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Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $462.99066 Venezuela
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25/11/2015 01:26
I was looking for a post like that, MTV would be so much better if all the users think that waygrin
Traffic Value: $4,684.00091 Ireland
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25/11/2015 01:35

I'm just saying what everybody needs to hear. I'm very unbiased by nature and the fact that I am willing to let my assets become less valuable for the benefit of everybody else here should prove it. I'd rather be rich in 2 years with MTV than have it disappear with all my money in 6 months.
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 4 people
25/11/2015 01:39
If the RP price is moving than the user get their money moving. They then purchase RP and if they convert it to BAP than they will be not much profitable as buying again RP gets more profit. Then more user buy ad packs which will boost Paidvert. So removing limit of 0.01 is good for Paidvert and user they get all moving at once.
Traffic Value: $384.39877 Mexico
6 like this post 13 people
25/11/2015 01:58


This is not a only bussines of daytrade marketer...

It is assumed that this is a business where investors put their money in the portfolio and this in turn brings continuous improvements, new products that will benefit long-term shareholders, but it seems that some have forgotten that.

They are only thinking about how to use one of the features of MTV to make quick money, money that really should not go out, it's should remain to continue pushing MTV ..

However, if the market is not generating revenue is not the fault of the limit, it is a  mismanagement until now.

So be left to focus on the benefits it can bring to remove the limit on the market and focus on best ways to bring money to the company.
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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25/11/2015 02:16
I didn't like the times of daytrading... but just the fact that nothing seems to be moving around here makes me vote yes. I had no problem with limits, when at least people were receiving ad issues, FTQ payments, even slow, but steady way to the profit. At least then, maybe eventually those pages would be cleared. But right now, i think we got no choice, because nothing is moving. 

If the price becomes lower and lower, we just have to accept that for a while (may be a loong while...), but i think it is best to let the company have the chance and time to finish the development of Targeted Ads and Poker. The only thing that can save this is higher revenues from products. I'm not sure if we will ever get to this, but it's better to keep the hopes alive than keeping the market in such a state where the business doesn't move.
Everything is so confusing... there are pros and cons, but in the end, i'm in no position to defend a 0.01 limit when it's already a joke compared to what many ever invested/got swapped from including myself. We gotta let it go to whatever the price should be so PV/MTV continue. If it doesn't ever recover... what? are we gonna settle and get out of here with 10X or bigger loss? pff. I really think many people should forget the mentality of getting anything* (*:not even a considerable something) back, this is right now a situation where we must allow the company to move forward, and with hundreds of pages of rock bottom limit shares to sell and literally nobody willing to take the next step, i doubt it would be possible.

OF COURSE, OF COURSE, this is just an opinion and my way of thinking, I understand that not everyone is in the same situation, some are in overall profit, some are really close to achieve something (be either Break Even Point or some specific level in profits) some are just hopeless and some are ready to catch the next big opportunity. It's a tricky situation indeed, and only time will tell. But for now, my vote is for Limits Removal, simply because i see no better option.

Greetings and good luck to all.
Traffic Value: $129.7967 Sri Lanka
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25/11/2015 02:19
The percentage now is 79.38 tongue
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
9 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 02:28
First, bring back Paypal ASAP (gain confidence from user)

bring back BankWire ASAP. (a better option for us who can't fund via those Online Payment Processor)

Third, not need to remove the RP limit, as this move will only benefit to those big shareholder & RP price will decrease to rock bottom. Those of them want to buy low (etc $0.0001) and sell it fast when price goes up to (etc $0.0002)

Fourth, create a rule that when those people buy the RP, they can't sell it after they bought it (for few weeks to few months).

Fifth, reward those who kept RP for certain month or week with some Prize or $10/$30/$50 as a reward.

Sixth, Walk the talk, Pay to those pending Cashouts. Create a Payment Proof Topic in Forum, or Else Create a Page in Paidverts & MTV in a place that people EASY TO SEE IT & enhance the interface of Payment Proofs , instead of this which is very unattractive & people doesn't care at all.

