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Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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02/10/2021 06:27

Check here to see PV's achievements screen capture:

I should have received those 5k achievements points a lot earlier than now. Since february 2019, I logged in daily until end of April/beginning of May 2020 when internet service at home was stopped due to pandemic closure money shortages. From August 2020 onwards daily login went back to regular everyday. 

So, achievements counter must have been broken all this time as you say and didn't reward me when it was supposed to. Too bad for all those achievement ad issues lost. ¯\_(?)_/¯

In PTCShare I didn't get the 5k points addded. I know you're still working on it. Keep going!
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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02/10/2021 19:47
i see you all writing about those login days.

When i check achievements in PV and PTCshare those stats are not there at all.

i double checked with that picture of slosumo there is no login days in between and same for ptcshare

Refer 50 friends who each view at least 100 ads.
+500 APS
Level: 7/13

Play at least 30 different games.
+60 APS
Level: 8/8

Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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03/10/2021 02:36

Slosumo said it seemed to be some display issue. I also don't see it, but got my achievements on PV rewarded anyway, so don't worry. He's working on it, and also PTCShare achievements and will solve everything soon.

One question to everyone: can someone who is in the 1% of achievements tell how many points do they have?
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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03/10/2021 06:19
20496 on ptcshare (1%) group)
19625 on paidverts (5% group)
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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03/10/2021 15:26
jordy186, when you achieve a certain achievement, that achievement is erased from your stats. That is not an issue, it's just the way it is. I've already achieved login days and play different games, so that stats is no longer visible to me.

Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
03/10/2021 15:31

22367 on PTCShare (1% group)
23680 on PaidVerts (1% group)
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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03/10/2021 20:44
@klemen50 and @jordy186

Thanks for the update!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/10/2021 11:26
@klemen Figured it out indeed -> when achievement is fully completed its not longer display in that list. I just checked to confirm that this is indeed how it's been made. So if you don't see the Login Ads achievement anymore there, it simply means the last one was properly awarded to you and APS received.

Klemen, it's very possible that if you had the streak reset at any previous server issues that you'd lost the progress, but also if you've not logged in for any day in the past few years that'd also cancelled the streak in a legitimate way.
And there's no way for us to backtrack such data accurately -> hence when recalculating these last week we used a naive approach of assuming you logged in all days since your last achieved achievements.

But yeah, if you should've received it sooner by legitimately logging in 365+ days in a row you should have received it -> but it's quite possible even if you did that one of potential server issues reset it for you at some point sad

I also don't have any news on fixing this on PTC unfortunately, as I'm still waiting on some data outside my control, and until I get it I can't debug this further.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
05/10/2021 17:06
I just got confirmation that ptc acp for login days should aldo be fixed now -> it should auto fix for all on next login day ( so tomorrow, after 7 hours from now).

Brainy I'll have to follow up on that tomorrow, not around computer today anymore.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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05/10/2021 17:10
It seems I was affected too on the TOP% APS ranking. Dropped from 5% to 1% on PV after the server issues. Sent a ticked. Hopping for this to be solved soon.

I think this can be easily be tracked back by checking what users were receiving TOP 1% ads before the server issues. There are only a few users on TOP 1% so there should be not be much work.

Also its easy to check if all points are accounted for for the TOP1% users previous to the server issues.

Until this is fixed TOP% fund ads issue should be suspended to not harm users with hard earned APS. And benefit unrightful users getting TOP 1%
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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06/10/2021 03:07
Brainy lives!

Good to see you are still around mate! grin
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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06/10/2021 06:56
@Axianator There is nothing to fix regarding APS ad issues. Please read a few posts above from Orlando and myself, where it is explained how these things can change based on several factors, primarily on activity of members. APS groups are simply dynamic in nature -> reaching a certain group doesn't guarantee you will stay in it for ever.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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06/10/2021 07:26

can you explain how I was demoted to TOP5% during server issues if there was no activity? You can check I receive TOP1% ad on the day before the server issue.

Can you share the APS points distribution for all tasks? I can check myself which points are missing.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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06/10/2021 08:23
I'll give a super simple example, but specifics of this can vary day to day:

Let's say there are 10000 active members, and you are ranked 500th.
This means you are at that point in the 5%.

Scenario A) Then on the next day, 10 of the members who were active on previous day are no longer active (haven't watched any ads/filled requirements to be considered active). Lets assume no other order of member rankings changed.

Now you are 500th out of 9990 active members with APS, or in other words you're just above TOP 5% now, and therefore no longer in the top 5%.

Scenario B) Active members are still 10000, but 1 member gained more APS and beat you, now you are 501st. You are now longer in top 5%.

Scenario B.2) You are 501st, but 100 new members join who are active. Now you are 501st, amongst 10100 active members. You are in top 5% again.

I hope that paints some of the potential scenarios pretty clearly. Unfortunately I have no easy way to get an active list of all APS rankings or their borders, as they are not defined by a specific number of APS needed, but by relative positions (being in top X percent).
Traffic Value: $0.1465 United States
0 like this post 2 people
06/10/2021 09:31

I am Brainy. I create this account for contact purpose only. Why you disable my account? I don't know what happened? Any problem? Reactivate my Paidverts Account. I am waiting for your response on Support Ticket and here. My account banned without any reason.

Thank you,
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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06/10/2021 10:06
@Axiantor (and anyone else) what ss is trying to say, you were probably just at the border of groups already and when the sites came back up, you happened to normally drop down then, when user activity started to come back.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
06/10/2021 10:35
@Contactpurpose You're definitely not the original Briany - if you were you have my private contact to contact me and verify that. It's so obvious Briany has not logged into his account for years.

Tip: At least try to not be as obvious to use a commonly-known disposable email domain to create this new "contact purpose account".
Traffic Value: $0.1465 United States
0 like this post 3 people
06/10/2021 11:27

You right my friend. I am brainy and i explain all to Marc De Koning about my situation. After many years I came back from France and access my Paidverts account.

Note. In this long time I lost all contact information.

Thank you for your understanding.

Vincent Boutin.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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06/10/2021 13:28

You understand that neither of these 3 scenarios are valid as there was no activity because of server issues so new members couldn't join or leave and also any member couldn't get new APS points due to site being down?


I wasn't at boundary neither are my current APS points correct. I'm currently over 19k and was over 20k.

This needs to be corrected ASAP.


Kindly share the APS structure so I can very myself how much points should be accounted for my account. I happily will do this as complementary for being long time member.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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06/10/2021 13:33
@Alright Vincent, my apologies, I believe you now after that thorough explanation. Please wait patiently for our reply in your ticket and keep all replies to tickets from now on.
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