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8th Sep - Daily News

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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
119 like this post 20 people
08/09/2015 17:00
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Bank wire is available again (to fully verified members) for deposits at


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An email I just sent to the programmers:

"Hey guys, we've decided on a number of changes for the sharemarket as the current sharemarket has big flaws.
This is 1 of many changes we're making in order to make our business-model more effective and more attractive.

Changes i'd like to implement to the current RP market:

1% trading fee instead of 0.25%

The 1% profit will be divided like this:
0.5% goes to the portfolio, 0.5% gets deducted as development funds

All bids/sales on the market can not be removed and will remain on the market for at least 24 hours.
If the bid/sale is not accepted after 24 hours, it will remain but the user will have the option to cancel it.
(Leave the option open for an admin to remove any bids/sales)

Reset the minimum limit of $0.01 on the market as it used to be before.
The minimum BAP limit should be set at 30/share.

Put up a notice on the Royalty Position market-page when you implement these changes that shows that the rules have been revised and in short the changes made on the market.

Reset the entire Royalty Position market, the BAP market included (remove bids and sales) before implementing these changes.
This in order to remove all bids under $0.01 and to make sure every RP on the market is part of the 24-hour system.

Frankly, we really need some regulations.
After a long time of brainstorming and having discussed many, many options these are the softest, yet in our opinion the most effective changes we can provide within a short period.

We'll have to see if they're gonna be as effective as we think they'll be and otherwise we'll have to adapt.
Remember, at MTV we're building something that most did not build before and we're also dealing with other clients then most stockmarkets/banks deal with.

As you can see I added 0.5% of the costs to the development funds.
We decided on changing the business-model a bit so we get development funds from different sources as in the end that's what makes our portfolio grow and makes us able to run this website without too many debt swaps.
Lately the ftq plans haven't got the desired attention and since most of you think the repayment times are too long we'll have to adapt to the current market situation.

The bigger fees will also expand the margins that daytraders need in order to profit, so the market will become more volatile and more exciting to the smaller users as well.

There will be many changes coming soon, changes that should make our portfolio a lot more profitable/attractive again.

Also, we got a message of PayPal today asking us to explain them how people can make purchases on our website and how they make money.
So today i'll be working on a "Paidverts-guide" with Catt, in order to give them a quick response and get us re-accepted.

Today's ad issue total: $5,672

BAP Group …... Percent (x100) …... $Available …... No. Users …. $ Ads /User
100 to 1599 …........ 0,000 …........ 0,000 155 17107 …........ 0,0000
1600 to 12k …........ 0,035 …........ 198.52 …........ 9286 …........ 0,0214
12000 to 24k …........ 0,022 …........ 124.784 …........ 3017 …........ 0,0414
24k to 48k …........... 0,052 …........... 294.944 …........ 3667 …........ 0,0804
48k to 96k …........ 0,110 …........ 623.92 …........ 4137 …........ 0,1508
96k to 180k …........ 0,125 …........ 709 …........ 2453 …........ 0,2890
180k to 360k …........ 0,155 …........ 879.16 …........ 1595 …........ 0,5512
360k to 720k …........ 0,152 …........ 862.144 …........ 780 …........ 1,1053
720k to 1.5m …........ 0,117 …........ 663.624 …........ 308 …........ 2,1546
1.5m to 3m …........ 0,082 …........ 465.104 …........ 113 …........ 4,1160
3m to 6m …........ 0,060 …........ 340.32 …........ 46 …........ 7,3983
6m to 20m …........ 0,038 …........ 215.536 …........ 15 …........ 14,3691
20m+ …........... 0,000 …........ 0 …........ 0 …........ ?#?DIV?/0!
50m+ …........... 0,026 …........ 147.472 …........ 2 …........ 73,7360
100m+ …........... 0,026 …........ 147.472 …........ 1 …........ 147,4720

