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Jan 30th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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30/01/2015 21:46
a day has 24 hours... and saturday is not ad day
Ads will come, Jo has already said it. Sit down and wait, it´s the best you can do... either that or go out, have fun, kiss your girlfriend (boyfriend). When you get back they should be here.
Traffic Value: $1,827.4207 Moldova Republic of
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30/01/2015 21:51
@Jo, I don't know whether my opinion is so important for you that you will consider it. However, I think that reducing referral comissions by 66% will certainly give less motivation for users to promote their reflinks in order to invite new people to join PV.
Just my 2cents.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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30/01/2015 21:57
I am just wondering if there is any news about the new 5 seconds timers that would be introduced, any news about that ?
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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30/01/2015 21:58
This estela person looks to me like that farrdorra character (remember?) but in spanish... 

Stop feeding the trolls, gang. wink
Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
0 like this post 5 people
30/01/2015 21:58
5 second timer has never been approved and never will be.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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30/01/2015 22:00

actually jo has mentioned in his daily news about it and even said a programmer was working on it
Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
0 like this post 4 people
30/01/2015 22:02
Which one? I must have missed it.. but dont think I did.

Change of timer would be a nail in a coffin.
Traffic Value: $1.55 United States
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30/01/2015 22:04
people please explain to me how reducing the referral commission by 5% on purchase is going to hurt people getting referrals. Since that 5% is going to more ads you have a chance of making more money off your referrals in the long run.

example my referral a buy a 1 ad pack i get  .105 now. under the new system i would get 0.0525. but you would have more ads out there to be click on so you could make up the different really fast if you got alot of active referrals the only ones that would lose money are the one that have very few active referrals.

cause say you have 10 active referral and they all get 10 0.05  ads you make the difference up plus if they get more then that you making more money
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 22:04
daily news 24th jo said:

The 5second ad timer will be the default (free) option.
The 30second ad timer will come at a cost of an additional $0.025 per ad pack.
And we may add a 60second ad timer option for a cost of +$0.50 per ad pack.
Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
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30/01/2015 22:06
This can be a way for money laundering...
and more tables for the cron job to process..
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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30/01/2015 22:07
First time for everything I
Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
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30/01/2015 22:13
Thank you Jordy.

I assume all current purchases will remain at 30 though.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 22:20
@drRock1972 - Thx a lot, yes, these are good words. I kind of know, but it is not easy to get good refs. Besides, there has been no ads today again. No money, no invest. It's that simple. i have to live with that.
Traffic Value: $780.17861 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 22:20
reducing referral commision ermm
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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30/01/2015 22:23

Actually uplines still only receive $0.10 per purchase. Close to 9.5% commission.

From Jo:

"- $0.05 creates 33 instant ads, that get issued at random: 20x $0.0005, 10 x $0.001 , 2 x $0.005 and 1x $0.02
- $0.10 of each purchase pays your upline
- $0.10 of each purchase is profit for the MTV Portfolio
- $0.10 creates 10x 1% ads issued to the purchaser over 10 days
- $0.10 creates 10x 1% ads issued at random to Super Users
- $0.10 is added to the daily ad issues, 2x5% per day.
- $0.50 is invested at MTV, which now needs to return 2.4x in order to clear the reduced level of debt now created with each pack (previously it was 2.5x)."
Traffic Value: $822.81278 Australia
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30/01/2015 22:37
I noticed that there was no Group Ad issue stats in the daily News for 30th Jan. I don't really care if Jo is issuing low ads but I do like to know what my group is supposed to receive so that I know that I actually receive close to that amount.
Transperancy is key. Showing these stats even for low ad issues is important for a number of reasons.
It shows people openly that not all days are going to be big ad days. If I have a downline or people interested in investing I could show them that there is variation in daily ad issue amounts and that it is normal and part of the business model. This then helps everyone make informed decisions if they are thinking of investing and joining.
People interested in joining like to see past results and if they are not provided and I cannot show them then uncertainty can arise.
So now I have to ask the question because stats were not posted.
Was 80 cents about the average of what was issued to group 8?
I am not complaining if it was that low...only asking why the stats for each group were not posted?
Traffic Value: $862.68812 Romania
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30/01/2015 22:38
We are in 31th and I don't know that? Patience is the key wink
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
3 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 22:45
Just added 60x1.05 Bulk Ads. They should generate 1980 small Ads now.
Congrats to the lucky ones! wink

Hehe, and welcome to Group 9 grin
Traffic Value: $1.55 United States
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30/01/2015 22:46
People it still the 30th for 1:15 minutes in the server world and Jo stated earlier the ads would be late today or early tomorrow server time. so why do you all want to keep whine about them.

JayR17 you must of missed the part where Jo was talking about dropping the referral commission on purchases from 10% to 5%  which is what cause everyone to start saying it was going to cause people to stop trying to get referrals. The point of my post was it would actual be a better thing for them in the long run if they had lots of active referrals
Traffic Value: $514.42301 Ukraine
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30/01/2015 22:56
I think investors have no interest! You can sleep with the admin, I thank Jo NKET valid until invest in delirium!
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