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Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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30/01/2015 17:38
$1 /  $1.05 = 0.9524
0.9524  *  3100 BAP  = 2952  BAP

$ 1.00 now gives us 2952 BAP. 

They should update the banners that have the old info. 

The new bulk ad purchase was first mentioned in the first post of the daily news January, 16:
There is info there about the 33 random ads. 
Traffic Value: $955.85716 United States
13 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 17:39
Just purchased 6 bulk ads at the $1.05 price for a total of $7.01 via paypal. Hope that helps with the random ads for others. Wish I could do more at the moment.

Best wishes everyone! May all your Dreams come true!

Traffic Value: $118.20183 Indonesia
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30/01/2015 17:39
33x random ads going to someone not using ad filter? maybeangel
Traffic Value: $84.61191 India
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30/01/2015 17:44
@seeyousoon32....I am not in that 33 *6 users however...Hope next tym i wud get....It wud hav been better if we could give that 33 ads to a specific user........LOLtongue
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
9 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:04
33x random ads ONLY means that 33 out of 50 ads will be instantly delivered to random users "who can accept them" (means who has required BAP and proper ad filter for the ad)
Remaining 17 ads will be delivered by Jo in daily ad issue, so from now on everybody will get random ads throughout the day... grin

Hope it helped angel

Jo says....

"I propose charging an additional $0.05 per ad pack. So ads will now cost $1.05 for the same 50 visits + banners + 3100 BAP... This $0.05 will automatically generate the following ads, issued completely at random:

1 x $0.02
2 x $0.005
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005"
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
9 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:08
Here is Jo's original proposal:

So ads will now cost $1.05 for the same 50 visits + banners + 3100 BAP... This $0.05 will automatically generate the following ads, issued completely at random:

1 x $0.02
2 x $0.005
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005

Thereby, we will reduce the PV debt requirement from 2.5x down to 2.4x ... and that will reduce even further (by an unknown degree) as some of those 33 random ads inevitably recycle. And furthermore, we will effectively instantly deliver 33/50 ads per dollar purchased within 24-48hours most likely... And the remaining 17 visits are made available for our daily ad issues, 1% ads, SUU ads etc.

* This should also reduce my need to issue random ads each day. And these ads will roll out continuously throughout the day (as ad purchases come in)... so it should distribute the load much better. You won't suddenly be landed with 50 or 100 ads as I get around to sending out the random issues... you'll instead get a few ads per hour hopefully.
Traffic Value: $516.22621 Serbia
12 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 18:09

Please stop commenting those posts attacking JO, PV/MTV and ALL OF US.

just let the post die ...

... till someone from Upstairs deletes it...
Traffic Value: $417.29621 Italy
3 like this post 6 people
30/01/2015 18:18
Traffic Value: $9.78095 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 18:19
tell me friends if i bought only shares  for dollars and sale for bap than it was affected my daily ad issue or not
Traffic Value: $516.22621 Serbia
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30/01/2015 18:19
and by the way...

just received 1 x 0.05$
dont know what it is but I like it smile
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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30/01/2015 18:21
Just got 2 x $0.02 and 1 x $0.05 ads. I guess this random ads out of bulk ad purchases are starting to appear.
Traffic Value: $516.22621 Serbia
1 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:22
 whatever they are, they`re welcome grin
Traffic Value: $2,067.68633 Brazil
2 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 18:22
According to several campaigns I've seen. Every $ 1.05 are distributed:
2 x $0.05
1 x $0.02
10 x $0.001
20 x $0.0005

Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
2 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:27
Gosh you all are complaining about the price going up 5 cents. I guess Jo can't keep any of you happy. Lucky me I got in there about 7 am Eastern time and only paid $1 each. tongue

But come off it people he said a week or so ago he was going to go up 5 cents on the bulk ads.
Traffic Value: $516.22621 Serbia
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30/01/2015 18:29
those probably don`t read forum much grin
Traffic Value: $516.22621 Serbia
0 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:39

I must be a very very very ``lucky`` random user.....since i`ve been getting loads of 0.001`s and 0.0005`s 
Traffic Value: $541.23486 Italy
4 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:40
@ jo - slosumo - moderators 

there is a problem with the new ads bulk the 5 cents should generate 

1 x $0.02 
2 x $0.005 
10 x $0.001 
20 x $0.0005 

33 ads = .05 

but for now they generate

2 x $0.05 
1 x $0.02 
10 x $0.001 
20 x $0.0005

33 ads= 0.14

think you miss one 0 in the 0.05 ads that should be 0.005
Traffic Value: $4,733.96792 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:43
and that will be the problem as "random ads" will mostly get some users and other nothing. Same problem as with mini and mega upgrade. first week of januar some were geting 1000+ usd and others barely the minimum.
Traffic Value: $516.22621 Serbia
2 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 18:44
i`m feeling very random grin
Traffic Value: $504.87372 Venezuela
0 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 18:50
I just recieved 2x0.05 1x0.02 
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