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hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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23/10/2014 14:47
I have to agree I think there are higher priority programming jobs to be done. Login security is number one it seems like so many are getting accounts breached. The instant sharemarket sale is also more important in my opinion. I am still not sure about the fee of only .25% that does seem pretty low. Maybe 1% or 1.5% would be better and still be a little bit cheaper. I think it is a bit to early to split again. I agree with another post earlier that mentioned something about it being much harder to sell the larger volumes of shares. 
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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23/10/2014 14:54
Can anyone actually explain what does "share split" mean , I get what these words mean, but not the real meaning grin
Traffic Value: $421.56472 South Africa
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23/10/2014 14:56

basically they want to do a 5x split.  So that means if you own 1 share that is worth 0.1, you will now own 5 shares, each worth 0.02.  So you will have more shares, but at the same total value.
Traffic Value: $153.2372 Italy
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23/10/2014 14:59
Wow.............!!!!!!!!!!!! grin

Thanks, Jo, enormous ad issue today!!!!!!!!! shockedsnakesnake         
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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23/10/2014 15:00
and what's the use of it? lower the price of share so people can own more shares or ?
Traffic Value: $6,580.40645 United States
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23/10/2014 15:05
I agree with no split.

If you want to make the share price more attractive you can increase dividends, or buy back and retire shares to decrease the outstanding. 

A lower price would be nice so I can buy up some more shares, but we're already at .16. If we started back at .02, it would be just as difficult to get back to .16 as it would to get to $1.20
Traffic Value: $421.56472 South Africa
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23/10/2014 15:05

I think they are trying to allow micro users(users with cents, not dollars) to also interact with the share market.  At this stage, if you are in group one where your daily issue is around $0.1, $0.16 for a single share is a bit much.  So if the price of single shares were lowered, users with $0.15 could theoretically trade 5 or 10 shares, and make a cent or two from it.  And of course MTV will profit too, as more share transfers = more costs = more revenue.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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23/10/2014 15:06
over 3 dollars? huge Jo! txs!
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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23/10/2014 15:11
I'd say we wait with split until share raises, maybe split the x10 on New Year or so, it's going to be nice date + our share cut will be well over $20k a week than, so that can be done easily smile.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 15:16

Yeah I think you have a point. New share price would be $0.032. Lowest PV users can then also buy shares. BAP-share price would be 103, same story. (used current marketplace prices)
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 15:20
Yes, split it 5x now that we're over $10k/week and drop the minimum shares for BAP offer to 100.  As soon as we get over $50k/week split it 5x again and drop the shares for BAP minimum offer to 25.  950,000,000 shares available will look really good.  It won't be a big deal if dividends have to be postponed a week if revenues happen to drop.  Go back to 10x splits when we go over $500k/week and $5m/week, then the minimum shares for BAP will drop to 5 and then 1.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 15:46
Got in a bid for 5500 shares at $0.1625.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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23/10/2014 15:55
Mike, just buy some shares with your huge BAP. BAP market is what pushes the share price forward.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 16:00
I'll consider that.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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23/10/2014 16:03
We could allow fractional share purchases, like they have with Mutual Funds here in the US.

You could buy shares with any amount of $$.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 16:05
The dividends system isn't really set up for fractional shares, that's what splits are for.

Looks like somebody bought up all the shares for sale below $0.1739, was too risky for me to put in that low bid.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 16:08
Now I have a bid for 5000 shares for $0.1650.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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23/10/2014 16:27
Well I can't say yes or no.

Right now we already have an endless row of people and that to buy an sell 1 share or 2. That just will get worse. 

It creates a wrong image of the market and slows it too much down.  

Traders should only be allowed to trade with units of hundreds or more in starting bids or offers.
Single share buyers and seller can buy and sell to and from the traders.

Right now trade is not taken seriously and the list is polluted by minitrades. 

Thanks for the fine adissue by the way. smile 
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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23/10/2014 16:46
Bought those 5k shares for $0.165.  My last large bid today is at $0.1645 for 468 shares.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
3 like this post 0 people
23/10/2014 16:59
First, mini trades are needed for mini users.
Also, it is a strategy. You could always buy up 10 lines of mini trades as your strategy and then do your thing. Or list a couple mini trades to try and manipulate the price a bit. Its a big game or puzzle if you will. 
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