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Jan 30th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
11 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 22:57
I just wanted to point out some things and I am gonna be quick about it. 

The referer no longer get 10%, fix it so it show the right % whatever you change it to 5%, 10%, 9.5% or 4.5% i do not care do what you think is best. 

Paidverts need to change their banners anyway now so do it right this time. You tell people on the banners that they will get 1.55 dollars for every dollar but that is false because the referer gets 5% and PV takes 100 BAP in tax everyday. This is in fact not legal at least not in my country and if MTV and PV is gonna get some big investors we need to follow the law and not give people false information or hope. PV can not tax BAP because then all the marketing is a lie. 
Traffic Value: $514.42301 Ukraine
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30/01/2015 22:59
Friday walk advertisement do not buy! All profits!
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
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30/01/2015 23:04
* And i'm thinking, at a later date we may reduce the 10% referral commission on ad pack purchases, down to 5% at some point in the future.

This will lower referral earnings quite a bit, what about to 8% or 7,5% max?
Or just do it later in future.(after 1 year or 2 smile )
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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30/01/2015 23:05
jo announced the ads will come late at night or saturday early morning, not to worry
Traffic Value: $12,342.70038 Netherlands
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30/01/2015 23:05
reducing the ref % to 5 is very very bad for PV/MTV .It is very important to get more and more members  . Reducing the ref % to 5 will not help to get more members because promoting PV will be less atractive . I hope JO will think very good about this before he makes this decission . We want to grow and this move will not help at all .
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 23:10
First of all, I like that Jo was telling us a bit about his plans. I do not claim to understand all of it, and it might be good longterm, but I am not really sure about it. What does all this mean for us, the users? Fact is, today I earned $4.40 in group 8. Which is not true, because I only received $4.30, what I earned is only a third of this, In other words, I earned only $1.46 and this is more than low.
For I have also to consider, that most of this is just the 1% of my own ad purchases, that I had to do, to even get this much. In other words, I do not really like this development. In the end, the user is loosing in all this, but the company is winning. I find it unfair, to be frank.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
4 like this post 2 people
30/01/2015 23:11
Off the meds again? Find the bottle quick!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 2 people
30/01/2015 23:11
provavelmente seu ingles está atrapalhando de novo, porque sua conta está totalmente virada... quer tentar me explicar em português por que vc pensa isso assim eu posso te explicar por que vc está enganado?
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
2 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 23:12
Jo I want to know something (other users can tell me too). Why exactly is Jo selling shares for $0.06 and a lot of them at that? Someone on another site said this:

"The share price is down because the site (Jo) is no longer artificially inflating it. Instead, to pay off old investments, the site is dumping shares which is also driving down the share price. I see people complaining about the market manipulation in the forums, but I'm surprised there aren't more.

Why is Jo selling shares at $0.06/share instead of $0.089/share that it was a few days ago? Because he can't both sell shares and artificially inflate the share price at the same time.

The amount he manipulates the market is speeding up. Used to be every couple of months, then weeks, and now every day there is some sort of tweak. Bad things to come...."

I can't really argue with that. It kind of worries me.
Traffic Value: $538.25641 Spain
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30/01/2015 23:13
here we go again...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
5 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 23:14
lol there is always someone asking that
Jo is moving the market... people tend to save money in their accounts.. meaning I am in group 9 right now and I got 42 dollars stopped in my account... suddenly if shares fall to 0.02 I will probably take my 42 dollars and buy shares, putting it back in the system. Then later the shares will raise price again and I win and the system wins.
'Dead" money isn´t good for the system and a good admin knows it and takes steps to keep it from happening.
Traffic Value: $821.8462 Macedonia
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30/01/2015 23:14
Maybe we lose a little in ref comissions, but you have to understand that the business is ever-changing and Jo is adapting so it will not go under. If that means that i make 5% less from refferals so that this site can stay up for years to come, i have no complaints.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 23:21
In other words, Jo is saying in the News of today, that this kind of ads will go on for 1-2 weeks. So most likely rather for two weeks. How can this be good? If no money comes in, no one can invest, except a few rich folks that have already a good income, and don't really need PV. And now he wants to cut the 10% referal commission down to 5%. In other words, it is already hard to find refs, but now it is no more really interesting, because you will not make no more good money for all this work to get one. The only one who profits on this would be Jo, he does not loose anything by this, but we will. I can not see how this would bring more growth. If you cut down the earning, how will this produce growth? In the real world I have never seen that ever, in all of my 62 years on this planet. I have seen the contrary development of such policy only. Again, I do not claim to know it all. Is just my humble opinion. Maybe all this is needful, I can't tell, but I can see also, the next two weeks I will hardly earn anything here. And if it then will get better, I do not know. Makes no sense to speculate, we have to see. But I really doubt it.
Traffic Value: $821.8462 Macedonia
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30/01/2015 23:24
Actually, Jo ref comissions would be cut in half too.
Traffic Value: $3,386.23128 Turkey
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30/01/2015 23:24
A little ? ?f you have a lot of referrals you will loose very big my friend not a little. 
Traffic Value: $821.8462 Macedonia
0 like this post 2 people
30/01/2015 23:25
Would you rather the business failed?
Traffic Value: $12,342.70038 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 23:27

Promoting will be a big losing game for most of us if the ref commision will be only 5% . As simple as that  .Promoting PV is for no use than  . Less promoting is less members is less earnings for all of us  . As Simple as that  . I am sorry but this i cant understand  .
Traffic Value: $778.30731 Colombia
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30/01/2015 23:30
If you are paying ?? I asked for a pay 6 days ago and am no longer worried
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
6 like this post 3 people
30/01/2015 23:30

With regards to decreasing referral commissions, Jo stands to lose the most by a HUGE margin. Do you not know how much he makes in referrals per day?

I like the limiting commission idea. I have a few referrals and I's fun to see some new money show up in your account, but I think MTV is "outgrowing" the notion of the referral system and legions of people promoting just for the referral commission, with no intent of ever investing/purchasing anything from the site. I know it's a legitimate business model to grow with (even Amazon has a referral program), but I think it tends to "cheapen" MTV and with out a doubt opens the site up to referral abuse, stacking, "family click factories" and what not.
Imagine an MTV that was So Good, you joined just because it was So Good. That the products, services and experiences sold themselves.
Now there's something to strive for.
Traffic Value: $1.55 United States
3 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 23:31
steffenbiese really  remember Jo has the most referrals of anyone on the site. so any cut in commission will effect him too. But I think you will see if he does this that you will not lose money as there will be more ads in the system to be clicked to make up for the 5% cut.  Also look at it this way says you got a referral that is actively clicking but rarely buy a ad pack. well now you got a chance to make more on this referral cause they have more ads to click. In the end it all balance out if you stop looking at the little picture of oh i am lose money right now if he does this and look down the road at what can and will happen if this works like I think it will.
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