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Mon 12th May - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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12/05/2014 17:01
Jo, it might be an idea to do the 19.99 upgrade a bit the same as the $0.05. So it remains active, untill you got at least  $100 of these 1% ads.. As otherwise it might be kinda 'gambling' if you got enough to earn this upgrade back. 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/05/2014 17:16
The problem with the upgrade will only become when there are so many upgraded users that the average return will be far below the 20$.

So perhaps not exactly like the 0.05$ upgrade, but a bit different:
The upgrade remains active for at least a week, and/or until you have received at least 20$(or perhaps only 10-15$!) worth of priority ads.

I think that would make it both safe and possibly highly profitable. You can make 100$ in a week, or if there's not many ad purchases or many upgraded users, it can extend to however long it takes to receive at least 20$ worth of ads.
Traffic Value: $2,227.80031 Viet Nam
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12/05/2014 17:23
I think so too! So people will easily upgraded.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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12/05/2014 18:06
You're forgetting about the fact that the $20 is a loss anyway. You're not getting any BAP for it.
So getting 20$ for it and watching ads for it= $20 loss in BAP.
So you need a whole lot more for it to be worth buying.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/05/2014 18:25
These are free market economic priciples. People will collectively buy as many upgrades as are sufficiently profitable for them.

The system will show you how many people are currently upgraded.

Perhaps we could add a pricing feature to help protect users from flooding. If there are no currently active upgrades then the price is 19.99, then it increases by $2 (or $0.25 for mini) for every additional upgrade.


Originally i had a second part to this upgrade. Where it created ads only to be distributed between other upgraded users. But i scrapped it due to complexity, plus it drives up the price for no guaranteed reward for all.

But with that idea it rewards the first regardless. Which would prevent them from getting screwed by loads of upgrades coming after theirs. Diluting the revenues too much.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/05/2014 18:32
@Marc I don't think no BAP is an issue here. You're simply paying to receive ads faster.

And Jo, I don't think you should add increased price or anything complex like that.

But this upgrade should have a "safety net" for the user imo, and there's 2 ways of doing that:
- as Marc suggests give the user some BAP - a 50-100% of the purchase value
- extend the upgrade in case a user didn't receive ads totaling at least X value
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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12/05/2014 18:42
Or maybe some limits for available upgrades, like 10 active is maximum. It will make it more exclusive for people, and they will be tempted to buy it at next oppurtunity.

Whenever PV gets bigger you can adjust limits to more available, like 15, 20... etc. 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/05/2014 18:55
The only problem I see with increasing prices/limits is that it creates a "straight line effect". Whoever will be the first to click will benefit the most. And while some will benefit hugely from that, It would definitely upset the latecomers. So whatever the upgrade will be, I think it should cost the same, have the same earning potential etc. Don't make it a "straight" line. If anything, users could "sign up" for the upgrade for the next week, and be randomly picked in that case.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/05/2014 19:09
I'll sleep on it.
I'm tempted just to let standard economics deal with this. That'll dictate how many uupgrades get purchased.

The idea behind raising the price is that it adds a disincentive to buy upgrades when there are already existing ones purchased. So you've gotta have extra confidence to also upgrade. That'll protect whoever upgraded first. As whoever joins later is taking an even bigger risk, and thereby far less likely to.

And that's very simple to implement.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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12/05/2014 19:15
Would the upgrade end exactly 168 hours after purchase, or would the price drop from 7 day expiration be factored in at the start of each server day?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/05/2014 21:13
You'll get 7days worth...
Your first day you might only upgrade for a matter of minutes, but you receive the ads purchased the entire day; and on the last day; you don't receive any. As your ad will expire before midnight. So it balances out.
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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12/05/2014 22:36
Pistas rápidas de hoy han sido enviadas !

MyTrafficValue está aceptando BitCoin :

Informar sobre un monitor de la lista de problemas y ganar $ 1:

Deberíamos estar implementando una solución para el problema de la página en blanco en PaidVerts hoy. Y eso podría arreglar un montón de otras cosas también. Ya veremos cómo va ! También creo que con esa solución , que va a significar el regreso del botón Micro Anuncios . ¿Qué va a ser de gran utilidad en conseguir nuevos usuarios comenzaron .

PaidVerts es cada vez muy cerca de los 5.000 mejores sitios web más visitados en el mundo :

Las cosas van muy bien ; ayer fue casi un día de ingresos de $ 1000 ( para un domingo ); sin ningún tipo de ingresos de los juegos reales ... Así que cuando dimos con un buen día los ingresos de juegos + esta nueva línea de base, y estamos hablando de mucho dinero !

Nuestros beneficios medios / ingresos netos de los últimos 10 días es de $ 650/día . Y eso es a pesar de la transición a nuevos servidores ; básicamente eliminando la pena de 1-2days de resultados ... A este ritmo toda nuestra cola de vía rápida se borrará en 150 días ... Eso es 5 meses para el 250% de ROI .. O 1,66 % por día . Impresionante !

