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Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
9 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:53
I had not thought but the increase of $ 0.05c increase our downlines commissions wink
 but the + $ 0.05c is a good news for the stability of the site in general i'm ok with That
otherwise the udpate I expected more today is the FTQ market and  new moderators of  forum
Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:53
I am very confused, should I sell shares for baps, or buy shares with my pv earnings? I am so confused. I have only been in pv for nearly two months.  I am nearly in group 4 and I am not sure what to do.  Can someone explain to me about the shares and baps, please.sad
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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30/01/2015 18:57
buy shares with balance and sell for bap to ensure group growth...
when u reach your goal, buy shares and stuck them under your pillow and keep them for future profit grin
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
12 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 18:58
expect the cron to stop tomorrow wit all these .0005 ads, no one wants to click

instead of

2 x $0.05
1 x $0.02
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005

it shold be

1 x $0.04
2 x $0.01
10 x $0.005
20 x $0.001

instead of 13.1 cents would send the same amount of ads for 13 cents, with a better click ratio overall
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:59

That's a good question...

Or buy some baps to the giant ads issue for the next week

Or sell baps for shares and waiting that bap increase to receive more baps lately...

is your decision what u want to do...
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 19:05
That would be great, right?  ...except you are missing the point.
Go back one page, about the middle and read dguy's reply, written in red.
See if you can understand what Jo is doing.
Remember buying ad packs creates 55 cents (well, maybe 50 now) in debt.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
4 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:05
@peanutdude, I believe those $0.05 ads are supposed to be $0.005, so for some reason the programmers somehow missed the other 0. If you read the post of Jo, the system should just be sending out 33 random ads with a total value of $0.05.
Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:08
Thanks for the information. good earnings!!!!!tongue
Traffic Value: $159.05229 India
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30/01/2015 19:09
  Description: i have purchased yestarday 244000 baps i am in level 6.but i am reciving very small adds,,i have got only 0.39 adds today, but i have not recieved the actual adds of 2.745693. please help me about this problem 
180k to 360k …............... 0.094 …............... 10746.644 …............... 3914 …............... 2.7456934083,, i have already submitted my ticket my ticket number ,,please solve my issue give my level add 
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:12
2 x $0.05
1 x $0.02
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005

This sends out $0.14,  not $0.13. Perhaps it's a mistake getting $0.14 rather than $0.05, or maybe they changed their idea about it. We will need official confirmation. 
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
0 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 19:15
some people are testing our nerves LOL

but have a nice weekend for those nice people !!!

Time to get out grin to sleep
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:17
That's wrong. It's actually:

1 x $0.02
2 x $0.005
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005
Traffic Value: $1,077.27309 Italy
3 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:19
Can't wait for the FTQ market!!!
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:21
@MichaelKline, that is indeed the correct breakdown of the ads that are supposed to be sent randomly for every $1.05 ad pack purchase. But it looks like the programmers made a mistake with the $0.005 ads. They seem to have left out a 0, hence the reason why we're getting $0.05 ads instead. They need to rectify that (if they haven't done it already).
Traffic Value: $541.23486 Italy
2 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:21

just now we are reciving 

2 x $0.05
1 x $0.02
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005

this should be an error beacuse it should be like you said 

1 x $0.02
2 x $0.005
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005

but the programmers miss one 0 in the 2 x $0.005
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
18 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:26
Thanks for the heads up, already asking for a fix!

EDIT: Fixed
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
0 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:34
I am not random cwy

Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
1 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:37
i wonder if recycle upgrade has sth to do with randomness of these ..... i`ve been clicking my ass of
(pardon my french)

and I must say...I`m having a GREAT recycle experience ..... grin
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:38
That was a rather odd comment... or was it even?
(I never get these random events...)
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
0 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 19:39

i guess he was responding to my earlier comment where i said that i feel very very random smile

my bad if he didn`t.
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