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New Project: CoinFlip Evolved

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Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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16/01/2017 08:14
if it's not on the list, then it's not in the top 100!
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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16/01/2017 08:17
and how can i know how much left for enter in the list?

it says #34, so it is a bug/error ..?
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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16/01/2017 08:35
no, you're on the 34th place in your country (and if i remember right, you said you had about 70k points, when you lost it all, so your score must be around -70k right now, and your country's to, unless someone else made a good score to bring that up a bit...)
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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16/01/2017 08:46
So, this is interesting.

The U.S. has 1 huge player, if they win big, US is #1, easily, now that they lost it all, we have to overcome that huge loss just to get back in some sort of range as every other country. I don't think it's fair either way that 1 player can have that big a swing for the country and the rest of the countries ranks.

On top of that, You can only get Country Rewards if you are the Top 100. Which should mean that smaller countries (in population, not just GDP) have a much better chance at getting to be part of the Top 100. It doesn't even have to be population size, but just if the game hits it big in one country, that leaves out so many others in that country.
Maybe instead of Top 100, Top X%. I understand that rounding BAP is basically really hard to do with larger numbers.

Both of these might be solved once the activity gets into the hundreds of thousands.

I guess, for me, I need to remember, it's just a way to pass time first and foremost, I personally am probably never going to spend any money (but that's just me as I'm not a gambler) so if I ever get a chance to rank again, it will be b/c the couple hundred coins I play with daily overtime in that 1 day/week/month give me more wins than losses. Ranking is by and large mostly luck, esp if one doesn't spend to get so many coins that the win avg streak is large enough.
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
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16/01/2017 09:22
please add option to buy coins from other users, like MTV share market
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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16/01/2017 09:26
@DVReza why would someone want to sell you the coins? makes no sence! and with what you would pay for them? money? in that case you have the option to buy coins in the shop...
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
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16/01/2017 09:33
u can't sell your coin why not?
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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16/01/2017 09:39
coins are only for this game, and nothing else. you can win bap though, if you rank high enough in the competitions.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
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17/01/2017 01:56
Can any admin update the main post? That way we all can see what us working and what don't
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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17/01/2017 18:08
just went from 150k points to zero tongue so slovenia joins the US club this month grin so hard to get there, but so easy to lose it all! Anyways, it was fun while it lasted.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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17/01/2017 18:31
Were you following a strategy? tongue 
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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17/01/2017 18:46
no matter the strategy, if you play it long enough, the odds are against you tongue
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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17/01/2017 18:47
Haha I know, just wondering how you managed to get to 150k tongue 
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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17/01/2017 18:48
Usa, slovenia and italy in the same team. Here lost around 80k points ahah
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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17/01/2017 18:48
just like i got to -150k tongue i punched that coin a lot grin
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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17/01/2017 18:51
Can we change our country again?i changed it when it started and now its locked.
Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
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17/01/2017 19:00
Can we change our country again?i changed it when it started and now its locked.

No way!
It´s done automatically by the server according the IP location you are on.
Long gone are the days when we could play with it. Some of us had had a good laugh changing it on (almost) daily basis.
Programmers stop that making an end stop to the fun....tongue  ermm   shocked    wink
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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17/01/2017 19:11
I think you can still do it on MTV (not sure), but you can't on CE. Otherwise everyone would be switching to the country that's at the number one spot for that day/week/month. Wouldn't be fair, so that's why you can only change it once!
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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17/01/2017 19:20
I do not think its automatically.Changed to us and now its blocked to us.
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
8 like this post 1 people
17/01/2017 19:20
as for the game, i think it's quite addictive, while you have a good score, and enough points to play with! but we made this game for the revenue, and if we want bigger revenue from this, i think we will have to do some changes!

i don't really like how this counting of poins goes! If we want people to spend more money on coins, and play more, then it's a shame, that when you loose it all it all gets pointless (i'm not complaining, but i saw that just now, as i lost it all). i think the score should only get bigger, when you win, and not go down, when you loose! that way, even when you loose it all, the score still stands, and people might buy some more coins, so they can still stay in the competition.
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