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8th Sep - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
1 like this post 3 people
08/09/2015 19:35
I don't think new changes will be active before one week. But when these will be implemented price will shoot, day trading will be reduced.
Traffic Value: $228.68304 Poland
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08/09/2015 19:39
Blackjack and Jack or Better are ready,you can play now wink
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 19:46
We don't know how the market will react to the changes. One thing we can be sure of. If there is a weakness or flaw in the plan, traders will soon discover it
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
26 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 19:51
I remember a few weeks back, I gave exactly the  same suggestion "increase in fee to 1%and 24 hours for a bid,  (I have just read that post)
at that time most of the guys disliked my suggestion, they strongly opposed my opinion, they called me a whiner, etc,,,,
Today, when Marc gave this idea, all are marching after him. This is annoying.
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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08/09/2015 19:54
You usually dont suggest good ideas @gashier, but this time i agree with you... You got more than 20 dislikes! Dont take it for the personal side xD
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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08/09/2015 19:59
glashier, it is annoying, true. But those who disagreed with your suggestion were probably persistant day traders and they won't like this change, that's for sure. Others, mostly small RP holders and RP keepers liked your suggestion.
I also like to day trade from time to time, but I like this move from our CEO, it will be much more interesting on RP market, because day traders will have two things to watch after when they put their sales/bids: 24 hours lock and higher trading fee.
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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08/09/2015 20:03
I do agree , after implementation of these rules, entire share market will be changed. Price will rise, BUT ONE THING WILL BE ANNOYING, share market will remain stuck for long time, because none will be able to cancel bid till next 24 hours. people will think twice . thrice before putting any bid. tongue
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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08/09/2015 20:06
And I wish it should not active before one/two weeks, so that I may recover my small loss (7k shares) that i got after daily news wink
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
63 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 20:10
Blackjack and Jacks or Better are live now!

And our forum search has been fixed! smile
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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08/09/2015 20:13
Looks like everything is coming to place now w00t
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 20:15
Search Forum works at last after many months

Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
2 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 20:18
Hi guys
I have just noticed very interesting thing (for me at least)
Marc wrote in news

Reset the entire Royalty Position market, the BAP market included (remove bids and sales) before implementing these changes.

how all active bids will be reset? Suppose changes are made on 20 Sep, 2015 when share price will be $0.013.
And they reset /remove all  bids,,, what will be the price
Will it be at 0.01$?
What will be scene for the guys who will have cash instead of shares
and if none will have cash at 20the September the price will have crossed $0.01.
I am not understanding it quite well.
How can Marc ensure that none lose anything on "reset day" (due to systematic changes).
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
4 like this post 0 people
08/09/2015 20:23
glashier, exactly this happened recently, in April, during BAP swap. The website was offline for few hours and when it appeared again, BAP market was empty! People were putting funny prices, but in just 15-20 minutes the market came to the balance (sellers vs buyers), or in other words the price was almost the same as before. I was lucky to see that by my own eyes. grin
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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08/09/2015 20:29
I don't think the 20th of September has anything to do with resetting the RP Market. And all standing order both buys & sells including BAP market will be wiped out. If the price is higher than .01 then I'm guessing the "new" market will open with that price. If it's below .01, it will be bumped up to meet the new rules. 
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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08/09/2015 20:32
but this time how will be implemented, its not a BAP market,
If people can understand exactly the scenario.None will sell his/her shares from now/tomorrow onward, because holding shares around reset days, are far better then keeping cash for buying shares.
so if all stop selling shares now, price will up automatically. it may reach to 0.1 before reset. Am i right?
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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08/09/2015 20:34
i think you are wrong grin
why no one should sell shares? it's better have cash instead shares wink
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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08/09/2015 20:35
mriley -

the share price before reset is useless, cause it will be reset to a certain value. whatever it is now.
It will quite interesting for me.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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08/09/2015 20:39
There's no worry.

There are two changes:

- Change in the plans as stated by Marc with full details to be shared in time. Keep reading the news as you all read it responsibly.

- Change in market with increase fee and freezed orders. All pending orders will be cleared meaning when the market opens with new rules the price will be what the users make of it with the new order to buy and sell.
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
1 like this post 1 people
08/09/2015 20:42

lets bet
If share price is 0.012 at the time of reset day(20 September wink)
and you have 100k shares

you have $1200 cash

MTV set price at 0.01 and re opens the market. BANG, BANG
It reaches to 0.09 in a few minutes (as it happened on 10 April, 2015)
Will you sharply manage to buy at 0.01 to 0.012 while thousand members will buying. or you will buy at 0.015. 0,02
or you will sell your 100k shares at 0.08????
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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08/09/2015 20:46
MTV will not set new price! It will be empty so whoever comes first after reset will be able to put whatever he wants but other people (market) will make a balance very soon. There will always be sellers and buyers, whatever the price is.
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