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Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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31/01/2015 02:39
Group 11 has had an awesome month overall. Much better than when I was holding it last year. If I can get someone to sell me 30k shares at 200 BAP, I will leave group 11 and allow you more earnings with one less member in the group. tongue
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 02:39
@ronaldo7 - If you write it in big letters, this does not impress me at all. I am not too old for this, I just refuse to be blind for reality. I have never been a hoooray screamer all my life, and I have not to believe every promise people do.
I also have never told people to shut up, or to to not ask. I do not like the way you talk to me, and to be honest, a also don't give a f..... about what you think. I did not even ask you for your opinion. For who are you to judge me?
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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31/01/2015 02:41
steffenbiese I don't think he is judging you, it's just happy people tend to dislike being around negative needy people. smile
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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31/01/2015 02:44
@ Newguy

You are hunting for 200BAP a piece? 
Wish you good luck on that one. 
Perhaps after the mega ad issue. 
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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31/01/2015 02:47
It's more of a hope. If it doesn't happen, that's fine, I'll just collect the ad income, but I would love to pick up shares with BAP between 200-230 actually. Looking to get the highest share bonus I can. 
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 02:47
@matei1910 - Nothing to apologize here. For what? I do not need these links, for I know what I got. But this was only for one week, and after this no more. And Jo had to do this, after he forced us into this BAPSWAP, and just took all our BAP by force. So he gave us a few days a little bit more. But very fast it changed. And you do not tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are? I speak my mind, and I have all rights to do so, for I also am a shareholder here. My wife and I have 6.184 shares. "So I can not say what I think and feel?" 
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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31/01/2015 02:52

You have to realize what the BAP swap does. Here's a post written by Slosumo:

Instead of whining about the BAP swap which is now in the past (and was profitable over all) just think of the future instead....

The BAP swap turned our BAP into shares so what. We had the ability to sell them all for around 300+ BAP each only 1-2 weeks after the swap. Super profitable. I for one missed out. I bought Bulk Ads using my ref commission and sold all my shares once the price rose to 160 BAP each. But I'm not complaining, "OMG Jo you took muh BAP and terned to shares, I demand you not do that no more JO. I don't want to make huge ads or make a profit by selling muh shares!". That would be dumb.
Traffic Value: $862.68812 Romania
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31/01/2015 02:55
Go to a real job if You don't like. It is simple. You don't like here? Sell Your share's and BAP's and after that just leave us. Nobody keeps you here with force. Cheers.
Traffic Value: $432.67654 Philippines
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31/01/2015 02:59
My opinion
Increasing price of bulk ads then - "$0.05 creates 33 instant ads, that get issued at random: 20x $0.0005, 10 x $0.001 , 2 x $0.005 and 1x $0.02." I think this is not good idea because many low members don't want to click low value ads then he used recycled feature and higher group members have ad filter then this low value ads will block, it means the 2 possible low group and high group will failed at the rate of 50%-70% to click the ads. In short this idea will increase debt and undelivered clicks/view.

Referrals commission reduce to 5% - This idea will decrease the new members/investors because its not worth it the time to invite other people in facebook, clixsense, neobux, blog, etc.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 03:00
@JayR17 - I know what the BAPswap does, and why it was maybe necessary to do. This is not the point. I am also not whining. I really hate it to hear this all the times. Usually from Americans. I don't like it to have people force things down my throat. That's what I don't like. I also look what is ahead and not only what is behind, you really had to tell me nothing new here at all. Just your "whining-blues." Go ahead and play the hoooray guy, this is up to you.
Traffic Value: $207.42767 Slovenia
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31/01/2015 03:06
@steffenbiese don't know why did I use big letters.Probably I pressed something(using chrome on phone).Anyway its good you dont give a F about what I think because me too dont give a F about what you think.But the problem on this forum is that are too many double-faced hypocrites.Just whining and whining and spamming and creating new threads.And you ofcourse will say(like always) Thank you Jo when the big ads will come...It never gets old...
Traffic Value: $129.7967 Sri Lanka
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31/01/2015 03:08
"- $0.10 is added to the daily ad issues, 2x5% per day."
What does this means really ?
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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31/01/2015 03:12

