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Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $4,069.99578 Germany
9 like this post 1 people
24/11/2015 23:38
The point is that the removal of the limit allows the price to fluctuate so that daytraders can do their thing and generate money for all of us and also give new investors a chance to buy cheap shares from people that want out of MTV, which makes those people happy too since they can now cash out their money. 

Right now people have the option to sell their shares at 0.01, period. And obviously they won't sell. Without the limit, the price might move anywhere from maybe 0.0070-0.0090, just as an example. That wouldn't even be that huge of a drop and yet still create opportunities for all kinds of people, not just for the big guys. Sorry, but I just don't see how this artificial limit benefits anyone right now, it's a complete lose-lose situation.
Traffic Value: $1,667.60683 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
5 like this post 0 people
24/11/2015 23:50
You dont need to lower limit, just add again option that we can put offer that we wanna buy for etc. 0.001. 
Traffic Value: $114,601.66988 Spain
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24/11/2015 23:50
Simple, if the price is 0.01 I never buy shares, if the price is lower than 0.01 I will buy shares.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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24/11/2015 23:51
"price might move anywhere from maybe 0.0070-0.0090"

You are dreaming.

It will be even lower...with 19mil at 1c and hardly anyone buying, there are plenty of users that are willing to sell much lower than that. And, the daytraders have enough RP already that they can put a big enough sell block, so that it's realistic that it won't be bought up.

They love it to be as low as utterly possible b/c that brings in even more profit from them...and since the fee will only be 3%...there will be not much in actual money going to the site for FTQ or dev.

For instance, even if 10million RP exchange hands at $0.001 that only generates at 3%, $300.
Even at a $0.005 middle ground, 10Mil RP exchanged at 3% would generate $1500...only half way there for dev funds, and 10mil is a lot.

Also, once that middle ground is found, and new money doesn't have enough money to keep buying RP, then daytraders will end up trying to push it, and they will push it down yet again to find a new middle.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
3 like this post 0 people
24/11/2015 23:53

Will you buy 1c RP's if there is actual evidence that they are about go be worth more in a very short while?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
40 like this post 5 people
24/11/2015 23:54
MTV would profit from the new deposits, trading fees, cashout fees, money in the system etc.
It's a double-edged sword..

Allthough I kept the limit for a long time as I really value my word, I don't think this wouldn't be a negative thing for the business if people decide otherwise.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
6 like this post 4 people
24/11/2015 23:55
"That's a load of crap, we have 80% of whales??" 

Nope, but whales have lots of followers that don't understand nuance. They see a big guy and just support it based on celebrity fame, I used to be one months ago.

"are you socialist or something?" 

What this have to do with anything? I'm not, I'm a capitalist. The ones that want REAL and TOTAL free markets are anarchists. You need to have protections against monopolies and collusion.

"With the limit people are leaving anyway, just in 4 months with 10 times more cash..." 

And those users need to help MTV to keep running those 4 months, or they get nothing. That is a powerful motivator, to start promoting and spreading good news all over the place again. Otherwise, they will go away with money that otherwise will be invested in the FTQ.

Think for yourself what really is good for MTV. Whales are just thinking what is good for themselves.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
6 like this post 0 people
24/11/2015 23:58
Yes, not just RP transfer fees, that is very true.
I just think all of that benefit will be short lived.

But, I think the hole will be even deeper, not b/c you didn't keep your word, but b/c:
"I bought at $0.002 and now the price is $0.001, I'm going to lose 50% of my money if I sell now."
Traffic Value: $114,601.66988 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
24/11/2015 23:58

Depend, but maybe yes.
Traffic Value: $4,069.99578 Germany
3 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 00:03

"price might move anywhere from maybe 0.0070-0.0090, just as an example"

If you wanna quote me, at least do it correctly instead of spinning it your way. Besides, $300 > $0

Anyway, I've said my piece. Looks like it won't be approved, which I honestly blame more on that ridiculous rate of 80% than anything else. This site has caused me way too many headaches at this point. I don't like being negative, I want the share price to rise to 0.10 or whatever too, it's just not possible right now and you need to accept that. MTV can still be saved but you need to take action.
Traffic Value: $3,448.12527 Turkey
2 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 00:10
Calling the implementation of the limit totally undemocratic would be unfair. At the time, people had a tendency to accept such a workaround to prevent the market from crashing. There were not much objections when the news came:

I just wanted to point this out without any intention regarding the current voting. 
Traffic Value: $45.24315 Mexico
1 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 00:17
a favor !!
Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
3 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 00:19
@  druth8x

"I bought at $0.002 and now the price is $0.001, I'm going to lose 50% of my money if I sell now."

