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Traffic Value: $60.59734 Argentina
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31/01/2015 05:18
Thanks Michael
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 05:18
Left my ad filter on 0.005 while I was typing out my mathematics for What about Mega Upgrade. Now I have 121 0.005 ads to click and 1% haven't even started yet! Oh, bother.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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31/01/2015 05:20

What I don't understand is that you're saying Paidverts is in PTC Mode. What does that mean? Hasn't Paidverts been a PTC since it came out? I know Jo is testing the system/users but idk about PTC mode..
Traffic Value: $483.79878 Portugal
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31/01/2015 05:42
@salias 31/01/2015 , 04:30 : LOLOL ...I would pay , to be your ref on that site , and become super active and motivated , just to see , if you , as admin , would/could/should be able to keep the site reliable , sustainable and popular , lol tongue smile
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
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31/01/2015 05:47
It means that the earnings will be reduced for few days and after that he will "release the accumulation". We will earn less but better than in other PTC's.

Paidverts is more than a simple PTC, is more complex, you can use it and buy shares for BAP. I also love the ideea that PV is not based on bots like other PTCs, here all your refferals are humans. You don't waste your money to rent inactive bots and see that only 30-40% are working and force you to waste aditional money to receive other inactive bots.

This is Jo post on a thread:
"I am not planning to BAP Swap anytime soon... Just ride out a few days of low results; we have money in the bank (over $300k)

But you're not going to see 10% daily results or anything like that... so get that idea out of your head. We're going to PTC mode a little while, get through some of the clicks backlog, make some adjustments to the system -- ad packs repricing, new plans, shares etc.... Allow a little time to pass, let the MTV portfolio mature, and debt be chipped away. And then we'll release the accumulation! That'll push everything forwards, buying us more time for the debt to be worked away in the background.

I want to avoid anymore swaps for several month at least, preferably until middle/end of the year if possible."
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 05:53
@JayR17 - What I think PTC mood means is this : In any PTC you really can't earn any serious money, they are so pretty much all of them just a waste of time. Jo tried to do something different with Paidverts, and he could do it only because he has MTV. So if I understand it right, to pay much to users, this only works with kind of complicated transfers of funds from MTV to PV, back and forth, and with a wide portfolio of programs in MTV, and this is how he can make the profits he needs to pay us, the users. Without MTV Paidverts could never issue so much high ads, as he did before. This money has to be earned somewhere. And now he is maybe testing the grounds, how it will be, if he is using Paidverts like one of these normal shit PTC sites, and if users will still stay with him on Paidverts then. But if it goes in this direction, then I will not stay with Paidverts, but will cash-out and go.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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31/01/2015 05:58
Anyhow, done waiting for ads. 

No adissue, no 1% ads cwycwycwy
The cron got stuck.
Sharemarket is also not exiting.  
But I had good refcommision and a 2$ recycler ad,
so I can afford being the biggest looser on Solitair yesterday. 

Winners enjoy my money. You are ever so welcome.
Traffic Value: $376.8665 India
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31/01/2015 06:01
Today I got a $2.17 Recycled ad for my 0.05 recycler plan. That's great.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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31/01/2015 06:01
also guessing it´s something with cron since 1% disappeared
Jo was just commenting in a post in facebook so whatever happens it will be fixed. Saturday is no ads day soooooo no worries.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 06:02
@pythagoras - How do you know that the cron got stuck? Is this a valid info, or just speculation?  
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 06:05
Don't be too hasty friend. This is just some cleanup that needs to be done because parts of the revenue stream are completed yet. Like Targeted Ads, for example. That will generate lots of cash. Especially on the designs that I am going to present in Brainstorms shorty.

Plus they need some time for some pieces to settle into place, like the new Programmer's office and all the site adjustments that they have in major development. These take a portion of the profits to complete and then that profit comes back to Paidverts as ads.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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31/01/2015 06:11
as you may have read we don´t know, we are speculating
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 06:12
@MichaelKline - Ok, this makes sense, for I am sure that all this costs a lot, and takes a lot of the money that comes in. Programmers are not cheap. Seems to be a profitable profession, Ok, so let's see how all this turns out. Thx for the reminder, for to be hasty, this is still one of my weak points. I like to trade them off. You need any? I trade them for patience any time.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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31/01/2015 06:45
@steffenbiese what is ur sleeping time i think u r suffered of insomnia problem tongue
Traffic Value: $409.99435 Czech Republic
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31/01/2015 15:05
Don't lower 10% referral commissions to 5% -.- 
Traffic Value: $9.78095 Pakistan
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31/01/2015 18:48
Don't lower 10% referral commissions to 5%
Traffic Value: $9.78095 Pakistan
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31/01/2015 18:49
good night friends
with zero ads issue
Traffic Value: $3,834.0699 United Kingdom
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31/01/2015 19:05
Usually when Jo says he is planing to do something or thinking of it.It happens earlier or later.

You know what. Jo should be the last one who would like to cut his money in pv in a half.
In his case it would be in a half because he gets money only form referrals(he gets from MTV as well)

When he wrote he might cut 5% off from referrals and give this to people with ads after buying some upgrade.That simply means to me that he cares about MTV/PV and all of us not about himself and his money from referral which is huge lately.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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31/01/2015 19:05
@ asaxen

Yeah spring and summer are the best time of the year for me. I have plenty of chickens to handle along with crops and then all the canning come early fall. However all summer long I get to sell fertile eggs, and that is a full time income in the summer months. Last year we made over $2000 in sales of just eggs another $3000 in sales of chicks, so I take spring and summer off from working a regular job.

But I make lots here on the side just clicking the recycled ads, and that is going to help me a lot. It will, I hope by next year add an extra $50 a week to my income or more. $200 to me a month pays the lights and the phone bill. That leaves more cash in my pocket. The more that I can add to PV and the shares this summer the higher I will be come the end of the year.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 20:08
That was rather rude, friend. The tongue smiley indicates that he is joking with you. Picking on you. Not trying to insult or hurt you.
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