
First rule of the game... never go for the stick.
They are taunting you and you are chasing that stick all over the room, friend.
You're new Word of the Day: Whatever
You start getting that defensive itch? Whatever.
Love ya, bud.

Anyway, check out your Mega post, got everything in there now.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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31/01/2015 04:29

Glad we could come to a compromise. There's just a lot going on this month alone in Paidverts, I know. But one thing is that we shouldn't let our feelings and preconceived notions shroud reality. When we let our feelings take over, anxiety and doubt come along and bad things happen. We have to stay positive. Good things are to come and we should just sit and wait.

Have a good day as well! smile
Traffic Value: $425.6547 Malaysia
5 like this post 3 people
31/01/2015 04:30
Wow.. the forum is getting depressing to read so... here's something to cheer everyone up. I could launch a new site that will make everyone happy and it will be a very cheap copy of PV / MTV . It will be called .. " PAYAPOO "  . For every $1.50 spent , you will get 31,000 CRAPS , 1 PTC ad and 0 banner views . Every member will get one $5 ad daily min and fifty $0.0000005 ads . Cashout fee will be 99% to make the site sustainable. The forum will be a free for all and all kinds of spams and ref links are encouraged cwy    ( PS , disliking this post is encouraged , would like to set a record ) 
Traffic Value: $312.03684 Philippines
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31/01/2015 04:31
okay. superrrrrrrr upgrade is up, no ads for friday still, i think. but anyway. let's re-enroll!! grin
Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
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31/01/2015 04:31

Round means the number of weeks since these plans started. Like Round 1 - 30 is all finished already. Every week a new round is started. 

Not sure if you need to have 250% plan in order to buy 250% plans from market
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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31/01/2015 04:34
@ salias 
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 04:38
@JamesRo - Okay, I accept that but ...

"It's not sustenable and if everybody cashout and no investment is made the Ads can't be huge."

I know that this can not be sustainable, you really missed the point. But just to let you know this. I have never cashed out. Not one single cent yet. If you have more than 1000 shares, go in my account and look. So I don't understand why you say this to me. 

 But I disagree in one point. For if no ads come, and only low ads come, also no investments can be made, for most people simply don't have this type of extra funds. This is what I meant to say. And this is also what I said. And why can I not say that. I was not even complaining. I was disagreeing. And I still do.
Traffic Value: $60.59734 Argentina
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31/01/2015 04:38
The share price is going down every second and the SUU ads do not come, somebody kill me please. 
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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31/01/2015 04:40
@plutonian so inwhich round current week falls?
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 04:41
@salias  - Hahahahahahahahahaha ... I am still laughing. Best post of the day! Like the word CRAPS ... hahaha, this is a real good one. i am still laughing. Are you sure it will still be sustainable. Only 99% fee? How about 90.5127%
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 04:42

Top of the page... I posted you.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 04:45
MaxR - Sorry, can't do this. I can't even kill a chicken, only flies and mosquitos. You have to live thru all this. Don't worry the share price for now. This roadblock will stay there for a while it seems, for too many undercut the price of that paidverts block. Tip: Buy as many as you can right now, it is a good chance to get cheap shares. No need to worry about the share price, at least not right now,
Traffic Value: $161.32214 United States
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31/01/2015 04:46
can any body tell me why pending 14 days to adds account???????????????????/

Pending Transactions
Date Type Method Amount Time Waiting Details
01/18/2015 deposit Western Union +$784.4359 14 days
Traffic Value: $2,203.33648 Poland
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31/01/2015 04:47
Thx Jo and Team for FTQ Market smile 
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
2 like this post 0 people
31/01/2015 04:52
@JayR17 - Yes Jay, I know, I am too emotional, which is sometimes not good. I agree. I am glad we got this solved. Let's hope in the end all will be good. Some doubts are sometimes a very healthy thing too. Not good to believe everything blind. Got burned too many times.
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
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31/01/2015 04:55
The support won't do WU deposits/cashouts if no one told them to do so.
Send a ticket for it!
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
7 like this post 0 people
31/01/2015 05:06
"I have never cashed out. Not one single cent yet."  -- Me too grin

" if ... no ads come, and only low ads come, also no investments can be made, for most people simply don't have this type of extra funds"

The PV PTC Mode is just an experiment made by Jo to study the behavior of users and system, maybe to establish a new strategy of PV/MTV development. A test it's only a test, if the result is successfull then changes will be made, if not there will be no changes. Also another reason for this PTC Mode for PV can be a delay of another premature BAP  Swap.
- good for stability, less debt, more sustenable
- less ads(resolve the undelivered visits/ads)
- small users will be satisfied if PV pay more than other PTC's
- if ads value are low - less bulk ads investment, and less traffic volume
- maybe less users (some users exchange their BAP for Shares)
- not so attractive to get higher groups (less users in higher groups)

But we don't know what Jo want to do. Don't worry, we already know that Jo's decisions are the best even if we don't like but when we see the results we are happy grin
Traffic Value: $60.59734 Argentina
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31/01/2015 05:10
Hey guys con someone reply my question 

will be a new split on pv/mtv? 

Cheersred face
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 05:15
Nobody knows for sure, but as far as I can remember Jo saying, there doesn't look to be one planned this year. Doesn't mean things won't change later though.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 05:17
@JamesRo - Thanks for this reply. Yes, I kind of see it the same way as you do. But what I was forgetting in my thought is, that this is supposed to be a test, no more, no less. Well if this really is the case, I have to wait to see what the results are, after this test is over. Maybe it is necessary, I will not question that. But it does not mean that 
I have to like it, for I don't. The old Rolling Stones song comes to mind: "You can't always get wahat you wa-hant."
Lol, But if you ask me, this sucks too grin
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