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Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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04/10/2019 00:40

You will not be adding more offerwalls. But you will be adding more PTC Wall right?
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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04/10/2019 02:42

Clicking through the "we added the first PTCwall" link in your recent email takes you to a page where you have to say whether you are male or female.

When you click the drop down to select, there are spaces for options but no text in the box.
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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04/10/2019 05:14
@slosumo In the images you see what I see when accessing the PTCWall tab on both sites.

The BLOCKED message issue in PTCShare I had a couple days ago is not happening right now, as I was able to see ads and get an OK and the credit without problems.

I'm not sure if I want to try watching Clixwall ads in Paidverts because I don't want to get blocked or get into any other trouble.

Since you're hunting bugs and stuff not working, right now you might want to check in the first Wannads tab, this link on the third button "Easy Surveys - Encuesta Corta" is not going anywhere and just stays in a blank screen:

Sorry to hear about the impending removal of JungleSurvey. We don't get many offers available here, but it was a relief to have it available to do whenever time was available for doing it.

Another wall you might want to add eventually would be Minutestaff, it's available everywhere, or  in almost all countries
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/10/2019 14:30
Jungle Survey not worth our users time? Am I missing something?

10 no wrong answers, times 3 sec each = 30sec.

My Reward is just over half a penny.

All of this is w/o losing BAP in the process, so pure profit, which in my daily Group Ads, even though I'm a high Group member, I have 20 ads that get me about the same in profit, and yes some are 30 sec long.

Also, this is something that I can get to work and not take too much thinking (I try to be honest in surveys, for instance).

Thus, for $3, I have to do 600 of these offers and thus spend 5hrs doing these, but with only 30sec needed at any one time, it can happen whenever.

Compared to what EasyHits4U offered (each 15sec click was a cash reward, though you needed to hit 1000 before getting $0.30 credit). To compare to the $3 from Jungle, it would require 10K 15sec clicks. Which equates to nearly 42hrs.

SUM Jungle over 8x better than EH4U and EH4U was the best value and I gladly spent "months, if not years" clicking and earning hundreds of dollars doing so.

Now that I know about Jungle, I'll be doing it as much as I can for as long as I can, and it leaves here, I'll  look for it elsewhere, just like I'm still doing Hideout (though I haven't searched for a place to cash out my earnings yet, in hope it comes back here.)
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/10/2019 16:50
@druth8 Jungle is $0.0005 per completion (not half a penny, which would be $0.005) which takes about a minute, and that's on mobile - not on desktop.

You can just barely do 60 per hour - $0.03 per hour.

Are you sure we are talking about the same offerwall, or does it seem to work very differently for you?

From what I see, overall we're not even making $1 per day with this offerwall - both sites combined.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/10/2019 17:00
I'm doing other stuff while doing these so it's not "30sec", neither was EH4U for that matter.

As far as half a cent:

04-10-2019 14:54:40 +$0.00526 jungle offer - $58.92927
04-10-2019 14:50:16 +$0.00526 jungle offer - $58.92401
04-10-2019 14:46:41 +$0.00526 jungle offer - $58.91875
04-10-2019 14:41:59 +$0.00526 jungle offer - $58.91349
04-10-2019 14:36:11 +$0.00526 jungle offer - $58.90823
04-10-2019 14:32:00 +$0.00526 jungle offer - $58.90297

That sure looks like half a cent to me.

Did you set up the reward wrong?

Well back to bed for 3hrs.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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04/10/2019 17:44
i think rewards are depending on your country on jungle.

Clixwall still DUP on Paidverts here
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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04/10/2019 19:27
"From what I see, overall we're not even making $1 per day with this offerwall - both sites combined."

Something must be wrong w getting credit on the corporate end.

Just during the competition I did the "JungleOfferWall-more quiz time" close to 400 times on both pv and ptcshare.
It was on my stats on the competition board.

With everyone else who does it, should be way more than a dollar.

It adds up if you have the time and you always get the credit

I'm in Tampa, FL, USA

From ptc share.

