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orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
1 like this post 0 people
15/02/2024 00:18
Indeed, we are currently having some issues with the paid ads and we were unable to send them from the past two days.

We will try in the regular hours later today!
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
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15/02/2024 12:26
hello , can anyone tell me whats PPMG in Monetization Revenues?
Traffic Value: $10,065.50805 Uruguay
1 like this post 0 people
16/02/2024 02:11
@DVReza (same casino basically), but it only accepts PerfectMoney
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
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16/02/2024 14:37
whats happening in the casino games, its weird!!
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
3 like this post 0 people
17/02/2024 17:57
Emails and the cron are working now! However the ads you got are not from the Ad Issue but another source (probably from a recent Bulk Ad purchase or user upgrade)

We will be sending out the missing paid ads usual during the next week wink
Traffic Value: $421.19413 Serbia
2 like this post 0 people
21/02/2024 22:27
Something is stuck in PTCS...

My Pure ads campaign froze ( at least the numbers seem so since last night )
and Ad issue seems sent but still no ads in sight.
Traffic Value: $6.60531 Hungary
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22/02/2024 19:14
Clixgrid not reseted for me since 2 days at both sites.

( and previously i try to login lot of times whenever i want to post something here....
and only today found the problem. with recapctha i Can't login here only with visual captcha..... 
since months........ )
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
8 like this post 0 people
23/02/2024 07:50
We're aware of these and some other issues in the past few days - seems to be likely caused by a sudden increased load on PTC due to some youtube video and a massive increase in registrations/Activity, that snowballs some performance issues. Waiting on system admin to be able to get to them.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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23/02/2024 22:08
Daily revenues are stuck in 20 February in MTV results page.
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
24/02/2024 01:13
There is a lot more stuck then only that.

According to the dashboard for instance all paidverts campaigns are not being hit anymore.
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
24/02/2024 07:00
hello, your email confirmation is working?
Traffic Value: $2,283.49818 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
26/02/2024 17:15
Any administrator can explain why the email confirmation is not working?? Why the daily revenues are stuck in 20 February???

Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
1 like this post 0 people
26/02/2024 19:13
its working now
Traffic Value: $2,283.49818 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
26/02/2024 22:46
Thanks @DVReza
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
6 like this post 0 people
27/02/2024 07:25
Emails should be sorted, but some of the other issues still persist - As they're all sorted we'll write a proper update/note that they were.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
13/04/2024 21:30
Is the wagering competition paid in PTCShare?
I think i should have 12,500 BAPs more.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
25/04/2024 19:47
Ad issue seems to be sent but i haven't got it.
Does anyone else have the same problem?
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
1 like this post 0 people
07/05/2024 03:36
Hey everyone!

Over the past few days, we've encountered some issues with deposits and certain functionalities across our subsidiaries. We've received multiple reports regarding Paidverts' ClickGrid, access to games on PlayPerfectMoneyGames and PlayBitcoinGames, and overall missing deposits.

These concerns have already been forwarded to our programming team, and we are eagerly awaiting updates from them. If you encounter any issues with deposits, please don't hesitate to submit a ticket on the respective website for assistance.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve these matters.
Traffic Value: $11,862.5317 Chile
0 like this post 0 people
13/05/2024 16:05
We offer cashouts within 24 hours for any cashouts of your balance, that was earned only via referral commissions, viewing ads or completing offers on PaidVerts!

orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
1 like this post 0 people
13/05/2024 16:33
You requested a cashout half an hour ago
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