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Jan 18th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $850.94834 Italy
0 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 14:04
Will there be any ads today?
Traffic Value: $432.67654 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 14:06
Please send me your marketing method that will bring money and include all useful money making method.  This my email address ""
Traffic Value: $778.96655 Serbia
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18/01/2015 14:12
does anyone know why wait for payments to Neteller ... if someone got the money to Neteller ?
Traffic Value: $338.25617 Algeria
0 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 14:15
my email  :
thanks !!!
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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18/01/2015 14:24
any thoughts about the share price in the end of the month? ($ and BAPS)
Traffic Value: $417.20626 Morocco
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 14:25
Hi this 
Ad Campaign: BA-1544998 / 323330818

is violating TOS ! 
Traffic Value: $1,057.66713 United States
0 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 14:29

Can you email me as well about getting listed in the search engines?
Traffic Value: $834.04364 Viet Nam
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18/01/2015 14:37
lvoe jo
Traffic Value: $26.87677 Spain
9 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 15:10
I was thinking, a lot of people says it don't mind to click 10*0.10$ instead of 1*1$ ads, but the problem remains, so I think that is a good idea to split that value of ads, but also remove the great amount of 0.0005 ads, so it's win-win

Total of ads viewed:6
BAPs recovered by system:100

50*0.03$--------Mostly seen (lets say between 30-50)
Total of ads viewed:40-60
Recycled: 0-20 
BAPs recovered by system: 0-1200
Traffic Value: $337.03682 Canada
0 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 15:11
Bad Ad. Bad Ad

Please remove Bad Ad.
Traffic Value: $66.60541 Pakistan
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 15:12
I Love PV & MTV...
Traffic Value: $910.14287 Lithuania
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 15:12
Them share prices be crazy tongue rolleye
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
1 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 15:32
I hope Jo will announce the poker!! And share price will raise to 0.15, and every user who sold his share for 0.085 will cry a river. 

At the end is always Jo who decides the price of share with his daily news...

Jo said: "share price will be 0.20 - 0.30 in a "few days or some week", but I think he did a mistake, he meant in a "few month or some year" tongue  
Traffic Value: $10,767.96061 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 15:33

Neteller is still not confirmed as a cashout option. Jo said that they are doing negotiations with Neteller to allow Paidverts to send money to their users.
Traffic Value: $992.33157 Italy
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18/01/2015 16:08
could you please send me your tips about referrals...
thank you!!
Traffic Value: $159.87573 Pakistan
0 like this post 9 people
18/01/2015 16:35
Kindly Bro Give me Some Dollars..
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 8 people
18/01/2015 16:42
yest morning LOL i realized , it is 0.775 if calculated on the 155% ..not every dollar red face..ya, tongue it happens to the best of us grin.
what was it, smth abt trading FTQs? Ya, i mean  this is like what you have in Chicago - trading interest rates (eurodollar, etc.).. also, it is how the carbon exchanges were deemed to work ..
Ryder -:p we already..oh, grin how we already have that.. 50 low value ads oh oh per day, as standard :s
i seriously dnt understand why do ppl buy directly (straight from pp's? Just deposit the money ..
Fees are fees - they are smth an integral part of / to the system; everywhere advertisements don't take those into acct..but it does suck, yeah, when trying to everyone cheesewants money
Raalepij - for 6mths more?? Hell no; we want it to run smile for as long as possible /till infinity..
grin did someone see asshole consultants? -. ..nice one smile ..nice one ..

Paul is working on Chat. Alex is working on 2FA. And Krysztof is doing database stuff.
i like this LOL ..every1 tongue laugh is doing smth useful 
do we really need a bulk buy w/ baps? i mean it's not that  hard to convert it to dollar value ..and we have cash bids?

lex, i'm all for sustainability, but the $0.05 is the difference b/ween life and death? Really?

ajfisher, yea; i by no means mean nothing by this; bad or good , just .. a while back ppl were wallowing abt advertising in that space taking away attn from the ad; well, doesn't what the current use of that space accomplish the same thing tongue rolleye
webmydata he addressed the overclicks
BestGames . tongue laugh i love you today for what you just said; simplicity..indeed; like Einstein said; the most complex questions often have the most simplest (to emphasize wink here) answers..And so it is in trading smile too

Like just a black & white chart is all you need ..
Traffic Value: $4,714.86897 Denmark
5 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 16:45

Mike being here on PV/MTV, gives us all a bit every day. Every penny he spends are circulated. To you, me, and everybody. And he is not alone. Everyone in here do that. We share the funding, and earnings.
Traffic Value: $29.95495 Indonesia
0 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 16:46
You are very kindness Jo...
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 6 people
18/01/2015 16:53
hr true what you say abt changing the mkting material ..
grin lol pythagoras ..LOL no beauty sleep..get your beauty sleep :p yet?
  ??? james., honestly? i'd MUCH rather pay (or have my ref.s smile do it) the 5% out of the ref than from us .. no, i get it, without them we never might have had the op., introduction etcetc - but like this one still wld have the chance to earn all ..seriously, are you ppl so goddamn lazy as to not give up ref. commissions? f..
This is not a reg PTC site where you need them
Wld also solve Jo's prob lol with his 20k ..joke, joke LOL ..

You should also abandon this 186% and 250% plans and make one plan of e.g. 150% for all members to collect money for growing business."

This sounds very intriguing, BestGames .. for those who want to work; have the clicking (w/ the chance to earn every day so it does feel like work, then, too) for those that don't, it wldn't but then you'd earn passively ..
This could also speak to the human aspect/psychology  ..brilliant ..
 we keep with $1, then we have to take $0.05 from somewhere else... but where? There are no good options.
Oh, like extorting the users, Jo, is better??? pinch ..
But what you say abt capping the accts i like..another surefireway to remove debt!
also; "So... taking 20k from a 150-200k ad issue; and we deliver 7m ads right there." I like this
In a week (less even) we'd b scot-free!! grin

also, i dnt think the fixed daily ads have got anything to do with a freemarket setup; i think he meant for the stability, not getting what you pay for ..

My problem is not the timer on the ads - it is the sheer qty of them! It is a pain in the rear ..
I also liked the idea of surfbar ..
This would also go well with riley's (?) suggestion of a TE ..for ex. Hitleap is like this; they have it ..
MikeM - the 38per day is doable - easily. I think these past 24hrs i've clicked 70 (and i average abt a 100 or so i think)..
aadheen 200 clicks for 6cents is not the same as for even 1 :p'll b surprised what one can do if motivated ..
capping the ads at $5 is just silly .. $200 wld b more than enough.
MikeKline hang on ..Wait; the micro ad packs are to request to get money , when have nothing to do ..i think you are confusing low valued ads w/ those (which they are, but used different.)
friend 11 it is v interesting what you say; let's take govts; when govts' debt gets too big , what do they do? Well, they cld default ..or issue bonds (much like w all the stimulus we've been having..i wouldn't b surprised if they did that) the ECB now is preparing to buy sovereign debt funds .. a bit like the issue we have here with the swaps
or, let's take shares what koskentz is suggesting /proposing . i like this; get smth for effort rather than your capacity to buy
hr 120 every hr - fck no;  thanks dizzy
again, it is not the time (for me) but you have to take everything else into acct; going to the ad; filling the ticks, clicking the view, closing the window, returning to selection ..This is time-consuming and a pain ..

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