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New Project: CoinFlip Evolved

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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02/02/2017 07:51
The second is right, and don't forget that there is also the special reward bar filled every 100 spins, that upon claiming refreshes the page.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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02/02/2017 08:06
This is not a big deal but it would be neat if the mouseover for the flags would have the country in the info text
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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02/02/2017 08:24
Had the exact same thought dguy.

I'm pretty good on flags, but I don't know them all and it would be interesting (value add if you direct return, but just a better quality product).

Also...I'm Scottish (but living in Australia) so I'm under their flag.  Many Scottish, English, Northern Irish and Welsh people would prefer to play under their own country's flag rather than the Union Jack.
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
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02/02/2017 08:52
thanks country ranking is fixed for mesmile
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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02/02/2017 09:12
Not solved for me. Shows "3279 score to RANK #2262", even though I have monthly rank of just 72.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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02/02/2017 09:29
Something is definitely of about country ranking.
I was rank #111 in country ranking. It was written "4567 score to rank #110". I got little over 2000 score and now I'm rank #5.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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02/02/2017 09:40
Just an idea to improve the power-up feature.

Now you can click on it and get an extra 1%.
Wouldnt it be nice if we can change the feature so we get 1% everyday we play.
day 1 = 0%
day 2= 1%
day3= 2%
up to 10%

if you don't play a day you fall back to 0%.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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02/02/2017 11:22
When it comes to payout bonuses there is one very important thing to understand.

As soon as statistical payout reaches 0% + house edge the amount of coins limits towards infinity.

That means that if for a 50-50 chance game the payout equals or is greater than 200%, that users would statistically be able to get infinite score/infinite coins.

This would result in coins losing all of their value eventually - no one would buy coins, watch videos for coins, play minigames... Basically ti would hurt monetization of the game more and more as time would go on.

Furthermore, when it comes to freemium "luck/casino/house edge" games, contrary to popular belief, games that actually have a house edge (meaning players over the long term statistically losing their currency, and not just gaining it towards infinity) tend to perform much better and have a much higher retention rate than the ones that "never make player lose" their coins.
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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02/02/2017 14:48
I've just noticed help button on CE and description at the bottom. However, when I go to CE on my smartphone, the Help exclamation mark is entirely covering Shop button so I couldn't see it nor click on it and Shop is the most important feature there. It doesn't matter if I zoom in or out - it stays at the same position.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
14 like this post 0 people
02/02/2017 16:08

- Tutorial and descriptions added
- FB video moved to modal

- Display CE promoting banner when all bap ads were clicked (On PaidVerts)

Now, everytime you watch all your BAP ads for the day, the following banner for CE is displayed, inviting members to play for a chance of winning more BAP on the Daily / Weekly and Monthly prizes.

Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
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02/02/2017 16:18
Thats great ! You should add same for Cash offers.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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02/02/2017 16:38
hahaha.. like the winking Max... Max is sure becoming more and more user friendly each day wink
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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02/02/2017 19:07
Thank you for the heads up - there was some issue with country competition calculation in a few cases (4 players) and it has been correct and any invalid BAP deducted.
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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02/02/2017 21:37

The CFE banner displayed for me above my Paid Ads (had already done my BAP ads), but once I'd completed them it disappeared, and went back to

"pen Sans">There are no paid ads available at the moment. Check back in a few hours for more!"
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
3 like this post 0 people
03/02/2017 03:35
pen Sans">"You have ran out of coins. You can come back tomorrow for more coins waiting for you"

pen Sans">Should be run
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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03/02/2017 05:00
Is it just me, or is that 2nd sentence awkwardly worded as well?

My Initial Edit, trying to limit it to the Original Writer's Voice, but open to suggestions, would be:

"where more coins will be waiting for you."

2nd try, rework of the whole sentence, with a bit of push vs passee:

"Don't worry. When you come back tomorrow, there will be more free coins available for you to claim to continue playing."

Hard to decide btwn "Don't worry" and "Never Fear" or some other iteration.
Also, I went with "When" to give them the extra bit of oomph for retention purposes.
"If", or "can" in the current form, just seems unmotivational.
BTW, why "tomorrow", instead of "server reset"? Do you want the activity spaced out?
After Server Reset would get more people hooked and less go to sleep and then forget about the site.

I make it a point not to run out of coins, so I don't know.
Is there no mention of going to the Shop to buy more Coins?
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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03/02/2017 05:06
And I would suggest," You have run out of free coins. Now go to coin shop and buy some coins, or I will punch you!" tongue
Traffic Value: $335.98079 Bangladesh
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03/02/2017 05:49
Congratulations. Coin Flip Evolved has more than 10000 player now.

I think a 'half previous bet' button would be a great addition to the game. smile
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
9 like this post 0 people
03/02/2017 07:11
At some point you probably want to put up a "total users" and "users playing right now" counter. Many people want to feel they belong to a group and so the big numbers playing will make them want to play in order to have a sense of belonging psychology wink
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
12 like this post 0 people
03/02/2017 17:33

- Added chat banned list
- Country competition calculation fix
- Preparation for domain split

A preview of some add ons coming for Max:

Do not forget to Like / Follow CE Facebook page here!
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