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Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/01/2015 05:47
To 10K Shareholders, I hope you can spare 2 mins of your time to approve some campaign edits so we can remove a lot of adult-banners. Just click here: Thanks! wink
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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30/01/2015 05:47
Traffic Value: $3,140.01274 India
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30/01/2015 05:56

Traffic Value: $780.17861 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 06:04
@micheal no man! Im white not pink :p
i hate you hahahaa grin
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 06:08
Now why you got hate a fella? wub
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 06:09
Woohoo! BAP at 339, now...
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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30/01/2015 06:11
I have made a mistake, I bought 2800 shares at 279 BAP each and now the price is 239 BAP/ share sad
I hope the price bounce will be equal or more than the Huge Ad issue next week. grin
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 06:15
I can tell you this, it won't go up before the share price does. But they will go up to over 300 again, easy, when the share price finally does rise again. You will just have to wait. grin

Should have seen me around swap time. Put all my cash into shares at $0.06 and watched the price get to nearly $0.02. cwy
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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30/01/2015 06:21
@MichaelKline I was in the worst condition at that time, I sold all my shares to get to next BAP group cwy and then Jo swapped everything I had at sky high prices sad 
But I am OK now, invested some more to get to group 9, then bought 2800 shares with BAP and landed to group 8, I don't know how good is this action of buying shares with BAP and loose one group angel
I have to find that out grincool
Traffic Value: $585.65236 Spain
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30/01/2015 06:23
que significa el add pack de anuncios de 1.05? subira la compra de anuncios agranel a 1.05 x 3100 bats o nos daran mas bats...
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 06:31
For some reason, I do not think it i a good idea to swap so much BAP for shares, that you drop down a group, for then less new money comes in. For me it is hard to understand everything right, but I think there has to be a balance in this. I started this morning to buy ads again, so that I will not drop down a group. And Gloria will do the same. Was hard enough to get to group 9 for us. We just do not have too  much funds. We need somewhat of a stable income, so that I can leave welfare, and leave Germany, and live with my wife in Ghana. We have a bit more than 5,000 shares now, but the dividends are not enough on this level, for this you need much more cash. I think, but I could be wrong.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 06:35
There are still poor souls out there waiting on 11 cent shares. Did you know the share value hit 354 at one point since the swap? They could have had all their BAP back PLUS 55% MORE! 
Traffic Value: $161.32214 United States
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30/01/2015 06:36
Pending Transactions
Date Type Method Amount Time Waiting Details
01/18/2015 deposit Western Union +$784.4359 13 days Details

How long days i will be wait????? pls ans me i am losing you issue adds, you need to be compensate, i am very much upset to send money through western union. and  i did open a support ticket 13 days stile now i did not get any response form you?? JO pls give me a ans what happened?????
Traffic Value: $3,140.01274 India
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30/01/2015 06:42

Even i bought 2000 shares yesterday at 275/share and dropped down to group 8. I am waiting for the price to reach at least a 1000 BAP/ Share. I have seen it last year and i am hoping it happens again. Its a waiting game unless we get a better opportunity.
Traffic Value: $411.15512 Philippines
25 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 06:46
Traffic Value: $832.85798 Estonia
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30/01/2015 06:46
Adult Banner please remove this erotic banner
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 06:46
That sounds crazy, but interesting. I can't allow my funds to sit dormant that long though. Need to continually roll them over as fast as I can manage.
Traffic Value: $3,140.01274 India
3 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 06:54

It does. When i joined in September 2014, the price was close to 1500 BAP/Share. I am hoping it happens again. I don't have a choice to invest and wait. 
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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30/01/2015 06:56
Jo said "I'm hoping it stays down until we issue the additional shares, at which point I think it will drop some more"

What does he mean by "until we issue additional shares" ? ? ?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
10 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 06:56
@myconcept, do you mean like these BAP prices? grin

Date Action To/From Method Shares Price Per Share (BAP) TOTAL (BAP) Fee (BAP)
Sell vihap85 BAP 6 1,700 10,200 306
Sell bufi BAP 2 1,600 3,200 96
Sell giang1990 BAP 4 1,610 6,440 193
Sell duda001 BAP 3 1,550 4,650 140
Sell slosumo BAP 10 1,499 14,990 450

I currently have 1K shares listed for 1500 BAP. I'm just waiting for the BAP price to hit that amount for me to be in Group 10 immediately. lol!
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