I will post another post, when i have more ideas.
If u guys agree, press Like for this post & comment if u have any opinion. Thanks
Traffic Value: $2,182.59396 Argentina
2 like this post 6 people
25/11/2015 02:30

sharemarket is for buy and sell (trading) royalti positions.

if you want invest and don't want loss anything, you have the FTQ and PV (only threateneds by the swaps).

But get out of sharemarket please.
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
7 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 02:38
You have two option Marc:

1. Remove the limit completely and let day traders and big users crash it down to $0.001 or
2. Keep the $0.01 limit but let buyers put buy bids below the minimum.

Option 2 is the best cause the minimum limit will remain and members will still be able to buy below $0.01 if someone is willing to sell below that.

But if you want to generate bigger fees from trading then option 1 is for you. But know this, sooner or later the market will crash and it'll become even harder to bring the price up to $0.10. Also if the price goes below $0.01 then you'll need millions in RP transfers (thousands of dollars worth of transactions) to generate some decent fees!
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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25/11/2015 03:06
I'm a Yes, but going forwards would like to see more incentives for people willing to take a long-term view, or disincentives for people only looking to make a quick-buck.

For example, you could offer a extra dividend once you've held your RPs for a certain period of time.

Marc will take a bit of stick for removing the limit, but it takes strong person to admit they got it wrong.  Anyone who recognises a mistake (even if done with the best of intentions), takes ownership and then goes about correcting it has my backing.

You cannot please everyone all the time.  Keep the vision of making steps to make this business legit Marc and accept that slow progress is still progress.  You'll bring the people who share that vision with you...and those are the ones you want.
Traffic Value: $4,497.02754 India
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25/11/2015 03:06
79.5% thats where it stands right now from total of 620 votes grin
Traffic Value: $176.69082 Argentina
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25/11/2015 03:07
if you sell 10k RPs at 0.01 fee = $3, you get $97, selling 100k at 0.001 fee= $3, you get the same.
Then the revenues from fees when the price fall will be the same right? just change the amount of RP transfered.
Traffic Value: $912.66606 Argentina
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25/11/2015 03:17
i have changed my mind and also my vote now  my vote is yes !!! ..i think be cant afford to lose start moving the market !!
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
6 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 03:29
I bought some shares when they were at $0.022 and I still wouldn't mind if they removed the limit. It's best to actually find out the REAL price of the shares. 

I am definitely not going to be paranoid about some "evil daytraders" who are apparently working in the shades to make everybody unhappy. We are desperately assuming that the ONLY people buying shares will be the ones selling them 1 hour later. Suddenly buying and keeping your shares for a very long time is no longer considered as a possibility. 

Maybe it would best if the limit was GRADUALLY reduced every day by $0.001 so that there is no BOOM happening in one single day. 
The company should consider it's own interest and put a nice fee on the seller's side, even 5%. At least for a while. 

They can add a limit which forces people to keep the bought shares for a month or more, but if the price goes up in the meanwhile, it won't matter WHEN they will sell their shares and profit. 

They can add a limit on how many shares a single person can buy per day, for example, 3000 shares, so no single person can accumulate millions over night. If that's even a problem. I just see many people being paranoid of the "whales". 

I still believe that when the rock bottom is reached, MTV should buy back daily some shares and keep them. Better idea than even giving an ad issue. At least until the price slowly gets back up to $0.01. THE SACRED $0.01 PRICE apparently. UUUU "No touchy!!!. We have to be stuck in there. Forever. Until we die. Cause that's the best. Yay"
Traffic Value: $791.35953 Mexico
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25/11/2015 03:30
I agree to remove the limit, I've read some ideas which could be better to regulate the RPs (also another things like the situation with Paypal) And also, if someone doesn't want to have RPs anymore they can sell them to someone who wants to them even to MTV and have more RPs (it may be another way to regulate the market, as countries do with money to control inflation). I mean, there are a lot of ideas to get better this situation, even radicals ideas like: "is It necesary to reduce the number of RPs like before? If nobody wants them". I don't know, but MTV needs to do something different to recover the trust of all of us and also we have to trust in MTV, we are the key.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
19 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 03:39
I would like to explain why I voted 'YES'.

