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New Project: CoinFlip Evolved

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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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20/02/2017 21:39
Yes, on the bottom right you can find the achievements menu.
This menu will get an update soon to make the achievements and your progress towards them a lot clearer.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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22/02/2017 17:03
I'm thinking CFE can also have a daily mission, or a daily checklist with a reward.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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23/02/2017 11:55

- CE modals unification
- CE rare case achievement fix
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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28/02/2017 15:10

- Added default skin to shop to equip
- Achievement list swap colors
- Achievement list added progress and title descriptions

- New gems icons in shop
- New shop gem item
- Robot skin preview implementation started

Check out the Shop for the new items! Pretty cool, uh?

Traffic Value: $459.892 Pakistan
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28/02/2017 18:01
i cannot see daily table in CoinFlip ?? is it me or everyone ? is it removed ?
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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28/02/2017 18:30
Answer is in the daily news topic!
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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28/02/2017 20:43
You really have to put Help section on CFE. Every time I go there someone is asking "how to play this game?" or "how to cashout my coins?".
Where is that nice graphic with explanations that you showed us few days ago?
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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28/02/2017 20:54

We made some things for the tutorial (text, image, gif), but the programmers have been focussed on WC.

Now most of WC bugs have been fixed, so they should be able to add the tutorial soon.
Traffic Value: $24.04238 Philippines
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01/03/2017 06:25
how much will a player will receive if he/she belongs to the 1st place country in country competition? lets say 1st rank country and how much a player would get if he belongs to top 5 of that country? because my country was top 1 during  the end of feb and i am on top 4 and i received 1125 or 1250 bap prize. please shed some light on this.
thank you
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/03/2017 06:40
I believe in this thread Andraz explained it decently well.


1. Being #1 Country gives you much more than #10 Country to work with in the first place.
2. Being in the Top 100 for your Country gives you an equal share of a certain % of the BAP Pool (10-30%, my memory is foggy.)
3. The rest of the pool is then divided by % of how you actually contributed to the Country's Total
 (I assume of the Top 100 players, not the whole pie of however many players your country has above that).

Which means, say there are only 100 players in your Country, but you have a big player or two that did most of the work, getting your Country to Top 10. You can't come in and do little work and get the same pie as those bigger players. However, if all you were equal in contribution then you'd all get equal the share. Still, no matter what, as long as you rank Top 100 for your Country AND your Country makes it to Top 10, you will get at least a small reward, whether you did a little or a lot.

Are you sure that was your Country Reward and not a Daily or Monthly Reward? Those also ended, and are awarded first. AKA did you claim all that you could?
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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01/03/2017 23:36
Jeez!, there is a heavy competition going on nowadays in Coinflip Evolved, now a lot of work has to be done to enter in a prize spot... maybe like accumulating 5k or more and then give your best shot. Players are full active.

I really enjoyed being the 1st in my country for a while like 2 weeks ago smile. Then suddenly when i saw my throne was taken, it was a hard pill to swallow sad. Those **** new kids on the block! tongue
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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03/03/2017 23:36
Hey, i think i made my way into the top 30 yesterday, i see on the ranks that up to 30 people get daily bap prize, but i didn't receive anything, or the popup in CE to be able to claim the reward. Can i report this to Paidverts support or anyone knows what happened there?
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
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04/03/2017 00:14
We will check to see if there has been any errors, but in case you didn´t know, you have to be at the top 30 when the server day ends to get the reward of the daily competition so if someone betted more and you ended up 31 you wont receive the prize 
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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04/03/2017 01:15
I know but i was playing exactly before server date time.... i made a race to beat the 30 th grin and i could, i had like 3 minutes before server time so i continued to play and got to 29th, just in case someone would chomp 30th with a high bet. Today when i came home i was 36th but had no energy to play so i certainly didnt win something like an hour ago, but the other day i did bet like crazy just to get to top 30 hehe.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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06/03/2017 12:27

-Direct shop purchases fix, accepted pending purchases

- Shop display enhancements, black & white style
- Reworked animation class
- Added preview of robot skin animation
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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06/03/2017 22:39
I would like to ask a few questions.

If i buy coins with 10 gems i will get 1.200 coins and +20% coins.
That percentage is for ever, every time i play?

If i buy coins with another 10 gems that +20% will become +40%, or it will remain +20%?

Thanks to anybody who
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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06/03/2017 22:59
@stra, come on now.

For 1 gem you get 100 coins.
For 10 gems you get 1200 which translates into 10*100 plus 2*100, which is the 20%.

It has nothing to do with playing or anything, it's a simple bulk amount buying.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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06/03/2017 23:35
Thank you very much
Now i see the point of "+20%"

I didn't give it some serious thinking i guess.
Traffic Value: $4.77053 Macedonia
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18/03/2017 17:59

I need help with something in the game - it's about the country thing, my problem is that at the start when I've started with game before 2/3 months I accidentaly clicked on France and I am from Macedonia and now it's still France and I can not change it? So how to change this or you will change it for me - and yes I'm from Macedonia and can prove it. Thanks in advance!
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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18/03/2017 19:17
Send a support ticket and patiently wait.
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