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17th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
28 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:15
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

* Reminder *
If you find a security exploit within MTV/PV, and you tell us about it (without first trying to cashout/spend your illgotten gains - we'll give you a $100 cash finders fee!

I've cleared almost all pending cashouts; just STP, a couple BTC and half a dozen PP remaining.

I'll go through some of the bitcoin tickets next; I doubt i'll get to them all today though. As they take ages to verify and add manually.

We've placed an order for 2 more servers, as PV's traffic was on fire last night. And the servers were at 95% CPU usage. So very nearly at the point of failure. So that'll bring us up to 7servers; with the following arrangement:

We might be able to add another 1-2 www servers to this setup; but we're going to have to do something with the database soon. Either split it up into two parts, on two separate servers (ie. separate the BAP games from the rest of the database). Or switch it over to NoSQL; and look into database replication. That'll be a big waste of programming time; but something we'll have to invest into after the Multiplayer Poker development. And it might actually happen at the same time as Poker; as we'll have to do some special setup there; regarding dedicated gaming servers perhaps ... as gaming traffic could potentially be huge; if there are 1000+ people playing at the same time - great for revenues, but a nightmare for server traffic ... anyway, we'll see what the programmers come up with!

Todays PV Ad Issue:
1,733,000+ bulk ad packs sold to date!
+$15,251.75 additional banner impressions
+$1,062.96 cheap ad purchases
+$2361.00+ solvemedia captcha revenues

BAP Group …........ Percent (x100) …........ Dollar Value …......... Participants …......... Ads Per User

100 to 1599 …............... 0 …............... 0 …............... 7937 …............... 0
1600 to 12000 …............... 0.04 …............... 770 …............... 5531 …............... 0.1392153318
12000 to 24000 …............... 0.0275 …............... 529.375 …............... 2044 …............... 0.258989726
24k to 48k …............... 0.05 …............... 962.5 …............... 1781 …............... 0.5404267266
48k to 96k …............... 0.07 …............... 1347.5 …............... 1491 …............... 0.9037558685
96k to 180k …............... 0.08 …............... 1540 …............... 1172 …............... 1.3139931741
180k to 360k …............... 0.09 …............... 1732.5 …............... 851 …............... 2.035840188
360k to 720k …............... 0.0775 …............... 1491.875 …............... 524 …............... 2.8470896947
720k to 1.5m …............... 0.085 …............... 1636.25 …............... 313 …............... 5.2276357827
1.5m to 3m …............... 0.105 …............... 2021.25 …............... 165 …............... 12.25
3m to 6m …............... 0.095 …............... 1828.75 …............... 82 …............... 22.3018292683
6m to 20m …............... 0.1 …............... 1925 …............... 43 …............... 44.7674418605
20m+ …............... 0.09 …............... 1732.5 …............... 15 …............... 115.5
50m+ …............... 0.04 …............... 770 …............... 2 …............... 385
100m+ …............... 0.05 …............... 962.5 …............... 1 …............... 962.5

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $128.88901 India
9 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:17
Wah wah wahhhhhh

Nice ads 

Thanks @jo grin
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
9 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:17
Nice ads issue today Jo!
I would split the database and separate the gambling one into another server.. might even make things safer!
Traffic Value: $100.03615 Jordan
4 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:18
Nice increase grin noticed a lot of ads today, whats up with that?
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
6 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:18
It's good to hear that PV has huge traffic, even thought that means some trouble for Jo and team, this is amazing sign that shows us how huge potential we have and how much we are growing i mean we are at 31k active users daily now! How amazing is that!?

and also 6300 online at this moment !
Traffic Value: $2,361.11494 United States
3 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:20
Thank you Jo. Just received my 1st payment grin
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:23
Thanks Jo. Another awesome ads day.

Some questions:

1. Where do you keep the hardware.

2. When and where to the solve media revenues be distributed.

3. Where do you put the cheap ads revenue.

Sorry if you already answered this questions.

Amazing work.
Traffic Value: $76.40605 Romania
0 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:26
Great news, Jo.
Adding two additional servers will prevent the servers to crash like one/two months ago smile
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:27
That server setup is getting impressive. Like the proactive thinking.
Better prepared, then sorry. 

Great adissues too this week. 
In short it is rocking. 
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:31

1. No answer

2. Quote from Jo old post:  "but we won't get paid via SolveMedia for at least 8 weeks"

3. Cheap ads revenue is set under PaidVerts, just open paidverts under the daily revenue and roll down a little, cheap ads revenue is placed under the bulk ads revenue 

smile I hope that helped you. 
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:36

Any news about the shares instant market with out needing for your approval? That should be great as than many people with skill have option to earn via MTV by  trading shares, and this means bigger income from fees 
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:41

Thanks. You just answered one of the questions but i'll guess that will have to do.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:42
Actually 2 since he said the revenue from captchas will take 8 weeks.
About the server´s whereabouts.. that´s something only Jo can answer I guess wink
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
8 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:50
1. Where do you keep the hardware.
We're hosted with iweb. It's all in their datacenters.

2. When and where to the solve media revenues be distributed.
Not sure yet. We'll get our first payment ($1400) in about 30days. I'll likely do a random ad issue to distribute those revenues... Probably just issue them all as $0.05 ads.

3. Where do you put the cheap ads revenue.
Cheap ad revenues go to the MTV portfolio. And the ad values themselves go to users. It just helps us remove our BAP debt. As they consume the BAP that Bulk Ads otherwise would have to cover.

* We'll update the stats summary page at some point; to better show the daily BAP debt removal. Currently the stats are all over the place. We need to improve the display.


And I dont know about the shares thing yet... Waiting on the programmers. It'll randomly happen at some point.
Traffic Value: $3.42228 Italy
0 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:52
 hi jo,
sorry but this is the only way to contact you, i take a ticket but anyone replay me.

i would change upliner to telemaco

thanks in advance
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
9 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:53
Todays revenues might be good... almost $7k already. And 6330+ users online right now. Busy busy!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
3 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 15:54
@giovanni01 You cant change uplines.....
and they will get to your ticket eventually... just a bit short handed at the moment

@Jo it seems to be interesting... everytime you issue a big ad day people advertise more... at least it happens to me a lot, when I get some good earnings I run and buy ads so my BAPs will rise faster.... it could be the start of a neverending loop that will be VERY beneficial.
Traffic Value: $16.73121 Albania
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17/10/2014 15:54
Yeah please see those bitcoin tickets!
Traffic Value: $529.08424 United Kingdom
3 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 16:03
I would definitely provision a server separate for gaming. Splitting the database also seems like a wise option. 
Traffic Value: $1,909.96027 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
17/10/2014 16:07
Again very nice ads. Thanks Jo. smile
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