Welcome to the club
My previous 3 million BAPs was converted to 7 kilo and some shares
Then I came to double my stake taking profit from the falling....guess what?  19 kilo shares are now worth 190 bucks
You tell me where is money
My advice to you is to short seeling all of them rebuying again at lower price...if the company lasts long enough.
Be ready to take the loss just in case...
I my self had to deal to see my asset  being eroded to 1/10 of its primary value

Just in time
Right now (my local time 22:22)
The voting is
yes 416   no 110  total 526
Result  yes 79,09%

So that wont happen I am afraid
Traffic Value: $50.558 Serbia
6 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 00:53
yes remove limit
Traffic Value: $2,182.59396 Argentina
0 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 00:56
if the forum-banned people will revive,  the like button raise to 10,000 right now i think
Traffic Value: $126.29229 Uruguay
0 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 01:09
I am not sure what to vote, because i m not sure who will "win" with this limit.
What i m doing now is buying shares (now RP) at $ 0,01, and selling for baps. With that, i can increase my baps drastically.
If there is no limit, the price will be lower, so, i could buy more shares and get more baps for the same money... altough the price for baps is going down (from 70 to 55 now)...

So, if the price will be lower, thats mean more baps... it could be possitive for us, but i not sure if that is positive for MTV and PV... thats because i m not sure what to vote...
Traffic Value: $730.87837 Russian Federation
1 like this post 6 people
25/11/2015 01:10
i think need new limit is 0.008
Traffic Value: $4,684.00091 Ireland
18 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 01:21
Just had to put in my 2 cents here...

Before this poll was opened up I was strictly against removing the limits for the same reason as most of the "NO" voters. I bought up thousands of shares at 1 cent just because I thought my assets would be safe and the only way to go was up. 

However, I've read a lot of opinions here and because of that I decided to vote YES! I'm going to list all the pros and cons of removing the limits and go into as much detail as possible. I really want you "no" voters to read this, and hopefully it will change your minds. 

I also want to point out that if the limits are removed, I will lose money in the short term. Or should I say, my RP will be worth less in the short term. I won't be selling them for less than a cent, as that is the only way to guarantee a loss.

So anyway, here we go:


*** Long Term investors will add fresh funds in order to buy up cheaper shares (Myself included) 
*** Day Traders have the opportunity to make money trading again
*** More Debt will be removed due to increased fee and trading volume
*** Dividends will be higher
*** FTQ will be paid out faster
*** Higher ad issues (Due to PV receiving FTQ faster)
*** More income for MTV from deposits
*** People wanting to liquidate and cashout can do so faster
*** More income for MTV from cashout fees
*** Long Term investors have a chance to make a HUGE profit
*** A Moving market is 100x more attractive to potential investors rather than a stalled one
*** Those who want to abandon MTV will sell at any rate to get some money out of it. Once they are bought up by long term investors, price will begin to steadily increase.
*** Currently about 100k RP are being bought a day at 1c each. With the current 19 million shares for sale at 1c, it will take 190 days before they are all bought up. And that's if no more are added to the queue (Which is unlikely) Removing limits means those shares will sell significantly faster. 
*** Significantly less chance of another swap (BAP or otherwise)


***** MTV will be revived again *****


*** People may feel ripped off again
*** Price will drop significantly lower (Only short term - Guaranteed for less than 190 days anyway!)
*** Price may temporarily be blocked at a much lower rate than 1c.
*** Marc's guarantee that limits will stay will become void (Although this is solely due to pressure from majority of users)
*** Higher fees
*** Those affected by the previous swap will become outraged (Due to price more than 10x the rate their balance was swapped at)

I can't really think of any more pros/cons, but I will happily edit this post if anyone brings something else to my attention.

All in all, it is for the best for users as a collective and MTV as a whole for the limits to be removed. The result will be a much better chance to profit with MTV, and also the risk of the entire system collapsing will be put to rest. If anyone has an issue with anything I've said here, then simply reply with your arguement. 
Traffic Value: $462.99066 Venezuela
4 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 01:21
Why is people voting for "NO"??? i want to know what are their arguments for doing that. For me it isnt logic, i would rather to buy tons of RPs for a cheaper price, and the market will flow again, the fees are going to help MTV. Of course, it would take some serious time to see a RP in 0.10$ for example, but this is a long-term investmen and people need to understand that. The only thing i disagree is with the daytraders but, like a said, MTV wins fees with them too.
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
3 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 01:22

For MTV/Paidverts it is important that the ad-packs are being bought. This way money will go to the scorecard and to development funds.

Once the ads start to get distributed again, people will not sell their bap's anymore (not against this price anyway). So, the bap's for every RP will drop.

Buying RP's, just to sell them for bap will then not be attractive anymore. Buying ad-packs to gain bap again will be the best thing.

That is, if the limit of RP's is not removed.

So, not removing the limit will be best to boost Paidverts again.
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