Y el pueblo inmediato comienzan a tomar ventaja de este potencial de ingresos ; Va cohete los ingresos aún más a través de la actualización de las tasas FT250 ... Verse bien !

En cuanto al dinero reinversión PV ; actualmente estoy invirtiendo $ 500 por día en el plan FT250 - ya que tenemos que aumentar los fondos prog. Eso es la celebración de este negocio de nuevo en estos momentos. Podríamos y deberíamos desarrollar mucho más ... En fin .. Con el exceso de dinero ; Estoy ahorrando para arriba hasta que tengamos lo suficiente para golpear el precio de las acciones de una sola vez ! ( Y esto también da tiempo para que la gente socavaron el precio , y PV GET un mejor trato en que es inversión! )

Las próximas actualizaciones para PV son ;
- Seguimiento de Referencia
- Defensas Antibot
- Reducir la tasa de error
- Actualización de los límites de PayPal
- Continúe agregando juegos BAP

Entonces tenemos un montón de cosas a la espera de tiempo de programación ;

- Las salas de chat
- Pago prueba de página
- Hoteles de tráfico Anuncios
- Añadir impresiones de banners adicionales para sus campañas
- Juegos Nueva Página índice para MTV
- Actualizar el Fast Track Queue Display
- Impuesto BAP
- Impuesto de inactividad
- Algunas actualizaciones de seguridad cuenta sencillos

Y eso es incluso antes de que las nuevas ideas, nuevos juegos , nuevos negocios subsidiarios. Tenemos mucho para construir ; que realmente tenemos que aumentar nuestros fondos prog. Podemos hacer esta cartera enourmous si me financio !

Jo smile

Promoción Depositante grande !
Si usted financia su cuenta con más de $ 5.000 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2014, le abonaremos en su cuenta con una actualización gratuita 365 días ( un valor de $ 2000) a nuestro Fast Track 250 Plan. Esto le permitirá a invertir $ 100 - $ 500 todos los días durante el próximo año en nuestra cola de vía rápida y sin comisiones , embolsándose el pleno retorno del 250% .
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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13/05/2014 04:43
So if you wait until near the end of the server day to buy your upgrade, you have the advantage of knowing how many ads you will get your first day from seeing how many ads were purchased.  However, if you wait until after the server day just rolled over and have confidence in the next 7 days rather than just the next 6 that have no results yet, you have the advantage of getting an upgrade at perhaps a lower cost if previously upgraded users haven't purchased another 7 day upgrade, since they will no longer be added to the incremental increase in price.  Seems quite fair.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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13/05/2014 06:42
Jo was the cron unblocked yet?
"There are a couple ads stuck in the cron at the moment... which would apply to his group. The programmers will unblock that shortly; and he'll either receive ads later today, or tomorrow.

The thing is that my ref didn't receive any 1% ads either today and he has 1000 BAP. Plus couldn't find any of my last 30 refs having paid clicks either. Just hoping there's a valid reason for this otherwise we could be looking at something that's driving our members away.
Traffic Value: $2,622.68265 Viet Nam
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13/05/2014 07:39
So when the upgrade open to purchase, in 0h of server or ????
I think it will make a time racer when people waiting to purchase the first upgrade slot, to earn the highest profit, like 110% plan a lot time ago.
The "Big $0,05" of colasanser maybe the best choice, people will purchase $19,99 to get ads until at least $xxx (xxx depend on Jo's calculation)
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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13/05/2014 08:41
Yes you can time your purchase to only buy the upgrade after a big ads day. That way you'll guaranteed get a certain performance out of your purchase.

* However, might be worth making your purchase early to discourage others from upgrading also.

But the time makes no difference; 1minute after midnight, or 23hours after midnight, you still get 7 days worth:

Buy at 11pm Sunday

Sunday Midnight = 1hr
Monday = 25
Tue = 49
Wed = 73
Thu = 97
Fri = 121
Sat = 145
Sun = 169 (not paid, as above 168)


The ads are no longer in my cron. But I don't know whether they were issued or deleted.

See if he receives any with todays issue. If not, let me know!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
13/05/2014 08:45
Will keep in touch, hope it's just a one time glitch.

By the way, the referral URLs have been added over the night! Awesome, thanks for pressing this up Jo!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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13/05/2014 09:25
Loads of errors on my ads..
Traffic Value: $182,371.42148 Macedonia
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13/05/2014 09:31
Same thing here. Only errors. Maybe every 10th time is confirmed. Please check. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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13/05/2014 09:57
The ad view errors are now getting the programmers full attention; as the white page view issue should be fixed now.

Paul: "I think I know what causes erros while confirming ad views, we'll try to fix that today"

Alex: "May I suggest you add the following lines in the index.php file for PV and MTV in the production case statment:
That way we will log the errors but not display them on the screen. Cause at the moment there is nothing interesting in the logs. Perhaps we will find something that is missing..."
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Forum - News - Mon 12th May - Daily News
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