Ads were sent as>
v Default $/ad (Quantity) 1x Ad 19x Ads Remaining
100 to 1599 …........ 0,002 …........ …........ …........ …........
1600 to 12k …........ 0,005 …........ 2 …........ 0,006 …........ 0,000 …........ 0,005
12000 to 24k …........ 0,010 …........ 2 …........ 0,012 …........ 0,000 …........ 0,009
24k to 48k …........ 0,020 …........ 2 …........ 0,024 …........ 0,001 …........ -0,003
48k to 96k …........ 0,030 …........ 3 …........ 0,045 …........ 0,002 …........ -0,022
96k to 180k …........ 0,040 …........ 4 …........ 0,087 …........ 0,003 …........ -0,015
180k to 360k …........ 0,050 …........ 6 …........ 0,165 …........ 0,006 …........ -0,028
360k to 720k …........ 0,100 …........ 6 …........ 0,332 …........ 0,011 …........ -0,035
720k to 1.5m …........ 0,200 …........ 5 …........ 0,646 …........ 0,022 …........ 0,090
1.5m to 3m …........ 0,250 …........ 8 …........ 1,235 …........ 0,041 …........ 0,102
3m to 6m …........ 0,500 …........ 7 …........ 2,219 …........ 0,074 …........ 0,273
6m to 20m …........ 0,750 …........ 10 …........ 4,311 …........ 0,144 …........ -0,178
20m+ …........ 1,000 …........ #DIV/0! …........ #DIV/0! …........ #DIV/0! …........ #DIV/0!
50m+ …........ 2,000 …........ 18 …........ 22,121 …........ 0,737 …........ 1,612
100m+ …........ 5,000 …........ 15 …........ 44,242 …........ 1,475 …........ 0,205
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
33 like this post 4 people
08/09/2015 17:01
NICE! grin

Finally something to prevent penny traders to control the RP Market...
Traffic Value: $11.99211 Pakistan
16 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:06
you missed to replace shares to Royalty Positions from header and the web address
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
2 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:18
Lol take a look in the Royal Positions market grin 
Traffic Value: $221.35504 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
4 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:18
really nice news <3

just repeating my post from previous tread because there was no answer

I would like someone to explain to me two offices we have. 
What is their relation to MTV? 
Are they our offices? 
Do we have ownership in them? 
Are we their only client? 
Who covers their expenses? 
Who shares their profit?

It is not an interrogation grin ... I just can't remember what was exactly said on this subject... 
Traffic Value: $28,874.86613 Viet Nam
0 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:23
Thank for the news.
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
08/09/2015 17:23
@mysty1908 MTV pays all the costs (the programmers are MTV, - and only MTV -  employees), they edit and fix everything on the site, there is not "profit" as you might be thinking, the profit is new games, optimizations and the site running properly grin
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
3 like this post 17 people
08/09/2015 17:31
Share price has f,,,,, up by this news. many people are losing now
Traffic Value: $9,256.78261 Slovenia
14 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:32
Did Marc just made my day? YES, he did !
Traffic Value: $470.67925 Macedonia
3 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:33
So, when will these changes take effect, approximately?

Great news btw, although not the best timing for me personally, as always... :/
Traffic Value: $221.35504 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:36
lemao08 tyvm for this explanation. I wasn't sure if those were our offices or independent ones that we just help to establish.  But now it is clear smile
Traffic Value: $4,476.34101 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:37
just lost 12k shares with these news. fuck, im unlucky
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
1 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:38
yep, me too wanna see how this changes will be effective grin nice things!
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:38
It is what i know, if i missed something or said something wrong, tell me the correct @peanutdude grin
Traffic Value: $470.67925 Macedonia
12 like this post 1 people
08/09/2015 17:41
Yall were so proud and kept bragging about all the risks you (daytraders) took and how you  doubled/tripled your shares. Yall forgot you were playing with fire, now here is your reminder. The point is, you shouldn't be whining. Not many people care, anyway. Plus, you'll get many opportunities to cover your losses, i'm sure.
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
0 like this post 1 people
08/09/2015 17:43
Can anyone explain me plese why/how people lose shares with these news? 
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
3 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:44

Actually each office is a separate company legally registered in the programmers names and are paid by a separate company ( I believe it is the same company that the current Paypal account is registered too).

Slosumo and another person owns the slovenia office and 2 of the programmers own the Poland office.

All the employees of each office are hired and paid by each office.

So I would assume each office sends a bill for labor to MTV (whether they mark up the labor or not I do not know) to be paid.

All the equipment was bought by MTV.

The offices are not rented by MTV, and the cost is probably added to the bill each company submits in order to get paid.

This only relates to the programmers working in the 2 offices, there are a couple of other programmers who work directly for MTV and do not work in or out of the 2 offices.
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
7 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:46
They were selling at a price, wait for the shares price to go below the sold price and buy back.  Usually making small profits with it but kept doing it again and again.  Now that the price rise fast they bought back higher than they sold, causing them loss.
Traffic Value: $1,803.80164 Pakistan
1 like this post 1 people
08/09/2015 17:46
good news thank God i didn't lose much just some sharesangel
Traffic Value: $707.59062 India
1 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 17:49
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