November 24th 24,220 $242.20 $1.21195
November 23rd 62,106 $621.06 $3.10649
November 22nd 71,084 $710.84 $3.55558
November 21st 73,365 $733.65 $3.66935
November 20th 123,094 $1,230.94 $6.15602
November 19th 88,757 $887.57 $4.44008
November 18th 159,827 $1,522.409 $7.61492

That's RP trading for the last week.
That's a 602,453 RP purchased for a whopping $29.75533 in Revenues.
At this rate, and this is increasing by the way, it'll take about 30 weeks to get through the 'current' 0.01 RP.
If the game doesn't change up soon, it'll come to a near complete standstill as a defunct product because no one will want any RP.
Opening the market up will breathe new life into the marketplace, and, even if it does find it's happy medium at a much lower price, it'll be a much more attractive price that more people will be happier investing in.

There are a lot of people trying to cash out and leave.
I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I want to give them the next 30 weeks of investments at 0.01 when I can give them the next 15 at 0.005.
This give MTV/PV users the opportunity to keep more of that money.
[Those cashing out can click disagree now]

In order to take advantage of an open Marketplace, more people will be depositing monies, myself included.
So what if day traders do a lot of volume and make some money.
You don't think that I won't be hoarding as much of that cheap RP as I can?
You think YOU are just gonna sit there and say, 'Oh, that too cheap. I don't want to buy that'.

I encourage you to vote yes, and, if you've voted no, perhaps I could encourage some of you to change your mind.
Traffic Value: $113.22286 Venezuela
3 like this post 5 people
25/11/2015 03:43
 Agency - Forum moderator

OMG are you still saying that for real??"isn't capitalism it is anarchy" for god sake, yes we need regulations, but no like this, it isn't a realistic regulation, is not a real price is a mandatory one, a regulation it's 24 hours to remove a bid, that's a regulation, that you can't place a bid to sell and a bid to buy at the same time to void two side roadblocks, or maybe fees based on volume, a maximun volume per hour so they can't set roadblocks for 1M, those are regulation, a mandatory price in RP isn't a regulation, at least not a sane one, even marc believe it, some regulations are already into the market some others are going to be add later, but this one is a market manipulation.

So daytraders are bad, you should go to Wall Street and make a formal request LOL, they destroy everything, from google to Forex market, and you see what they made with Oil?

About thinking on themselves, they should, if MTV fails like it's already doing, they are going to take a loss, but with your love is enought right?

Also you think that MTV doesn't get anything from trading, well 1% fees, if you want you can make it 5% fees.

So a lot of people it's trying to get out, why should we pay for it, they are the ones who wanna sell and go away, we are the ones who might stay, and we are supposed to pay 180k with new money just to give them a satisfying way out...?? even if it takes forever... you should go to a therapist you need to take a good look to that stockholm syndrome.
Traffic Value: $1,538.07362 Sri Lanka
5 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 03:50
vote for yes smile
i agree with you.
guys what wrong with brainy.he just told his opinion.
most of us just looking his earnings.
But he  doing  lot of things for pv/MTV
giving confident,trust,referrals,bringing big deposits.
He is one of big investor when MTv not popular.
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
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25/11/2015 03:53
Sorry for my laziness in reading all the comments, it is probably already answered by someone but, before voting, I think I need to know a couple of things first.

- The limit change will be applied temporarily or permanently/indefinitely?

- The BAP market limit will also be changed?

Regarding MarcDeKoning's word, I think your word is not in jeopardy, as the circumstances have changed and unpredictable things are constantly happening, so you're readapting to the needs of the situation.
Traffic Value: $113.22286 Venezuela
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25/11/2015 03:55
MichaelKline - Forum moderator

Yeah I don't know what's the big deal if you were buying b4 you just keep buying and holding your RP, and you have the chance to buy it lower if you are a daytrader, know the risks, and game on... they are saying that daytraders scam people... but if you wanna buy and hold, no even the best trader in the world can take your shares if you don't want to sell it....
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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