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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
3 like this post 3 people
23/10/2014 20:24
Reposting so Jo gets to read it..

Jo, think about it.

At the moment you and carlos are holding 15 million out of 38 million shares.
Paidverts has around 3.5 million shares, bringing the total to nearly 19 million shares..

Then there's big investors like me, Mikemazzone, Brainy, Infomodel, breezy that really see potential in holding their shares.

If we continue like this, PV can easily sweep up a load of shares on the market and we'll be able to hold our shares and put them at pretty much any prize we like in the future. We'll hold a monopoly on the shares.

Splitting them x5 and letting the market increase in total number of shares might push the prize up but it will also require a lot more money to achieve such a luxury position.

Did this scenario cross your mind before maybe? It might be better in the long run as all the names I just mentioned are BUYERS and WILL sweep the market clean inevitably [img=19x19][/img].


Jo 8,383,688 22.0623 $32,118.83944
future 6,985,383 18.3826 $27,186.18434
paidverts 3,465,830 9.1206 $8,963.26691
breezy 1,446,061 3.8054 $5,585.93618
infoModel 1,197,877 3.1523 $3,867.50373
Brainy 1,065,676 2.8044 $4,436.92268
MikeMazzone 1,032,457 2.7170 $4,575.43914
MarcdeKoning 632,184 1.6636 $2,251.57055

The top 8 accounts of MTV own 63.7% of the entire sharemarket.. And growing!

We can easily get to 80% in a short period from now and get a way better prize that way then by splitting.. We can make agreements on setting a prize..
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 20:46
Keep with the plan to split.  It makes the shares more affordable to more users.  The last split worked really well.  There's plenty other shareholders on the list if you wanna make some prize for the top 80%, but it would be a better prize if we welcomed more buyers.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
3 like this post 2 people
23/10/2014 20:48
For someone that has such a big stake in mtv you're really not a bright fella Mike.

The shares are already at micro-prizes.. We already got a load of small-time investors.. 
A few people buying 1 share a day really won't benefit the prize at all on a 190 million share-company, with Paidverts putting 5 million shares as roadblocks to sell..

And if we re-split we always have a quick increase at first.. So they'll be at 0.16 in no-time and the micro-users still won't be able to use the split-offer..

It doesn't make sense.. 16 cent/ share is already VERY cheap.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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23/10/2014 20:53
so just because someone has 1.000.000 they should own the market...

i'm at 70.000 and will not stop investing and we are equal important like all other regardless traficvalue

EDIT: we can do reverse split also if we want?
pennystocks can be good in beginning but they would look better if they had google value grin
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 20:57
Did I say you weren't? I referred to micro-users buying 1 share a day maybe and I referred to the top 8 as I happen to know we're all buyers.. And as you can see there's a 64% stake in 8 out of 262.000 accounts.. I just happened to notice it today and it shows that we can really take a hold of the sharemarket and put them at the prize we think is right.. Jo is making it harder for everyone to get through all the undercutters by splitting the market.

So don't feel offended. I could have named a lot more buyers.. I just know that the 8 accounts with the most money are constant buyers..
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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23/10/2014 20:58
Even if you split the shares that would not decrease the amount the people list on in the post own. A better idea would be a cap.  Say maybe one person can only own 1 million share so some figure out the blue so there always enough shares on the market to keep a small group of people from controlling the market.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
12 like this post 0 people
23/10/2014 21:00
I don't think we can look at MTV and it's shares a "normal stock". There's nothing "normal" at all with what Jo & Company are putting together here.

The fact is though, the crowd we attract, are not your usual investor. In fact they're used to quick-hit HYIPs & PTCs and have trouble seeing long term. They also have trouble seeing high-cost.

I think, in general, our userbase would rather buy 100 shares @ .01 than 1 share @ 1.00. Mostly due to psychological reasons, which contradicts traditional financial "wisdom".

I can see the the share price returning to .15 within a month of a 5 for 1 split, in essence giving everyone a quick 5x just in time Xmas!. Ho-Ho-Ho!!

Just my thoughts....
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 21:07
Marc you really don't see how much the smaller buyers have helped increase the liquidity of the shares market.  Setting an arbitrary prize means nothing if nobody pays it to you.

$0.16/share is only cheap if somebody is willing to buy it for that much.  If I put a million shares on the market for $0.16/share right now, do you think I would walk away with $160,000 right away?  I could just withdrawal the max $10k/day with Perfect Money and leave right?

Come on, there's barely 2000 shares you can sell above $0.16 right now.  Beyond that, you would have to convince others to accept an offer for that much.

I bet most users around today don't even remember when Jo removed Marc's posting privileges for all his doom and gloom talk he gave because he disagreed with doing what had to be done to move the business forward.

Marc, if you wanna run MTV, buy up the 5 mil shares and become the third partner.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 21:07
Like I pointed out before I do believe we make a quick gain from share-splits but in the end there's a lot more shares on the market that we need to buy in order to stop the undercutters (And if it gets back to the same prize as it is now you need 5x as much money as you do now).

Marc, if you wanna run MTV, buy up the 5 mil shares and become the third partner.

Sure, you got about 1 million dollar laying around?

