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17th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
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17/10/2014 18:29
I dont want to sell it. Dont have time for clicking for quite some time..
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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17/10/2014 18:45
Definitively at least 2 dedicated servers: 1 for PV (withi its own forum) and 1 for Games as discussed some weeks ago. I dont know if it is accurate to have one for MTV (not gaming part). Maybe one third one. Plus more servers for the DB: 1 for PV and 1 for Games.

Good ads today.
Traffic Value: $230.34065 Indonesia
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17/10/2014 19:15
Good news that you are taking those tickets... dont forget to also check my ticket :p
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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17/10/2014 20:27
Would it be a horrible idea for Jo on the username Jo to buy up shares until hes 51% majority owner. That would increase Jo's stake to true majority percentage control. It would really reduce the number of shares in general public circulation. I know this could create a liquidity issue for Jo in the short term. Long term the dividends would be much bigger for Jo each week. There are no big investors jumping on buying a majority stake. Jo could just be that person slowly over time with all that Jo does his stake is really pretty low. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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17/10/2014 20:44
I can't buy shares with money that doesn't exist. That would destroy our liquidity, and force a debt swap.

But there are a few people soaking up shares pretty much continously. PV is holding ever more; and there are more and more people entering the system that'll want to hold at least a few shares - so the demand is increasing, and supply will decrease as soon as these short term sellers are exhausted.

Just a matter of time...
People selling now is a temporary issue - and once done the share price will rocket 10-100fold this winter / early 2015 I should think. Especially if we keep growing the way we are.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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17/10/2014 20:57
You think we are gonna increase our share-prizes at a 10-100 fold in 2-3 months? Not gonna happen unless we divide them by 10 again and sweep the pending shares.. Which would start to look unrealistic at 380 million shares.
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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17/10/2014 21:01
And there goes the share price...
Traffic Value: $13,962.16825 Australia
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17/10/2014 21:20
... E - x - p - e - r - i - m - e - n - t - a - l Fund !

Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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17/10/2014 21:21
hmmm, Marc i think we should wait for dividing shares until like early 2015 and than do it just x5 instead x10 as i agree, 380 mil shares is just to much.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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17/10/2014 21:22
Marc have you already forgotten what share prices looked like when Henry was buying?  We haven't even topped that yet, adjusted for the 10x split, and he was just buying with profits from one program he ran.
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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17/10/2014 21:29
Mike can you explain to me either it's good or bad and how it works, i never lived thru one of them
Traffic Value: $892.42899 India
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17/10/2014 21:33
nice revenue today

Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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17/10/2014 21:38
Whether what's good or bad?  A stock split or a debt swap?  I've been through one of the former and three of the latter, and each one was a great opportunity, although accompanied by panic and drama.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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17/10/2014 21:43
When was the first share split. On July this year? Or it already happen in the past?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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17/10/2014 21:58
Share splits are meaningless. You own the same amount of MTV. Just rather than 1 share, there are 2 or 10 that constitute the same total value. Thereby you can sell half a share, or 1/10th of a share. Thereby making it more affordable for a micro user to own a tiny piece of MTV.

Currently with 38million shares, we require $2000 of turnover to pay the "minimum dividend" ; which is $0.00001/share.
If we split that in 10... we'd require $20k turnover per week in order to pay the minimum dividend per share. So in a low volume week, we may have to roll the dividend over to the next day.

That's the one and only limitation with share splits. We need a minimum turnover per week to pay a dividend to the inevitable user that owns only 1 share.


Anyway, I think by February the share price will increase at least 10fold. And frankly, it could happen at almost any time. PV is at a breakout point. It's huge and millions of dollars could come in overnight at any point.

30k users * $100 ad purchase = $3m overnight!

And that 30k users will hopefully turn into 50k+ by Christmas... Big big money is incredibly close. Our share price will figure that out at some point!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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17/10/2014 22:20
I know exactly what a share-split does.
But it works on most people.
 They don't like selling shares for 2 cents, they feel like they're giving them away for free if they do so, while it's the same value they're holding as before.
But that's how it worked the first time as well.
By share splitting you could also sweep all the pending share-sales, that would help us push the shareprizes quicker as well.
Those were the 2 points I just mentioned.
Traffic Value: $892.42899 India
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18/10/2014 00:10
Again we made it $10,005.11961
Traffic Value: $0.15212 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
18/10/2014 09:03
i recieve low value ads...why friends
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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18/10/2014 09:27
14$ under our yearly record sad The gamers prevented us from reaching a new high this year.

But there will be another shot soon!

This week there's been a load of investments. There will be amazing dividends on monday! And there's loads of development funding right now!
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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18/10/2014 10:10
2 Records broken (almost three):

PV biggest single day revenue for MTV: $7,058.
Source: or
Last record broken was at 02-10-2014 with $6,665.
That represents an increase of ~5.9%.
This is the first time that PV crosses $7000 in revenues for MTV!
We sold $42,214.00 worth of bulk ads yesterday
Last record was at 02-10-2014 with $40,185 of bulk ads package sold.
That represents an increase of ~5.0%
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