From paidverts.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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04/10/2019 19:59
I definetly can't get half penny:
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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05/10/2019 05:46
Well now "Your IP address does not qualify for our offer." and the contact us doesn't work anymore.

The url has error/vpn in it, so while I don't use VPN for some reason they blocked me.
It's not like I was too fast (aka just over 1 min like they say is possible, more like ~5min).

OFC, if you aren't making anything worth speaking of with it as Admin, then I don't see you helping resolve this issue.
Traffic Value: $952.82322 Hungary
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05/10/2019 07:35
This was happened to me also, they just blocked my IP address for no reason. But I got much less, about $0.001 for 10 questions. I've done a lot before at another site what paid a little bit more, without any problem. There is no option to contact the admin, and they don't reply to email. Even if I try it from another IP address (not VPN) they identify me, and block that IP address too immediately.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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05/10/2019 12:19
i see the new ptc offerwall is already being advertised on facebook.....for me it still doesnt work here on PV and on PTCshare it still give the message blocked....
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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05/10/2019 13:49
Okay, after the comments I went and looked into the Jungle stats... and it seems US people indeed cna get half a cent.

But the numbers druth gave were just way too much, even with half a cent that's max like 50 completions per hour= $0.25/hr. Especially for US you should have tens of other much better options to spend your time. And as I checked your stats - you do (i.e. druth had 15 completions).

And for other countries the numbers are even more ridiculous: 1-5 hundredth of a cent are the typical earnings per completion.

If the earnings for other countries were similar to that of US, many more people would be completing them, but as it just a few 10 people complete a few each day and give up - rightfully so.

So yeah, luckily no bug, and the earnings are way subpar to keep this one going for much longer.
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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05/10/2019 17:47
I've had that IP glitch at least 2 times on Jungle Survey.

It eventually went away but it took a week + each time.

Even at @ .5 of a cent for US members, the upscale advertising I'm getting like Sax 5th, Axel Arigato, Samuel Hubbard, etc should pay more.
Jungle Survey is making a nice profit.

Hopefully we can find a similar site that at least pays non US members a non insulting amount.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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05/10/2019 18:01
I stopped at 15 for PV btw, as 15 extends the BAP reward timer as long as possible, I did way more, but not yet $1 worth, at PTCShare as I was trying to get to $1, and did some TheormResearch before and after to try and get $1.

It takes quite awhile to be booted out of the Surverys there as well.
I don't know what the 72c and 36c and the timers mean as I tried various ones, spent more time than the timer and was rewarded 2c 10c etc.

Jungle is a lot like the articles where you scroll to next and get a litle money after completion. I used to see those but they stopped showing up as new. I don't know if other countries get as much.

You know, I don't know how they get the advertisers to agree to that type of traffic, but it seems like it could be done quite easily just combine advertisement with Mathew Santoro type articles and then let PTC/PV and others drive traffic, and in exchange give most of the profit away to PTC/Pv (who diviy it up btwn them and members), just keeping enough for hosting/domain and some for doing the work. Someone could run with this idea and make some money, often more than just a clicker.
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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06/10/2019 19:42
How can i change my bitcoin adress, i can't find it, thank you?
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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06/10/2019 23:07

You have to contact the support team to change your address.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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07/10/2019 04:08
@ slosumo

Didnt you find the problem yet on clixwall on Paidverts ? 
It is still giving "DUP"or am i the only one facing this problem ?
On PTCshare it still gives me the message "blocked"contacting clixwall  support i also dont get any reply
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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07/10/2019 04:10
Other PTC Walls (or offerwalls which have PTC):


I've tried them on other sites and they are working, except for PTCWall which doesn't have any PTC ads at the moment.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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07/10/2019 04:44
With ClixWall, my experience is that I can see them and click successfully (Done) on the PTC ads on PTCShare at home. ( I cannot access PTCWall page on PaidVerts at home.)

But when I am in the office, I cannot access PTCWall page on PTCSHARE. I can access PTCWall page on PaidVerts but I am getting the DUP message.

When I tried ClixWall on Donkeymails. It doesn't give me the DUP message. I can do it successfully (Done).
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