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Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 22:01
The only real thing to wait for on a split are the results, so that at least the minimum $0.00001 dividend can be paid out on Monday to every user who has a least 1 share.  Last week's dividend was $0.00048 per share, so assuming growth, we could technically split more than 5x with the biggest risk being a brief delay in weekly dividend payments.  A 5x split is a conservative proposal, nothing radical about it.  If a 100x split was being proposed right now, I would object.
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 22:07
Jo, at least consider this scenario: We split the shares, the shares rocket up to $0.10.
Yes, we made 3x times our money in no time, but what will happen next?

I have spoken to several members and this is what every single person said:
Since i now have 5x more shares than before and they are worth a lot more. So im going to sell a portion of my shares, buy BAP and go to the 20 million BAP group (or 50 milion BAP group). (either by selling shares for money and buying ad packs, or by selling shares for BAP) and cash out a reasonable amount as profit.

If i remember correctly, you said that the current system can hold only 4-5 persons in the 50 million BAP group and 1-2 persons in the 100 million BAP group.
So what happens when more people get in these groups?
PV will collapse.

So after our big profit with the shares, we will make losses with PV.

Yes, i want the shareprice to grow, but i rather see it grow in a normal and responsible pace.
Just wait with the sharesplit until the price is right. 
I have seen businesses fall, because they wanted to make a quick buck and forget about the consequences.. don't let that happen to MTV/PV!

The last sharesplit (10x) was at $0.70.
So wait with this sharesplit (5x) until the price is close to $0.35
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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23/10/2014 22:41
So you're objecting to people making money? confused

And pv only pays out the sum of its revenues. If the share price is so high. Pv makes a lot of revenues and bigger ad issues. More users and more value.

If too many users join the top group they'll dilute it's earnings.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
0 like this post 6 people
23/10/2014 22:44
Paidverts won't collapse with more users in the top groups, such a prediction is excessively alarmist.  Jo has been pretty adept in adjusting the percentage of the total payout each group gets for maximum ad issue earnings satisfaction.

Also, the more people that enter the higher groups, the more likely the possibility of larger amounts of debt reduction due to members in the higher groups not being active to click their ads.

Yes, Jo did mention that the groupings were a bit top heavy, but the probability of actual collapse comes when there isn't enough users to click all the ads that were bought.  People who buy shares with cash then sell their shares for BAP do not increase the number of clicks required to fulfill ad purchase obligations.
Traffic Value: $421.56472 South Africa
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23/10/2014 22:50
I would like to propose a scenario.  Let's say that Stethoscoop is correct, and that is exactly what happens.  This would lead to some form of stock price crash, both in money and BAP, as everyone is trying to sell off their shares.  Now say a certain unnamed user with 100 000 000 BAP decides to start buying up shares with BAP.  He could literally buy up hundreds of thousands of shares for next to nothing.  And if this happens he will not be alone.  You will have a lot of users on PV dropping out of higher groups for a chance at cheap shares.  Now you have a group buying up the shares that the other group is dumping.  Eventually you will reach equilibrium once again.  At the same time, users selling shares for cash to buy adpacks to increase BAP, will be making massive deposits into PV.  And to top it all off, MTV will be making a killing from the fees of all the share transactions going on.

The way it seems to me, it will be a case of money moving around, rather than away.

Just a scenario.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 23:06
I really doubt there will be a major crash soon.  Prices tend to crash after a debt swap, they tend to soar after a stock split.  However, if they do crash, I do have the BAP to take advantage of it.  If the new minimum for BAP purchases of stock becomes 100, yeah I'll be able to pick up another million shares at that price to add to the over 5 million shares I'll have, but I think I would be better off buying the shares for cash and clicking the ads.  If I get a smaller amount in tomorrow's ad issue than today's, it might mean a decline from how much I earned last week, but I see how many ads are being purchased and how profitable the BAP gaming is and I know I could be missing out a lot if I bailed on my BAP for more shares.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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24/10/2014 00:15
New record, by $34.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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24/10/2014 00:23
Congrats on the new record.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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24/10/2014 00:39
Nothing survives with a waterhead.  
Traffic Value: $15.03712 Philippines
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24/10/2014 00:49
Nice Jo, Keep it up.. 
Traffic Value: $6,580.40645 United States
1 like this post 1 people
24/10/2014 03:44
I agree with the votes against the stock split.

Yeah we might rally up to .10 or .16 again, but we're no longer having 2k or 10k blocks for sale. We're going to see 10k to 50k blocks for sale.

What used to only take say $1,000 or $1,600 to move past, will now take $5000 or $8000.

Also a lot of people think this move up back to .16 will happen quickly, but you have to remember, the market cap for MTV goes from $6Million (38Million shares) to $30Million (190Million shares). A stock split won't make MTV worth $30Million but rather ideas, and profitability. 

So again, I vote for no share split, as it only increases the amount of shares in circulation, which in turn increases resistance sizes, and larger capital to increase share price. 
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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24/10/2014 03:48
There will be more capital to buy shares when the price is lower because more members can afford them.  It worked really well last time, I'm sure it will again.  I'm amazed that anyone who held through the last split are against another.  Just look at how much higher you can sell them for now, if you actually do sell them.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
0 like this post 1 people
24/10/2014 04:00
Did you guys notice paidverts has only a little more than 1000 shares left for sale at 550 BAP?  That's pretty impressive.  Ad issues are gonna be great.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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24/10/2014 04:03
ya share demand has also increased go for 600 smile
Traffic Value: $6,580.40645 United States
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24/10/2014 04:14
I just think we should wait on the split.

Let's see what the market and overall volume shows us. If we are stuck at 16 for a while and there seems to be no volume, then maybe a split is in order.

But if we're just churning through sellers and volume isn't off then let's just let the market do what it's going to do.

Regardless of price I will be buying 30% of my daily earnings, so whether I buy 10 at .16 or 50 at .032, I'm still receiving the same % of the outstanding. 
Traffic Value: $174.1279 Malaysia
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24/10/2014 04:40
For my level, if shares split into penny cent. I think I able to buy 1 shares every day. Use the money earning in group 1(Daily issue average $0.10), I can do reinvest easily.
Traffic Value: $3,211.07643 Sri Lanka
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24/10/2014 05:29
In reality the last share split was beneficial for everyone. I don't see this one gonna do any difference either.
Traffic Value: $2,623.69495 United States
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24/10/2014 06:04
thanks for the update im finally in the 720k bap... smile
Traffic Value: $2,190.01679 Malaysia
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24/10/2014 07:24
Looking great 
Traffic Value: $43.25856 Myanmar
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24/10/2014 07:32
hey I can't buy any BAP.

They show me that whatever I promote.
help me

Some websites don't permit themselves to be shown within our frame, eg: anything owned by Facebook / Google. So you'll need to promote something else. We've also prohibited users from promoting PaidVerts; as there's no value promoting that to our users. They're already signed up!
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