Saying that just because I'm American is very unethical and also sort of racist. I didn't even take into account that you're German so take that as you will. I would say the same things to anyone regardless of country. What you seem to not understand is the BAP swap was close to a split decision done on the spot. I know you hate having it "forced" on you but that is also still complaining. Jo gave us a few days notice. Was that not enough time for you? What would it change if he told us 3 months behind. It wouldn't matter because it would still happen to move the business forward. Plus a few days is certainly a lot of time considering he even gives his time to tell us the Daily News everyday. What would have done in the extra time if he gave us let's say 2 weeks notice. Everything would still go as usual... MyTrafficValue always has some sort of debt swap every year it's been up. And everytime it worked out just fine. The next swap is inevitable and will come around 6-12 months from now as Jo has said in one of the Daily News posts.
Traffic Value: $9,582.37857 Australia
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31/01/2015 03:17
I honestly don't understand why you're using this word "forced" as if it's a bad thing.

If someone "forced" extra money into your pocket, is that any kind of problem? ..because that's exactly what happened.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 03:21
@ronaldo7 - Ok, now I understand the big letters. lol. However, one thing I am not, and you did not say it to me, I am truly not a hypocrite, and if we get big ads, of course I will be thankful for it, why not. But I also pay a lot of money to get them, or did so in the past. So let it just end here for now, i have nothing against you.
Traffic Value: $207.42767 Slovenia
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31/01/2015 03:30
@steffenbiese yes you invested a lot of money to this site and of course time.But you know that is impossible to receive always big ads.I want them too lol but this site as PTC is still one of the best.My father invested more than 500€ to neobux and he is getting 6$ on day.he will never BEP because he always have to extend refs.I think we should trust Jo.And I have a question for you.Have you ever been on AdhitsProfits?
Traffic Value: $565.72288 Bangladesh
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31/01/2015 03:31
if you have some problem to cash please start on member to member fund transfer and apply fee there
for this you can get back money and cash-out will not to a lot
you can get time to develop site and much better to us to join any one
and off invest plan its loss project for company because there is no return
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 03:31
@JayR17 - Nothing unethical about what I said. The insult of whining is most of the times coming from users from the USA. This is what I observe here all the time. I lived 16 1/2 years in the USA, and so I kid of know how they tick. To call this racism is a very foolish thing to say. You do not even know what this word means it seems. Look it up in Google, before you throw with such words around. Jay,  I am from Germany, but my real Dad was an American. Most people from the USA are European background, so we have the same race. And you mentioned something briefly, smart you did not say it to the end. But let you know one thing. I was not even born when Hitler and the Nazis have been around. And I have nothing to do with any of this. All this because I criticized you, after you attacked me for no reason. This too have I seen in the USA, They do not like any critic, but they themselves do it all the time., A real USA thing, I have never experienced it anywhere else that much. Hahaha, ad this makes me a racist now? Chill out Mr. I do not want no fight with you, just let's drop it please.
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
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31/01/2015 03:38
"It is one month now, since the forced BAPSWAP, and the skyrocketing up to the moon ads have still not come."

Do you want $1,000,000 Ads every day only for you???smile

01.01.2015 - after the BAP Swap Paidverts gave you 1 share for 219 BAP;
13.01.2015 - two weeks later the price for a share was $0.10
13.01.2015 - the price for a share was $0.11 and 340+ BAP

Paidverts gave you 1 share for $0.1095 in BAP or $0.705 in cash and in only 2 weeks you could sell you shares gaining more proffit that your initial value of BAP in cash. It took very long time to extract all BAP in cash and earn same value(months), but Jo and PV/MTV users make it possible in only 2 weeks.

Maybe you are not good at math but if you read my post I solved your problem: Jo helped you, Jo helped us all !!! Stop complaining ! Stop making false acusation! We see that it's not enough for you, you want earn more and more... maybe if you earn more than all users it's not enough for you. What kind of person are you? Are you still human? You are blinded by money...
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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31/01/2015 03:44
I bought an investment.

EB -$1.10 Investment bought (pending approval)
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