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Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $244.47484 Venezuela
8 like this post 7 people
25/11/2015 14:44
Strongly disagree . remove the limit would again allow the manipulation of the shares who have already benefited greatly from inespertos . If we are going wrong it is for them that after winning thousands of dollars not want to invest in their businesses

original text: Totalmente en desacuerdo. eliminar el limite seria permitir de nuevo la manipulacion de las acciones a quienes ya se han beneficiado bastante de los inespertos. Si la estamos pasando mal es por ellos que despues de ganar miles de dolares no quieren invertir en sus negocios
Traffic Value: $156.9276 United States
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25/11/2015 14:47
Removing the limit is like a firesale to pay rent, what do you do next month.

Restore confidence instead.
People panicked over having to be legal & no way to trade in future, drop thoughts of going legal, new legal company can be made later, if MTV survives.
Do reverse share split, perceived value of company goes up not down, big numbers in roadblock scare people, shares more valuable as less available.
Allow buy bids on shares below 1c, hold for 1 year, keep 1c limit.
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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25/11/2015 14:48
more than 80% are voting yes so the limit will be removed.
Traffic Value: $2,314.01294 Chile
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25/11/2015 15:07
I want to invest and buy cheap RP so it helps MTV for investing, and me, because I can buy at the real cost and not an inflated one.

Investors who were Swaped will have to wait medium, long term so, and who wants to cashout and leave can do this soon.
Traffic Value: $30,507.44878 Mexico
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25/11/2015 15:28
So... TL;DR

Not remove limit:

 maintain the confidence of the older investors who have lost money because of the swaps. At removing it, they'll feel betrayed or something like that.

Remove limit:

 Daytraders, NEW investments  because somewhere in this thread someone explained the BEP when you invest again ($100 Before swap = 1000 RP; $100 @0.001 = 100,000. 10100 sold @ 0.00205 (with 3% tax) = $200.8. Idk if you can sell them at that price, but it's to give some idea.

And some people here are saying that they'll invest here to buy RP's at the lowest price so they can do some benefit.

Idk what would be the best idea, and personally I don't think that removing the BAP Price limit would be a good idea, because at 30 BAPs per share, buying @ 0.007~ or lower, that would be better than buying adpacks (but that only would benefit if there were daily ads...)

So... i vote yes.

And yeah, i was expecting the $0.1 too, but at this moment, I prefer to win SOMETHING because it would be better than nothing.
Traffic Value: $51.05571 United States
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25/11/2015 15:38
Until now!!!!!!!!!

841 votes for YES which mean 80%

206 votes for NO which mean 20%
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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25/11/2015 15:39
i know the result would be be prepare daytrader...
Traffic Value: $382.72816 Russian Federation
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25/11/2015 15:52
I think everyone in here knows how to use a calculator, no need to spam with dozens of posts displaying current percentage (especially if it's inaccurate). For those who don't how to: total of both votes x 0,8 = 80%.
Traffic Value: $3,685.05405 United States
13 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 16:11
I vote yes and I will put in new money only when MTV remove the limit on the market because from my point on view there are two things that is going to happen to MTV. One is that soon or later the limit will be remove, and if MTV keep the limit then people like me are not going to invest new money and without new money MTV going to goes bankruptcy.

As for me, I have the time to wait and I will wait as long I have to for the share to drop then I will buy it and invest in the FTP, if the price never goes down MTV goes bankruptcy then I don't lose any money either ways I am not losing any money so that is why I am not going to put in new money now.

For those that want to keep the limit, you guys do know that without new money the share that you have right now is worthless right? For me 0.001 of something is better than 0.01 of nothing.
I think there are investor like me just waiting.

I post this to cast my vote (yes) and let MTV know what has to happen for me to put in new money.

If you read this Please don't drag me into this debate or reply to my post Thank You
Traffic Value: $51.05571 United States
0 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 16:19

Why ??? Did you upset for that???
If you did .who care !
I did not displayed because people can not calculate but
but to mention that nothing has changed ..And over all that percentage was correct for that
Traffic Value: $201.94002 United Kingdom
7 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 16:21
If your going to fuck the people that bought RPs at 0.01 and around that then how about undoing the last swap, changing it to 1 RP per 0.01 instead of the 0.10 we got and then when you remove the limit and daytraders and deserters immediately crash it to 0.001 it won't screw the RP buyers yet again.

Of course that won't happen. This place just loves screwing the little guy so the bigger fishes can clean up.
Traffic Value: $3,470.72088 Sri Lanka
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25/11/2015 16:27
I would suggest that there has to be a minimum rate. If day trading commences there has to be a difference in buying and selling. You cannot afford to let the rate go down to so many decimals than say 0.001 at least. If no one is interested in buying at 0.001 at least then I presume the RP's will run into a non starter.
Traffic Value: $1,079.85003 Bulgaria
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25/11/2015 16:31
All of u talk to remive the limit and will add money are u realy trust on that u say it.... Why need to remove somethig to add fresh money ? English is not my main languege and translator is very bad but will try to say u something. Ok better remove limit people waving hammer price for the bottom and then what do we stand and fingers Palyo someone Investor thousands of dollars into a dying project? If all you want to spend money EMP do so now buy their shares why you want the price of 0 . $ 001 will have thousands of shares bezpari earn and what of it? A big nothing . Five years umpteenth steals steals what there is to steal and escape not only endorse Jo he's gone but how many people there now who do what he tells them ? After all this is hardly
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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25/11/2015 16:38
Users that are going to invest in RP's won't help the system. You could say they do, but most likely the seller of those RP is someone leaving, so he will cashout the money.

We really need a higher limit again in this case, to make the site able to gain an advantage of the trading. I'm wondering if the 80% yes will stay... let's see smile
Traffic Value: $893.48155 Slovenia
6 like this post 4 people
25/11/2015 16:47
This monkeys, don't realize once limit is removed ALOT of cashouts will had to be done, and money will dry out once again. Now its atleast going out very slowly. They just see opportunity to buy very cheap shares to earn some money with daytrading and thats it, they are not looking on long-term company health at all, just own asses. Nobody will put any new money into system, mostly the loud ones are those with 30$ invested in their whole time here, how they will put something in ... and exactly these guys will cry rivers in a month from now, when the situation will be same crap as now, just with 10times lower price.
Traffic Value: $4,684.00091 Ireland
8 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 17:02

You are forgetting that the money to buy those RP will come from users deposits and/or ad issues. MTV will actually gain through deposit fees, transfer fees, and cashout fees. None of the money comes out of MTV's pocket, unless they decide to buy shares with portfolio or paidverts account. 
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
1 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 17:06
let the price go to the bottom. I love it so much....maybe free RP is smirk

Let do it Marc...Yes for me
Traffic Value: $201.94002 United Kingdom
10 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 17:19
Don't want to start a war, but Brainy speaks and everyone be like:

Traffic Value: $176.69082 Argentina
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25/11/2015 17:20
So big fishes now are not manipulating the market? putting that block at bottom and freezing the price, lowering the revenue from fees? if the limit is removed at least MTV can have more revenues from the manipulators, stimulate traders again,and more money flowing.
In all markets big fish have more oportunities than a little fish, is how it works, is just math.
And a lot of other things can be done to avoid manipulations before puting a bottom limit.
Traffic Value: $792.98018 Canada
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25/11/2015 17:21
Vote for yes!
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