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Traffic Value: $8,897.67057 Italy
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17/09/2016 10:10
anyways let's wait for other news before shooting on marc, this coinflip is one idea, and as others here i don't think it will help much, but sure marc didn't think to resolve the situation with this 
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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17/09/2016 10:10
Where is link for new games ...
Traffic Value: $11,069.20771 Germany
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17/09/2016 10:13
Oh my God...
Paidverts is an advertising company!
What has to seek a new game? The old games are only for reduction of BAP.
For PV, we need new, external advertising ideas. Nothing else!
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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17/09/2016 10:15
I just want to reply to one point of freaks post.

We are going to eventually get that 3rd External Casino for all processors (that will allow it ofc).
It will also be a lot of fun b/c it will have all sorts of extra's.

They talked about this b4, and I've reminded us a few times as well.

Once that is built, MTV won't have games anymore.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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17/09/2016 10:23
I think this game is aiming to get more users to paidverts and have many advertisements as well. It's a good idea but i hope just one of many others to come.
Traffic Value: $2,085.27315 Lithuania
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17/09/2016 10:32
It looks more like an advertising app than a game.
Traffic Value: $2,018.34414 Lithuania
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17/09/2016 11:21
Marc, you have to connect members who will play this new game, that is the main reason it can become popular. With the ability to upgrade your bot and become better then others that is the way to go, really. Just for fun or to make money very little people will play, but if you connect its members and make it as a competition many people can play it and spend money (even if they will loose) just because a possibility of becoming better then others, and better does not mean have more or bigger wins. It is like all other online multiplayer games, no one would invest money in order to build their city faster if they could not concur someone else. Really, dont let this new game just be something simple, make it a stand out game. It can be done very simple, there is no need of large wolds or maps, just an imitation and possibility of upgrading your character. This kind of game you can add to play store and other and this can really bring external source of income, a big one even.

Please take my word seriously and think about it, it is really worth to build.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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17/09/2016 11:34
I believe we first need a new MTV website. We are a crowd funding website. But where is the crowd funding?

Post a project on the new MTV website and collect money from investors to build it. If there is not enough money for a project then don't build it either wait longer to gain the money or refund the investors.

Now MTV is a crowdfunding company where you can not invest anymore. The shares are not an investment because we don't have the amount of people to buy them anymore. The balance is gone between the amount of people buying them and the amount available on the market.

I don't think new products will.make a change. Stop developing and let the investors get back their ftq payments first instead of giving the money to develop more products.
Traffic Value: $219.3603 Serbia
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17/09/2016 12:01
I mean, maybe there are some new members of MTV and PV, that are naive enough to "play games for money".. but the old members that understand those games (it's like every single time I start playing those so called games, I lose... ), wants from those on the top to start being more creative..not chasing their tails all the time...

If you want some ideas, ask us... we are, as a group, 10 times smarter and creative then few of you "in charge"..

happy earnings..
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
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17/09/2016 12:19
crowd funding was DAO, where they got 150m$ in one month or was it one week? I dont remeber. We got what, 1% of that in 3 years? 

I find it funny how all were talking about multiplayer poker and how they would play it everyday and how this will be mtv saviour. Even at times when Jo was still here. And we check results of poker today and I see $3.20619 . Mtv has wrong crowd, we came here to earn money and instead we are getting something else. Its like selling cars at grocery shop.Some might buy it but not many. 
MTV was always advertised as platform to make money and not gambling website (since most of our revenues are from gambling). But still it all kinda was running when there were lots of people. 
Do you remember when every daily news got 30 or more pages? (some were spam but not all 30) We have now usually 3-5 pages max, except if smth big happens(whether is good or bad). 
What mtv now has is 100k users that bought rps at avarage 5 cents and now hope for mtv to get back to that so they can cashout and leave for good. I used to spend quite some time on mtv page, look at market and all, but now I check weekly for few minutes, I usually even dont bother logging in to write a comment. 

We got that bitcoin and pf casino and bmf but dunno, i guess its all too late. Since we dont have many active users not many use it, resulting in poor results.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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17/09/2016 12:28
meanwhile, i did some "shopping" :

Responsible Gaming
You have permamently excluded yourself from playing our games

Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
8 like this post 1 people
17/09/2016 12:37
Nobody here can see the big picture.
You don't get it.

We are going to pay our bills with coin flip coins.tongue
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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17/09/2016 12:39
i hope the other parts of the upcoming news will be news that the crowd is really looking for
Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
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17/09/2016 14:04
If we are allready into games..

Why dont we build games like travian, hattrick style.. People always play games like this. We can earh with advertising, selling in game items etc..
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
6 like this post 1 people
17/09/2016 14:36
I really think its time for a B plan. What happens if MTV can't pay the bills? PaidVerts os generating enough to pay it, but the debt is not reducing and we all know what happens when PaidVerts turns slow. Meanwhile, we are paying the bills and creating... Nothing? Non played Games? Games with negative revenues? (ShootOutChamps, SuperSlots).
By the way, how much did TA generate since it's launch? It was months ago and cost MTV much money to build it...
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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17/09/2016 14:47
the better way are...list down all project u want to create...and estimate the cost...and let members invest on it...the profit from the project/portfolio will be return back to investor...according to percentage profit...I like to invest to good project/portfolio...
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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17/09/2016 14:53
@donsoulz and remember to double the estimated cost. If something in MTV can go wrong, it surely will.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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17/09/2016 15:06
A while ago a user said something that made total sense to me:''why not build a number of small projects instead of a very big one''.Even if you have 20 small projects generating 2$/day you would have 40$/day.And if you have some original ideas you could hit jackpot with any of them.With the big ones its just a hit or miss situation.Why not make a btc faucet,a chat for websites,etc,etc.You could make the chat free and add advertising in it as a way of free users paying for it.If you want an ad free chat you could purchase a premium plan.There are very expensive chats for websites,why not build an alternative.
Go for small projects and build up.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
3 like this post 1 people
17/09/2016 15:10
People don't give up now when the legalisation is in progress. We have been  in worse condition. Once Marc saved this company,  he could have succeeded again. But he must focus on one thing he shouldn't be distracted with other things.
Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
17 like this post 0 people
17/09/2016 15:20
I consider myself as semi-big 'fish' (in terms of investing) here at MTV.
By now, I have invested for sure somewhere around 1500$ (via Skrill) and some of them cashed-out with profits, some of them 'lost' in the sw@ps. Nevertheless of the end-situation.. I kept investing and juggling with the money.


that was when we had something to make investors interested.. even though it was kinda HYIPy, ponzi or whatever... there was incentive for me to invest in here...

Nowadays, we see that the overall health of PV/MTV is getting better and better... BUT, what do we do to bring other (semi-)investors like myself into the site ???

Games, Casinos, New Games, reworked Games, advertising platform...???

That's good, but for those who like to gamble or need impressions on their website...

For me and other investors.. there is nothing left, nothing to invest in.. (please don't bring me the crappy 'buy-low-sell-high' concept or long-term...) no FTQ, after calculations you'll see that the BAP ROI is not acceptable.. RP's not worth investing in.. (just see druthx's case, invested 10k$ in RP's a year ago, bought them at 1cent, and now they're worth... x5 times less)

As you can see from RPCP, I'm slowly but surely packing my backpack and leaving the site...
My last investment in the FTQ of around 270$... will take probably years to complete with this tempo.. and it's only in the #115 round. S-a-d.

Not that I'm complaining or something, I'm having great time with this great community we got here.. I'm just expressing my humble opinion... and there are hundreds of guys feeling the same as I do... There's nothing left for investors here at MTV..
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