My idea makes perfect sense. And it's what a lot of shareholders/companies do really.. Get a big part of the shares, set the prize to your liking and get filthy rich in the process..

Come on, there's barely 2000 shares you can sell above $0.16 right now.  Beyond that, you would have to convince others to accept an offer for that much.

This will get worse with 190 million shares at 0.16, think about it! smile

Nice short-term profits (on paper) but you'll never be able to sell! wink
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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23/10/2014 21:14
I agree with Marc.
At the beginning (after the share split) the price will raise. I have no doubts on that. But as the price raise it will be more and more difficult to sell shares and in addition to that there will be  more shares in circulation (5x more), which could cause stagnation in the share market. This is how I see it in the long term. But as I said in my early post I don't have any experience in sharemarkte's...

And a possible prove of that was the last 10-fold split. Look's like we are stagnated in $0.16 per share...
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 21:16
I'm not at all worried about the under cutters.  They're shares leaving weak hands.  There's gonna be a lot who will try for the quick buck day trading the market once the transfer fees lower, but there's a good chance they'll get burned when the market moves too fast against them one way or another.

I currently have the best chance of anyone of making it to the 3rd majority shareholder, because a lot of my equity is at risk as to whether or not I'm here every day to click ads.  There are 11 users with more than me invested in the 250% plan, so they might have a better chance, considering they can accumulate enough shares at low enough prices to make it there. 
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 21:37
so, besides bragging, whats the point of this post?

You just said that you can't even sell 2000 shares at 0,16$..

after the split, it will be a lot harder to sell your shares, so why is it better to split?
After the quick profit the split will bring, the shares will be up at 0,16 again and the market will collapse, because it will be even harder to sell because nobody is going to buy..

in the long term it is not a good solution
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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23/10/2014 21:41
If we split the shares, the ceiling price will definitely spike, and likely level out higher than it is now; which adds huge value to those holding the most shares.

Then, if you want to offload your shares; sell them at a big discount... and a discount on the new high price is likely something around the current price. So you win either way.

That's how any market works... If Buffet offloads his stake in IBM / COKE, those stocks will plummet. He won't get the full price for the entirety of his sale.

And Mike has a good point about liquidity... since adding the BAP shares & splitting them down from 70cents ; the quantity of users moving shares around has rocketed. I'm now approving hundreds of sales a day... And when we lower the transfer fee & add instant transfers; im hoping those volumes will increase even further. As people buy/sell (adding more liquidity to the marketplace) specifically to profit from the rapid movements -- even small ones (hence the low fees)

But primarily my motivations for shares are to keep the price climbing; as that's how we'll guaranteed grow PaidVerts.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
2 like this post 0 people
23/10/2014 21:43
Just $300 away from a new daily results record, we might break it in 2 hours.

Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 21:43
But primarily my motivations for shares are to keep the price climbing; as that's how we'll guaranteed grow PaidVerts.

After PV has cleared the roadblock at $0,20 the prices will climb anyway.. until the next roadblock is cleared and the shares go up in price again.. So it is kind of a useless reason for the sharesplit
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 21:45
It will most likely be easier to sell after the split, due to the increased liquidity.  Lower share prices mean more potential buyers can afford to buy.  The last split totally proved this.
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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23/10/2014 21:46
@dan1989: "And a possible prove of that was the last 10-fold split. Look's like we are stagnated in $0.16 per share..."

We are stagnated at $0.16 per share, which means $1.60 in old price. A lot of money in my opinion, a big rise of the share price (3x the share price before the split).

The more users are able to buy, the more shares we can sell. I think we can still rise up the price a bit and then do another 10x or 5x.

In all cases though, the price will rise and we all will be in good profits.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
8 like this post 0 people
23/10/2014 21:50
I like how some people always argue against any change. Worst case scenario, we split the shares, and the new price is exactly 1/5 of the current price range. What a disaster!

More likely scenario; the price settles 25-100% higher. And quickly climbs up to $0.10 again (3x the current rate) based on that $0.10/share psychological price point.... As everyone will predict / aim for that that, and in turn make it happen.
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 21:53
Lower share prices mean more potential buyers can afford to buy.  

This is correct in the beginning. The first few weeks prices will rocket up, but what happens when we reach $0,16 again? Now we have 5 times more shares in circulation, the micro users cant buy anymore and we will be stuck 5 times worse than we are now.

Don't forget that we are stuck, simply because PV sold 1 million shares @ $0,195 and 1 million shares @ 0,20.
Now that the roadblocks are (almost) cleared, the shareprice will climb.

I truly believe that it is better to do the shareplit in 2 months, when the price is @ $0,30.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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23/10/2014 22:00
I like how rtplay stated: reverse split

Reverse splits in a normal market setting are used to raise share price. It is a great tool to use when boards of the companies are unsatisfied with the direction of the share price is going.. Jo .. think about using that tool when you need to raise the price.. Its silly to increase supply in order to raise share price. Economics taught us that it all has to do with supply/demand.. too much supply... demand will fall (too many shares) ... too much demand, price will rise (too little supply)  ... thats the nutshell.. why get so complicated with math and how people react... You cant argue against this model.. but I guess everyone has ponzi (hyip/cycler/ptc) mindset... People dont change like someone posted recently... sad
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