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Jan 30th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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30/01/2015 06:59
yallit The price will immediately go up to what you need it to if someone sells me 29,000 shares at 200 or less bap in the next few minutes. tongue
Traffic Value: $3,140.01274 India
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30/01/2015 06:59

Absolutely. It would be great to see that happen again. 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/01/2015 07:15
@newguy1, lol! Unless the cash price drops further, the BAP price will probably stay in the 230 BAP range or even go higher again. You can make a roadblock though. I saw the BAP price dip down to 220 BAP range when someone placed two listings of 1K+ shares each at (if I'm not mistaken) 237 BAP and 235 BAP respectively. But after he removed his listings, the BAP price went back up again. lol!
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 07:18
I remember this. i joined in the beginning of October. I didn't even know that there is a MTV there, nor what it really is. Then my sponsor advised me to buy a few shares, and told me some weird stuff, that I today know is totally stupid B.S. I put them for sale for 1800 BAP, and they are there till today. As far as I remember they were around 1600 BAP in those days. I totally forgot. 

Wow, when this comes again, then our shares are worth a a lot, for we have 5,000+ meanwhile, together with my wife's. I just see, we have to buy more, lol
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 07:19
Gotta keep my eye on it. 210-220 is about what I'm looking for. Can't see it getting down to 200 without manipulation though.
Traffic Value: $3,140.01274 India
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30/01/2015 07:23

Keep buying as many shares as you can. If everything falls in place, you guys will get amazing returns by end of 2015
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 07:28
You missed a good story while you were gone: Give a homeless a chance
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 07:31
@myconcept - Hmmmh, this is what I think too, but I do not want to do it for any price. I still like more balance, I think. Thx for the advice
Traffic Value: $3,140.01274 India
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30/01/2015 07:34

Absolutely. Keep a target selling price in mind while buying shares.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 07:38
@MichaelKline - Good morning Michael. No, I did not miss it, I read it, but have not to say too much about it. In Germany we do not really have this problem, for we have welfare. And those who don't take this, are usually alcoholics, and real weird people. Here every person has a right to get welfare. When I was in the USA, it was different. I have been homeless too. But I build me a little house out of bamboo, on an organic farm, watching the farm, and could stay there. Then I collected aluminum cans, but very smart. With this money I bought me some tools at K-Mart and Sears, bought a beach cruiser on the swap meet in Goleta, Fixed it, repainted it and mad a profit of $ 100.& month later I had my own bike shop in IV (Isla Vista). right in front of UCSB. But such things are not possible here in Germany. I tried. no way ...
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 07:47
Really, I would've thought that you would've said some comment to my personal story told within the post. Oh, well.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 07:53
@MichaelKline - I didn't read all, I must have missed this one, sorry. Can you give me the direct link, I have a bit time problems today. Today my welfare money comes, and my fridge is totally empty. Need to buy food. And Besides, we can do this one better per email, I do not want to get all these hate messages, when I speak my mind in this area. Hope you understand. Can u just copy your post in an email, and then I reply to this? is this ok? No offense please
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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30/01/2015 07:57
steffenbiese, wenn du mir deine Mailadresse, FB, oder Skype da lassen möchtest, würde ich mich mal bei dir melden, und vllt. noch aufkommende Fragen klären - ich gehe mittlerweile davon aus, das System zu 99% verstanden zu haben wink falls du irgendwie aus dem Raum Rhein/Main/Pfalz/Hunsrück/Saarland stammst, gehe ich auch gerne mal ein [Getränk nach Wahl] mit dir trinken tongue


Just offered a bit more information and communication in German wink
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 07:57
I already sent a link to gmail. Read all the replies when you have time.
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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30/01/2015 07:58
Jo said in yesterday's News "I'm hoping it stays down until we issue the additional shares, at which point I think it will drop some more"

What does he mean by "until we issue additional shares" ? ? ?
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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30/01/2015 08:00
AnilSuthar, the shareholder's cut will be 20% instead of 19% with the new plans. Thereby MTV can create additional shares without devaluating the current ones wink Every share will get he same turnover cut as before.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 08:01
Jo is issuing a lot of free shares really soon, i think.
He is giving each user 1 free share for every 19 that they have.
Don't you think it is ironic that he sets the market up for a massive share buying spree just before he does this?
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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30/01/2015 08:07
Good morning everyone smile

did I miss anything important in the last 4 hours? grin
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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30/01/2015 08:07
Good morning
No, nothing happened so far... Jo is probably busy or catching some ZzzzzZZZ grin
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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30/01/2015 08:07
Jo wants to save up some money so that he can give a HUGE AD ISSUE to wipe out the (might be) negative effect of 1.05 Bulk Ad. 

And it so happens that when the new FTQ plan come in, paidverts will instantly have 100,000,000 shares effortlessly, so dishing out 20M shares @ $0.06 is nothing,
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